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  1. findouticly

    Black Mercedes despawned!

    IGN: findouticly VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Black Mercedes (Open) EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: The car was lost after I placed it down, and forgot about it?!?!! sorry!! aahaha...
  2. findouticly

    Pending findouticly | CARETAKER APPLICATION

    What is your Minecraft username?: MAIN ACCOUNT findouticly ALTERNATIVE ACCOUNT OSWIECENIE Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): findouticly How old are you? (Optional): 16 What is your time zone?: GMT+2 Describe your activity on the server: I consider myself a pretty...
  3. findouticly

    Accepted Crown 'The Third Day' Copy Request

    Username: findouticly What is your Minecraft username? findouticly Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-43418624a22903-773f13 What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Crown 'The Third Day' What type of item are...
  4. findouticly

    Crown 'The Third Day' Copy Request

    Username: findouticly What is your Minecraft username? findouticly Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-43418624a22903-773f13 What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Crown 'The Third Day' What type of item are...
  5. findouticly

    Dead Internet theory on SRP...?

    WARNING! TRIGGER WARNING. IN THIS THREAD, THERE ARE MENTIONS OF RELIGION! I've recently started noticing some weird things happening on SRP... As of recent, I've noticed a few players who are either... Always standing in place, or are moving ever-so slightly... Maybe its the new AFK money...
  6. findouticly

    First KPD Application | findouticly

    Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): findouticly Discord Name & Tag: findouticly Which timezone are you in? I am located in the GMT+2 time zone. List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications: I used to be in the School Employee faction, but I quit, because I’m trying...
  7. findouticly

    More Drivable Vehicles.

    What's your Minecraft Username?: findouticly What's the title of your suggestion?: More Driveable Vehicles. What's your suggestion?: I've been thinking recently, and I came up with an idea. How about we add new vehicles? I don't mean cars, but like skateboard, roller skates or a hoveboard? I...
  8. findouticly

    Different Animal /spawn Locations

    What's your Minecraft Username?: findouticly What's the title of your suggestion?: Different Animal /spawn Locations What's your suggestion?: Bears spawn in the bear cave, and I've thought, why not make some more animals spawn in different locations? Like rats would spawn in sewers/powerplant...
  9. findouticly

    less pings from the academics discord

    What's your Minecraft Username?: findouticly What's the title of your suggestion?: less pings from the academics discord What's your suggestion?: How about we make a separate ping for the tryouts? its annoying when i get pinged in the academics discord cus i think there's an event, but it...
  10. findouticly

    hebel pszczola biography

    first name: hebel surname: pszczoła prefered name: brek age: 67 height: 5'2" the rest is findouticly
  11. findouticly

    Accepted Crown 'The Third Day' Copy Request

    Username: findouticly What is your Minecraft username? findouticly Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-43418624a22903-773f13 What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Crown 'The Third Day' What type of item are...
  12. findouticly

    Accepted Crown 'The Third Day' Copy Request

    Username: findouticly What is your Minecraft username? findouticly Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes What was your Transaction ID? tbx-43418624a22903-773f13 What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Crown 'The Third Day' What type of item are...
  13. findouticly

    usa vs gb

    color or colour?
  14. findouticly

    Show Vehicle Prices.

    What's your Minecraft Username?: findouticly What's the title of your suggestion?: Show Vehicle Prices. What's your suggestion?: Since the new update came out, you cant see the prices of vehicles in the auto shop. I think that it should be re-implemented. Nothing else to say. How will this...
  15. findouticly

    findouticly's Vehicle Request

    IGN: findouticly VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Red Motorcycle EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: i just bought it when i lost it.
  16. findouticly

    Hamster Custom!

    What's your Minecraft Username?: findouticly What's the title of your suggestion?: Hamster Custom! What's your suggestion?: Add a hamster to the animal whitelist. I know that they need to use optifine to implement a custom model bit HEAR ME OUT. retexture the endermite. The endermite is...
  17. findouticly

    Make car customs cheaper.

    What's your Minecraft Username?: findouticly What's the title of your suggestion?: Make car customs cheaper. What's your suggestion?: Since cars ICLY got cheaper by ALOT, the car customs should also become kinda cheaper, im talking 30$. How will this benefit the server and community...
  18. findouticly

    my juicy edits

    Mefisuto Edit Rokuhara Edit DarkxWalker Edit Emilia Edit SENJU Edit
  19. findouticly


  20. findouticly

    If you had to eat one meal for your whole life, what would it be?

    For me, it would probably be sushi, any type. Octopus, Salmon, you name it. Spicy, Mild, Sweet, Sour... any