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  1. _ScarlettRose_

    Council Tag Not Going Away

    Basically, after I quit the council as the council vice president, I logged back on and when I talked, the tag was still there. Some of you are probably going to say "Just pretend it's not there," but I dunno, when I talk I don't want to have to say "hey, I'm not council-vice president it's just...
  2. _ScarlettRose_

    I have an accepted employee application but in game I have no tag or record of it?

    I have an accepted employee application but in game I have no tag or record of it?
  3. _ScarlettRose_

    Accepted Library Manager Application

    [OOC section] In Game Name: LilNerdy. School Employee Role you are Applying For: Library Manager. How often do you log onto the server?: For a while, I've been on the server every day. Do you have TeamSpeak3? Currently I don't, although if needed for the role I will download. Do you have a...
  4. _ScarlettRose_

    I can't do any commands WTHHHHH

    I can't do any commands WTHHHHH
  5. _ScarlettRose_

    Insufficent Permission?

    It seems that I can't see how much money I have, yes I'm doing /bal /balance /money and I can't do /help either?? Whats happening
  6. _ScarlettRose_

    Quit Vice President

    Something has been bugging me for a while and I really need help fixing it. Do any of you have a solution for this?: I quit Vice President a long time ago but when I speak in the chat in the server, my tag still has [Vice President] on it. I find it annoying because people always ask me "Why...
  7. _ScarlettRose_

    someone heeeelp meh i quit vice pres but in chat it still says im vice pres I dun like it ;-;

    someone heeeelp meh i quit vice pres but in chat it still says im vice pres I dun like it ;-;
  8. _ScarlettRose_

    Always think before you say something.. (Quote)

    Always think before you say something.. (Quote)
  9. _ScarlettRose_

    Grizzly I don't mean minecraft username I meant the forum name. Plus Yaku already answered my...

    Grizzly I don't mean minecraft username I meant the forum name. Plus Yaku already answered my question but thanks for trying to help!
  10. _ScarlettRose_

    How do you change your username??

    How do you change your username??
  11. _ScarlettRose_


  12. _ScarlettRose_

    New Username: ScarlettFurrEver

    New Username: ScarlettFurrEver
  13. _ScarlettRose_

    ilblueli you don't buy something to be a teacher you have to make an application and follow the...

    ilblueli you don't buy something to be a teacher you have to make an application and follow the format.
  14. _ScarlettRose_

    France was great! I got to see all the landmarks and I went to see the Mona Lisa.

    France was great! I got to see all the landmarks and I went to see the Mona Lisa.
  15. _ScarlettRose_

    Sorry I haven't been active on the server lately, I went to France for a while and forgot to...

    Sorry I haven't been active on the server lately, I went to France for a while and forgot to inform anyone. I'm back now. :)
  16. _ScarlettRose_

    Thanks! I am so happy I got Vice-President!

    Thanks! I am so happy I got Vice-President!
  17. _ScarlettRose_

    Its fine now I figured it out but thanks for trying to help

    Its fine now I figured it out but thanks for trying to help
  18. _ScarlettRose_

    Accepted Student Council Application. ✔

    IGN: _ScarlettRose_. Role in School Council: School Vice-President. Expected activity (out of ten): 9/10. I play regularly on week days, and I am always available on weekends. RL Age (note that it does not matter how old you are): I am 14 years old. Previous Applications: Cheerleader-Full Team...
  19. _ScarlettRose_

    .. Im really sad, somehow my account on the website reset.. And my applications are gone now and...

    .. Im really sad, somehow my account on the website reset.. And my applications are gone now and they weren't marked yet, I need help..
  20. _ScarlettRose_

    does anyone have a solution to this?

    does anyone have a solution to this?