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  1. adalynoc


    What's your Minecraft Username?: Adalynok What's your suggestion?: When people use &k in their nicknames and then type in the chat, it usually causes lag. While it's not a big deal if just one person sends a message, it becomes really annoying and distracting during roleplay. The rapid...
  2. adalynoc

    Thank you, SRP <3

    Thank you for your opinion.
  3. adalynoc

    Apartment/House privilages

    What's your Minecraft Username?: adalynok What's the title of your suggestion?: Apartment/House privilages What's your suggestion?: I believe that some people shouldn't be allowed to own apartments if they’re going to turn them into trap houses or use them for illegal activities. If someone...
  4. adalynoc

    Rules of Dice || Addy's Blackmarket Dealer application.

    OOC INFORMATION: IGN: (Please also list any of your alternate accounts) adalynoc (main) adalynok (alt) (applying on this account) adalynfr (alt) Previous bans/warns/kicks: None, no bans, warns, or kicks, CRYSTAL CLEAR DAWG! Describe your activity on the server: I have been a member of the...
  5. adalynoc

    stay away

    @Infi stay away.
  6. adalynoc

    Adalyn's AMA

    ask me questions, i might answer (I won't) im not answering a single question you ask, so don't do it.
  7. adalynoc

    Denied Zaldoria's Second Shop Application | Joi-Kon

    What is your Minecraft username?: I currently have three accounts. Zaldoria (main and account I'm applying on) airodlaZ Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): @Zaldoria How old are you? (Optional): 21 years old What is your time zone?: EST Describe your activity on...
  8. adalynoc

    Denied Zaldoria || Auffallen Shop Application

    Player Information What is your Minecraft username?: I currently have three accounts. Zaldoria (main and account I'm applying on) airodlaZ Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): Adalyn#0001 How old are you? (Optional): 20 years old What is your time zone?: Eastern...
  9. adalynoc

    airodlaZ || car missing

    IGN: airodlaZ VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: 1987 grand Jeep Wagoneer EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: again, old screenshots because i suck at documentation, however the car is clearly mine. Car was purchased on ign "zaldoria" will be sure to document newer screenshots, in the future. I just never...
  10. adalynoc

    Zaldoria || Missing car

    IGN: Zaldoria VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: 1983 Jaguar XJ6 EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: again older screenshots, but i supplied DMs between me and Yonio regarding the original taxpay back in november.
  11. adalynoc

    Car missing from inventory.

    IGN: airodlaZ VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: 1987 Grand Jeep Wagoneer EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: These are old screenshots from my previous request as I don't really document things, but The car is clearly mine.
  12. adalynoc

    Disable LOOC in the court viewing area

    IGN: Zaldoria DATE: 7/3/2023 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Disabling LOOC in the court spectator/viewing area HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: When a public court case is ongoing and people are spectating, the chat tends to get flooded due to the massive amount of players...
  13. adalynoc

    Ezri Akai | Biography

    will update later sometime lmao
  14. adalynoc

    Cars in my editmode inventory and are gone

    IGN: Zaldoria VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: 1983 Jaguar XJ6, 1987 Grand Jeep Wagoneer EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I was in editmode, and for some reason the cars despawned and went into my editmode inventory and when i cleared my editmode inv they got cleared as well I literally just got the...
  15. adalynoc

    locked chests in house

    USERNAME: Zaldoria APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): [1732 18 826,] [1741 18 815] [1738 24 826] ISSUE: private chests from previous owner. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  16. adalynoc

    Milo H. Dutch the Philosophy Professor | Biography

    Voice sample!
  17. adalynoc

    Accepted airodlaZ - Professor Application

    OOC SECTION What is your Minecraft username?: airodlaZ (Applying on this account) Zaldoria Do you have any previous bans/warnings?: Nope! I have never been punished on the server. What is your time zone?: Eastern Standard Timezone What is your discord username and discriminator? (e.g...
  18. adalynoc

    Region issues | Zaldoria

    USERNAME: Zaldoria APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): X 1430 Y 44 Z 1338 ISSUE: I cannot delete this entire mini building inside ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
  19. adalynoc

    private sign messed up in apartment | Zaldoria

    USERNAME: Zaldoria (apartment owner: Roanantic) APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): X: 1295 Y: 37 Z: 1324 ISSUE: can't access private sign ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Recently had regions fixed in my apartment, and admin who fixed it must've mispelled the sign "Zeldoria" instead of "Zaldoria"
  20. adalynoc

    Region issues | Zaldoria

    USERNAME: Zaldoria (apartment owner: Roanantic) APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): X: 1295 Y: 37 Z: 1324 ISSUE: Region issues in the entire apartment. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Here is a screenshot, GREEN is where I can place blocks. These issues exist elsewhere in the apartment, but this is...