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Denied ✦ wethecreature Hospital Application ✦


Level 106

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):

wethecreature (college account.)

What is your discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:

The level of my activity would have to be a 7-8 out of 10. I am only on around half the week but when I am on I am on for a long enough amount of time to give up for any lost SRP time while doing stuff IRL. I recently have been involved in less factions and teams on SRP (and now am just recently returning to the factions and stuff) but what I've done and have been doing I can list below:

SHRINE (past)
The first faction I was involved in fully was Shrine, which I was in for around 4-5 months as a Maiden. It was one of my favorite factions by far and I hope to return in the future.

I would've stayed in Shrine, but a new character I made was meant to be a professor ( I didn't have the means to purchase an alt) so I left Shrine and applied for Professor. I was in Professor for a few months and it wasn't my favourite at the time. I switched subjects a few times before I left but I mainly taught Acting and Improv before switching.

Throughout my Shrine and Professor times, I had attempted to join the Event Team, and on my fourth try (I am such a persevering person, right?), I was accepted. From March 2023 - November 2023 (ish), I was a dedicated Event Team member. I have planned or helped plan a few events, the Tanabata Festival being my event specifically (with the help of DivingBlues as a writer for Tanabata Festival lore and some event team members as event characters.) I also notably RPed as the "Babadook" spirit (I love him, and you should too) during October.

Government was the second-most recent faction I was in, and I was just trying out a new faction. I was unable to feel much enjoyment in achieving government quota and RPing government so I left not long after I joined.

GANGRP (past)
I was involved in GangRP a little bit after that, however, this was because I wanted to test out my skills with writing and test the bounds of my creativity. I created a criminal organization, the "Spring-Gift Cult" and tried to rack up members and create an intricate lore and an interesting story. Unfortunately, inactivity caused me to have to stop the project, but it was really enjoyable while it lasted and it was the first gang I was able to almost bring into an actual light.

TEACHER (past)
The last true faction I was involved in was the academic faction (for the second time) as a teacher but stress from other priorities made it impossible for me to achieve my quotas and I eventually left to take a break from trying to make priorities on SRP.

CURRENT (current?! :o)
At the moment, I haven't been in a faction in around... four months. It's been pretty refreshing and my school year is almost over, giving me all the time I need to begin a new faction adventure! I've recently just been exploring my writing and making new characters. I am now recently attempting to apply for shrine and now hospital.

What is your timezone?:
MST (I believe. I hate timezones and they confuse me.)

List your current and past applications:

Oh god. Here we go.

Event Application #4
Portuguese Application
Russian Application
Shrine Application #1
Professor Application
Reporter Application
Governor Application #2
Event Team Application #1
Event Team Application #2
Event Application #3
Lore Team Application #1
Lore Team Application #2
Shrine Application #3

List your current roles on the server:
wethecreature - Adult, College
bethecreature - Adult, Snail

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
This wasn't truly roleplay, but I've always had an affinity for writing. I have no pieces from when I was little but since I was a wee laddssy I've had a creative mind that fueled my interest in roleplay.

In terms of faction and community team roleplay experience, see above, however, roleplay in general as well as writing, I can give a separate description.

I first became a roleplayer in mid-2021, on SRP. To be honest, I didn't get much from this first stretch-of-time on SRP since I quit because I wasn't enjoying it. I eventually came back later, as you'll hear.

In late 2021, I joined a different server, and I've been RPing on it since (won't name the server for obvious reasons). From there I grew a passion for roleplaying and from then on I grew better with writing.

Now that I was particularly interested in roleplay, I felt the need to check out SRP again. As read above, I began joining factions and participating in roleplay. Although I wasn't truly participating, I tried GangRP for a long time, and failed at it a lot, since I was a new player the whole time. After this, I tried Shrine and that was my first taste of true roleplay. Since then, I've gotten used to roleplay etiquette and stuff like that.

What is your motivation for applying?

Which role are you applying for?


What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
- HIGHERUPS (Directors, Supervisors, Managers)
↳ Description:

The lead member(s) of a hospital, running the behind-the-scenes. They may still be involved as a worker at the hospital, performing check-ups, surgeries, counseling, etc., but their main purpose is to work as the manager and behind-the-scenes worker.

↳ Description:

First responders which travel at fast speeds to pick up people in need of immediate medical help. They are the ones who most typically respond to emergency calls.

↳ Description:

Medical practitioner who works to give shots, surgeries, check-ups, etc, to animals, typically people's pets.

↳ Description:

General medical practitioners, who give check-ups, medical procedures, and can administer prescriptions for medications and supplies.

↳ Description:

Medical practitioners who typically deal with mental illness and administer medicine for this, giving therapy and counsel as well. They identify any mental illness and often help with addiction.

↳ Description:

Medical students, or recently graduated medical students who are observing and learning with supervision of experienced practitioners the ins-and-outs of the medical field.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?

In-Character (IC) Section

Character’s Full Name:

"My name is Ryuijn Kotagawa."

Pronounced as [R-eye-you-jin] or [R-eye-you-ee-jin]. Doesn't particularly matter.

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
"I am female, and I'd like to be addressed by she/her pronouns."

Character’s Age (if accepted):
"I am thirty-three years young."

Character’s Academic Background:
"The contents of my academic background are that I originally went to business school, however, I went back to school later and pursued medical studies. I have a Master's in Business, a Bachelor's in Biochemistry, and an M.D."

Bachelor's in Biochemistry (Returning to Schooling)
Master's in Business
Doctor of Medicine (Returning to Schooling)

Character’s Nationality:
"I am Japanese."

Character’s Marital Status:

Character’s Religious Denomination:
"I am unsure of my true religious devotion, but I do believe in the existence of supernatural entities and the idea of a god."

Character’s Spoken Languages:
"I speak JSL."
(I need to rerequest JSL on my account since it got removed and remove a different language.)

Character Backstory:
Ryuijin Kotagawa was born to a loving set of parents, however, early in her life, her father disappeared. Although she likes to lie to herself that he disappeared not of his own accord, her mother often told her that he was not a man to live up to. When she was younger, she was often plagued with visions of ghouls and mysterious people in her mother's restaurant at night (they lived right above it) when she went down to grab a glass of water or a midnight snack. They often told her of her failures and that her parents would not be proud. Although these were likely projections of her insecurities, the cacophony of those dreams rang in her ear every moment she doubted herself. This only let her dig a deeper hole.

As she grew older, her mother got busier and had to focus more on the restaurant and a little less on praising Ryuijin's work at school and the restaurant. Ryuijin suddenly began to feel as though she wasn't good enough and that her mother disliked her. From then on, her self-struggle to make her mother proud was a motive that drove every goal. From a crush to an assignment, all she wanted to do was make her mother feel pride in her. Although her mother felt proud, Ryuijin allowed this delusion to continue too long, and it became her reality.

When her mother grew too old, Ryuijin inherited the business and made many changes that she was afraid her mother would dislike. She made the business a larger chain and formed a board of directors. She placed herself at the head. Her fear of her mother's disapproval drove her further into thinking this a reality and started to seep into every aspect of life. She grew insecurities about every little thing. As her mother and her drifted apart (due to Kotagawa herself fearing her disapproval) she created the idea that her mother wanted to be away from her.

In an attempt to take a breath, she stepped down from the president of the board and became a lower member. This, she feared, would anger her mother, which caused her, to again, distance herself. She would, after realizing that taking time to herself was only giving her more time to create more delusions and cracks in her life, step up as the CEO of the company, and in attempts to distract herself, left to try to make a business deal in Karakura. However, after meeting Goemon Asōgi, she decided to stay longer to be with him. However, her inability to report back to the board whilst starting a whole separate life in Karakura caused the board to remove her as CEO, therefore removing her family entirely from the family restaurant. She was so disappointed in herself and afraid of her mother's disappointment that she stayed in Karakura. She trusted that her life with Goemon would go well allowing her to make her mother proud finally by starting a family. However... no. No. Things just can't be perfect, can they? Goemon and her relationship fell apart as they got into frequent arguments and he told her to get her shit together in her life. This broke her. It sent her into a smile. Her life was in shambles? No. No. No. No. Not at all.

And so she left. Perhaps she needed some time to pursue other ventures she had thought about.

What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?

Psychiatry. She has always been intrigued by the mind and believes that focusing on this in her future would be a beneficial study. She has had mental issues herself and learning about stuff like this would allow her to help others and herself. She finds it very interesting to observe things as well, specifically people, and mentality is a big part of a person, so this further interests her.

With this interest, she decided to pursue a specialty in Psychiatry.

What medical residencies did your character take after medical school?
Dr. Kotagawa took residency in Hokkaido for a short time, however, as a newcomer to medical work, she hasn't done much yet, and intends to continue her training at the Karakura Hospital.

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
Kotagawa has no experience in a full-time medical position.

Has your character completed any additional schooling?
Any additional schooling other than medical studies was earlier in her studies when she was originally a businesswoman. However, obligations forced her to give up a life of business and turn to a new horizon.

Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?

Appearance-wise, Ryuijin is a pretty woman with locks of blond, light-brown hair. She stands with a well-composed posture, standing a little taller than many other people in Karakura (other than the hot russian men). She has a light complexion, almost a little pale. She has abnormally luscious eyelashes around her empty, gray eyes. Many might perceive her to appear as an emotionless husk, her expression a never-ending pokeface.

Personality-wise, she comes of just as composed. She is a respectable woman who appears to have her life together and her priorities set. She acts rather emotionless, but still she carries a sense of authority and power. What a girlboss, isn't she? No. She's not. You're wrong. Despite this facade, the longer you know her the more her colours shine through. You could be happy she's coming out of her shell, but you wouldn't be happy for long since she is a very unstable woman deep down. Calling her out for her mistakes in her life overall could send her spiraling or even worse, put her out to get you. She is quite the obessive person. Obsessed with perfection, obsessed with her exes, and obsessed with her image as a composed woman.

Others, until they know her well enough, will most likely come to perceive her as a hard-working, composed, and respectable indvidual. Are the wrong? Not neccessarily. Are the right? Not neccessarily. Those who get to know her more may see her true colours shine bright like a diamond, and that may push them away, however, this will take long enough for her to stop herself from spiraling into her dark place.

How does your character act on and off duty?
She acts relatively the same. Professional, composed, respectful. When with friends, she may loosen her belt of composure just a notch, but otherwise she remains a husk. On duty, she is most professional and tries to avoid moments of vulnerability or disharmony.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Ryuijin is an introvert, only social when neccessary. She's willing to speak up for what she believes in, but she won't be seen having a long conversation with Kinnosuke or Verena Asōgi before work about some inane something that happened somewhere at sometime.

What plans does your character have for the future?
Kotagawa plans to advance her career in the medical studies, becoming a renowned psychiatrist who gets things done and gets things done the right way. All of this is in the vain goal of making her mother proud. All of this means nothing in reality, as her mother needs none of this from her. She hopes as well that she can reconnect with her daughter, Blaire Togomi, whose life she often fades in and out of.

If she is to become a pyschiatrist, her goal is to advance her career ( as said above ) by pursuing promotions and raises. She hopes to become a higher-up worker at the hospital in the future and become a more successful woman. Her goals behond this are blurry, often something about cultivating a family and making her mother proud, blurred in with odd phantasms of cathartic vengeance against those who have wronged her.

(Application may be updated systematically over the course of the next few weeks.)
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Level 236
Hospital Lead
Media Coordinator

Thank you for taking the time to apply, however, we have decided to deny this application. This is due to the following reasons:
Often times, we have to deny good applications as there are others that have been deemed as better choices, whether it's due to server reputation, application detail, and much more.

This decision was made as a collective among a group of individuals. rather than a single individual. If you have any further inquiries, you may contact me - 6pancake - via DMs. Otherwise, any DMs to members of the faction and/or higher-ups will be ignored and referred to this response.

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