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  1. -kam

    Bike go poof

    IGN: kamxie VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Green Bicycle EVIDENCE:
  2. -kam

    Accepted Highschool Council | Ludovica Ludavitch.

    OOC SECTION GENERAL INFORMATION What is your Minecraft Username?: kamxie What is your timezone?: GMT Please provide your Discord tag: mckamsym Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending): Describe your activity on the server: I think that i...
  3. -kam

    kams AMA [like no limit]

    do your thing. im just following the trend boys
  4. -kam

    Jeong Amorosa Mitsu. "Somebody more than a destiny" W.I.P

    Disclaimer: This character belongs to @kam and everything besides appearance is to not be used icly. Format belongs to @missfiend ᴵⁿᵗʳᵒ: The Summoning: Sleep Token "Oh and my love- did I mistake you for a sign from God?" 5:01 ──────|─── 6:35 |◁ II ▷| ∞ ↺ ▁ ▂ ▃ ▄ ▅ ▆ █ 100 % ⊱ ──── 《∘◦☹◦∘》...
  5. -kam

    What really annoys or gets to you with SRP?

    See for me its the fact that community team members or staff members cant make friends without the thought of that person doing it just for popularity purposes.
  6. -kam

    kamxie KPD application #5 "A new face.. and not a bad one"

    IGN (In-Game Name): kamxie Discord Name & Tag: mckamsym Which timezone are you in? GMT List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications: Describe your activity on the server: I decided to join this server towards the end of December 2022. I can't remember the exact date but i do...
  7. -kam

    ideas for a new char.

    ok so im uncreative. i need ideas for a new char. hes male and i want him to crime [im tired help]
  8. -kam

    cancelled !

    ermm gon
  9. -kam

    An attempt of a romantic

  10. -kam

    kamxie Lore Team Application. WIP

    IGN: kamxie List your discord name and tag (name#0000): (Please note, communication and discord access is vital, and not having access to the site is a dealbreaker for the team) Yes I have complete access to discord and am rather active upon it. Additionally, do you have a microphone and can...
  11. -kam


    right. as the title says, i need a new username. leave suggestions, just make it like either emo ahhh or smt to do w kam
  12. -kam


    this was meant to be a draft :skull:
  13. -kam

    Kam's late but yeah intro!!

    SUP! I'm Kam and every person of some popularity or reputation [i have neither] have an intro on here thats good or decent.. so its my go! Hello, i'm kam and you probably know me as one of those scandulous fellows who do that there crime around these parts. Nah im joking you probably know me...
  14. -kam

    Jeong S. Amorosa || Found Footage...

    [-]DISCLAIMER! This is very much my first time doing something like this so if you have criticism or such please do keep it constructive and polite! This is not to be taken ICLY unless i have specifically told you to. This is very much inspired by Jack Stauber and his videos and audios. [-]
  15. -kam

    Missing Item Request || itsjustkam

    IGN: itsjustkam VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Metal Baseball Bat, Spray Can, Black Duffle [idk the specific name], EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Server crashed and i was playing basketball, i come back and i got nothin. also i lost all of this but thats just the stuff i want back
  16. -kam

    Item request | itsjustkam

    IGN: itsjustkam VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Bunny mask, Ballistic mask, Satanic rat mask, Smile mask (plastic) EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Crashed whilst having these items, came back and they aint there now, most likely a restart issue
  17. -kam

    Removal of the NAGINATA

    What's your Minecraft Username?: kamcold What's the title of your suggestion?: Removal of the NAGINATA What's your suggestion?: Now im just going to make this as simple yet detailed as i can: Most of us are aware of the weapon NAGINATA. This weapon, to put it simply is just a longer katana...
  18. -kam

    kamxie reporter application.

    What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts: itsjustkam Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?: Yes i own discord and i have a microphone. I'm willing to join vc's when available and my user is mckamsym List your timezone and...
  19. -kam

    Denied REMOVE!

  20. -kam

    kamcold | Reporter Application

    OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information: What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts: kamcold Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?: Yes i own discord and a microphone, i should be able to join vc's when available. My...