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  1. Bqeno

    Vehicle request | R4YEE

    IGN: R4YEE VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Chevre Antelope "Violet's Ride" EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I chased someone with a car and they jumped out so I ran after them and didn't pick up my car and when I came back later it was gone :(
  2. Bqeno


  3. Bqeno

    Vehicle Request | R4YEE

  4. Bqeno

    House Issue | R4YEE

    USERNAME: R4YEE APARTMENT COORDINATES: (F3 TO VIEW): X:1229 Y:69 Z:936 ISSUE: I cant build anything on my balcony :( ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: N/A :
  5. Bqeno

    Bqeno's BMD Application

    OOC INFORMATION: IGN: Bqeno (One i'm applying with) and R4YEE (Alt) Describe your activity on the server: I started playing the server in 2020. I started to get into gang roleplay and have been continuously joining different gangs for 2 years. I first started off with making my own criminal...
  6. Bqeno

    Violet Tattachi Biography | Lukaiswifey

    Im too lazy
  7. Bqeno

    KARAKURA NEWS: The Anonymous Reporting System.

    im famous! YAYYY
  8. Bqeno

    Denied Deleted

    Delete Application Please
  9. Bqeno

    Etsuko Hozumi Misono | [Biography]

    Oh em gee!! Im on here! Cute biography <3
  10. Bqeno

    House Building Request | Lukaiswifey

    USERNAME: Lukaiswifey APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): X: 1475 , Y:19 , Z: 676 ISSUE: We want to be able to remove and edit the grass part at the front of the house in the screenshot below: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: N/A
  11. Bqeno


  12. Bqeno

    Jeo Su-Ho Biography | Bqeno

    [Click here]
  13. Bqeno

    Police Cadet Application | Bqeno

    KARAKURA POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICE OFFICER APPLICATION Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): Bqeno Discord Name & Tag: BQENØ#7908 Previous bans: I only have one ban which was back in 2020, it was for avoidRP but it was a misunderstanding since my laptop at the time crashed and...
  14. Bqeno

    Denied Shop Application | Bqeno

    "Generosity is giving more than you can, pride is taking less than you need" Player Information What is your Minecraft username?: Bqeno Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?): BQENØ#7908 How old are you? (Optional): 16 What is your time zone?: GMT ──────────── ・ 。゚☆...
  15. Bqeno

    Violet Tattachi Biography | Lukaiswifey

    [Link Here]
  16. Bqeno

    smash or pass [this is a joke stop taking everything seriously]

    Chill out guys god dang it’s not that deep
  17. Bqeno


    Try downloading the resource pack from here then make sure to set the server resource packs on the server to disabled. Link to the resource pack (It gets updated every week): If there are any more problems I suggest asking in the discord for a mod/admin to...
  18. Bqeno

    Police officer application | Bqeno

    KARAKURA POLICE DEPARTMENT POLICE OFFICER APPLICATION Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section IGN (In-Game Name): Main ; Bqeno Alt ; GangsterBqeno I am applying on my Main, However, if possible I would like to move the Adult role that I have on my main to my alt so I don't lose the adult role...