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  1. findouticly

    2nd KPD APPLICATION | findouticly

    OUT-OF-CHARACTER SECTION IGN (In-Game Name): findouticly Discord Name & Tag: findouticly Which timezone are you in? GMT+1 List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications: Describe your activity on the server: I would consider myself a pretty active person on SchoolRP, tho...
  2. findouticly

    CALL OF DUTY BO2 | fun fact!

    As of yesterday, we are officialy in the year that Call of Duty Black Ops 2 was set in — 2025. i love call of duty.
  3. findouticly


    My custom Vehicle is unable to drive.
  4. findouticly

    RENDER | typical day outside in poland

    I AM BACK WITH A NEW RENDER this time i decided to try doing something outside! give me opinions, and what i should change. i want HONEST opinions. :) models taken from SRP resource pack. Thank you Modric_CM for the skin on the far right! i am open for commissions! msg me @ findouticly on...
  5. findouticly

    vultures 3 cover art by me | SRP RENDERS

    I found this vultures 3 cover art leak when looking thru Kanye's hard drive, putting it on the forums. Made by me!
  6. findouticly

    GENERIC.SCALE ON ANIMALS | rats are too big.

    WHAT'S YOUR MINECRAFT USERNAME: findouticly WHAT'S THE TITLE OF YOUR SUGGESTION: GENERIC.SCALE ON ANIMALS | rats are too big. INTRODUCTION INTO THE SUGGESTION: Ever since the 1.21.x Update on SRP, everyone's been awaiting for the Height Update! While we wait, how about I suggest something that...
  7. findouticly

    TOGGLE AUTOCORRECT | new setting!

    WHAT'S YOUR MINECRAFT USERNAME: findouticly WHAT'S THE TITLE OF YOUR SUGGESTION: REMOVE AUTOCORRECT | new setting! INTRODUCTION INTO THE SUGGESTION: So you guys know how a lot of 'slang' words are automatically corrected? like: Wanna to Want to Gawd damn to God damn KPD to Karakura Police...
  8. findouticly

    FIRE EXTINGUISHER GONE! | findouticly

    IGN: findouticly VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Fire Extinguisher "Red" EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Lost due to a glitch, which causes furniture to disappear when right clicked onto the floor outside of your property. Had to rebuy it since I forgot to take the screenshot with the first time it...
  9. findouticly

    MY RENDERS! | findouticly

    HI GUYS! My first post in the artistic... I was bored so I decided to make a render for my character... I need your opinions, tips and suggestions on how to improve. I present to you... lazy. Made it with Blender using Cycles and Blockbench for the character. I know it's kind of mid, and...
  10. findouticly

    EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER | Addition of a '110 operator'

    WHATS YOUR MINECRAFT USERNAME: findouticly WHATS THE TITLE OF YOUR SUGGESTION: EMERGENCY PHONE NUMBER | Addition of a '110 operator' INTRODUCTION TO THE SUGGESTION: I don't know if this is already planned with the upcoming Phone Update, or if this was already suggested, but whatever... I feel...
  11. findouticly

    FISHING SUGGESTION | fish in the pool?!?!

    WHAT'S YOUR MINECRAFT USERNAME: findouticly WHAT'S THE TITLE OF YOUR SUGGESTION: FISHING SUGGESTION | fish in the pool?!?! INTRODUCTION INTO THE SUGGESTION: I think everyone at this point know, that you're able to fish anywhere. Whether it's the Ocean, the Pond, the SWIMMING POOL... or even the...
  12. findouticly

    FISHING REWORK | fish.

    WHAT'S YOUR MINECRAFT USERNAME: findouticly WHAT'S THE TITLE OF YOUR SUGGESTION: FISHING REWORK | fish. WHAT'S YOUR SUGGESTION: As I've got more interested in fishing IRL, I've also started doing some fishing on SRP, and I've just realized, it gets boring after some time. So I decided to make a...
  13. findouticly

    INSTRUMENT SYSTEM REWORK | An idea to make the system better!

    WHAT'S YOUR MINECRAFT USERNAME?: findouticly WHAT'S THE TITLE OF YOUR SUGGESTION?: INSTRUMENT SYSTEM REWORK | An idea to make the system better! WHAT'S YOUR SUGGESTION?: You know how you can't actually make any music with the instruments, or if you can, you have to basically memorize the...
  14. findouticly

    [UNOFFICIA] Minecraft taking up too much space?

    Have you ever looked at your C: drive and said to yourself... ''Hmm.. Why is there no space on my drive?!'' I've had that same problem, and after looking thru it I noticed that... The .minecraft folder is taking up... 26 GIGABYTES!! Minecraft is installed on your C: drive, and it is not possible...
  15. findouticly


    Question about long descriptions!
  16. findouticly

    Make the tutorial more new player friendly.

    What's your Minecraft Username?: findouticly What's the title of your suggestion?: Make the tutorial more new player friendly. What's your suggestion?: The tutorial right now, only shows off the Karakura, but it doesn't explain the commands, some basic rules ect... Only command that you learn...
  17. findouticly

    findouticly's Lost Item Report

    IGN: findouticly VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Blue Lollipop EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Lost due to a post office glitch, which I've reported.
  18. findouticly

    Herbert Nowak | THE PAGES

    [!] As you walked around the Karakura City, you'd notice a piece of crumpled up paper laying on the floor. Curiosity got the best of you, and you'd decide to pick it up, and look what's inside of it. [!] After reading thru the piece of paper, you'd chuckle, before putting it back down. As...
  19. findouticly

    Favourite song?

    i know there was probably a thread called like that, but i couldn't find one... lemme start
  20. findouticly

    New Train Station Suggestion

    What's your Minecraft Username?: findouticly What's the title of your suggestion?: New Train Station Suggestion What's your suggestion?: Add signs inside of the station, which show which direction the train goes. Something like that. (Ignore the horse.) also another screenshot of horse because...