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  1. urufu

    &u in descriptions!

    What's your Minecraft Username?: Urrufu What's the title of your suggestion?: &u in descriptions! What's your suggestion?: I think it would be pretty nice if &u worked in people's descriptions!! This would also let us have gradient descriptions without having to dedicate almost half of the...
  2. urufu

    No more snow!

    What's your Minecraft Username?: Urrufu What's the title of your suggestion?: No more snow! What's your suggestion?: I think that the snow should probably be removed now... The snow was added in late November, and it was really fun! But it's coming on March now and... It's just getting a...
  3. urufu

    Dear Akiyo.

    Akiyo. I was not fortunate enough to know you for all too long, but the impact you had not just on me for a period, but on my life as a whole, is exponential. When I met you, I was at one of my lowest points; my mental health and physical health were both appalling, I had very, very few people...
  4. urufu

    Gohei "Reimu" Copy Request

    Username: urufu What is your Minecraft username? Urrufu Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-26733324a73570-6aa9e9 What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Gohei "Reimu" What type of item are you requesting...
  5. urufu

    What would your character's favourite christmas present be?

    MERRY CHRISTMAS SRP!! Been a whiiilleeee, I ran out of questions to ask BUT I have one now! So, it is christmas, and a big part of christmas is gifts giving and receiving. SO my question today is: WHAT WOULD YOUR CHARACTER'S FAVOURITE CHRISTMAS GIFT BE THIS YEAR? Or in general but christmas...
  6. urufu

    Add a thumbs down reaction to the forums

    What's your Minecraft Username?: Urrufu What's the title of your suggestion?: Add a thumbs down reaction to the forums What's your suggestion?: Add a thumbs down reaction to the forums because rn the only way to say "i dont like this" without replying is by using the angry reaction but im...
  7. urufu

    Necklace "Starbearer Ribbion" Copy Request

    Username: urufu What is your Minecraft username? Urrufu Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-43633324a85409-ff0edd What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Necklace "Starbearer Ribbion" What type of item are you...
  8. urufu

    Reimu Bow deleted again :(

    Hello!! I was editing my apartment when I got asked to take a picture of my character for an art reference. Because I wanted the reference to be good, I equipped the Reimu bow (Custom item) that I was given by Kettlesip. However I forgot to remove it before re-entering editmode. By the time I...
  9. urufu

    'Reimu' Bow Custom that was gifted to me has despawned :(

    CUSTOM ITEM 'REIMU BOW' A few days ago, Kettlesip gifted me one of his custom items called Bow "Reimu". It's a head accessory which resembles a red bow. EVIDENCE OF ME HAVING THE BOW: I am the character on the left, Charlotte. With grey hair. EVIDENCE OF ME BEING GIVEN THE BOW (ICLY) I'm not...
  10. urufu

    Missing Items :,)

    I originally posted this like almost a month ago but considering a ton of item requests have been looked at except this, I assume I put it in the wrong place or something. My stuff got deleted from the /am glitch. I've attached videos and such, if they don't work I've also attached a google...
  11. urufu

    If You Ever Quit SRP in the Past, What Made You Come Back?

    HELLO! My question today is another super simple one, and I wanted to know because a lot of the people I've spoken to did quit SRP a long time ago, but then came back this or last year. IF YOU'VE QUIT SRP BEFORE, WHAT MADE YOU RETURN? OR IF YOU WERE TO QUIT SRP, WHAT WOULD MAKE YOU RETURN...
  12. urufu

    Auction House app on Phones!

    WHAT IS YOUR MINECRAFT USERNAME? Urrufu WHAT IS THE TITLE OF YOUR SUGGESTION? Add the Auction House app from Computers to Smartphones! WHAT'S YOUR SUGGESTION? HELLO! My suggestion is SUPER simple, on PCs, there is an Auction House app. I suggest we have access to it on smartphones too...
  13. urufu

    What's an idea for a custom that you want but probably won't get?

    HELLO! I was wondering right, because there are a lot of customs I want. But I'm dirt broke and thus probably will not get them. WHAT CUSTOMS DO YOU WANT BUT PROBABLY WON'T GET? As per usual, I will go first. :3 I really want a custom weapon of Mjolnir or Stormbreaker (Specifically the MCU...
  14. urufu

    Two Missing Items, doing it both in one ️

    GREEN TEA GOT ATOMISED FROM SHRINE CHEST Title says it all, the stack of green tea from the shrine test got deleted when I placed the stack back into the chest. PINK PARASOL UMBRELLA GOT ATOMISED I gen have no clue what happened here icl. If the media links don't work cause I have...
  15. urufu

    What's your favourite faction that you aren't in?

    HELLO! I was thinking right, I really like talking about Shrine, and Shrine is a faction. And that got me thinking about the other factions, and now I'm curious!! WHAT IS YOUR FAVOURITE FACTION THAT YOU ARE NOT A PART OF? I'll answer first as per usual!! EMS OOC, I have a HUGE amount of...
  16. urufu

    Urrufu Re-Introduction

    HELLO! I am Urufu, a fair portion of you know me by now I'd like to think. Anyway, I did an intro in July, I don't like it. Making a new one!! LAST UPDATED: January 27. 2025 WHO AM I I am Urufu, you may recognise me because I yap a lot, if not though, then nice to meet you! I am, British...
  17. urufu

    What would your character order from McDonalds?

    HELLO! I am bored, and hungry, and I love answering the questionnaire posts because I love yapping about my characters, so I'm going to ask you all a question too!! I'm making more of these btw, like a lot more, so be prepared to yap about your characters too :3 IF YOUR CHARACTER WENT TO...
  18. urufu

    Accepted ⌈ URRUFU ⌋ Shrine Maiden Application

    OOC INFORMATION IGN (In-Game Name): Urrufu What is your discord username?: Urrufu What is your timezone?: BST (British Summer Time) | UTC+1 This changes to GMT in October due to Daylight Saving. Describe your activity on the server: I am incredibly active on SRP, having been logging on...
  19. urufu

    [ADDED] Make Nokotan Antlers wearable!!

    EDIT Thank you to our brave soldiers who helped the cause What's your Minecraft Username?: Urrufu What's the title of your suggestion?: Make Nokotan Antlers wearable!! What's your suggestion?: I firmly believe the Nokotan antlers that were added to the custom items list recently should be...
  20. urufu

    Inventory Rollback (?)

    hihi! During the pep-rally, there was a crash and my inventory got wiped and replaced with just basketball gear. I did submit a ticket but since it's quite late, I don't think I'll be awake whenever it gets checked - Figured I'd make one of these. <3 My username is Urrufu on both Discord and...