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  1. Adaline Harper

    Vehicle Lost

    IGN: HoboAesthetics VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Vehicle name: Addie's Masterpiece. (Was a very long time ago when I named it..) EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Lost the vehicle due to logging off whilst still in /apartment editmode. I appreciate your doing in returning it to me. Thank you!
  2. Adaline Harper

    ! || Car Missing, Again. || !

    IGN: LazyRP VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Addie's Masterpiece EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I'm very sorry this happened again. I wasn't even lagging. But when I was driving around it just automatically disconnected me for some reason. I know I've been a bother I'm really really sorry- Thank you...
  3. Adaline Harper


    IGN: LazyRP VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Addie's Masterpiece (Don't judge the name I didn't think when I chose it) EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Please please please get this back to me! I literally got this today and I lagged out while I was driving when I lost it. THANK YOU.
  4. Adaline Harper

    || College Roll! ||

    IGN: CakeRP WHAT YOU NEED: I need the College rank and Age 20 please! YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK: Grade 12 and age 18. EVIDENCE: Thank you so much for accepting my College Application it means a lot!
  5. Adaline Harper

    Items Missing?

    IGN: LazyRP VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Goth Earrings, KPOP Earrings, EVIDENCE: KPOP Earrings: Goth Earrings: Do not question the picture <3 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: There was also a kitty backpack that I had bought too. I don't have a ss so you probs can't get it to me, but It poofed literally 5-10...
  6. Adaline Harper

    || My Character's Info. Desc and Such!! ||

    IGN: LazyRP {{ Adaline 'Addie' H. D. B. }} Character Backstory: On the exact date of May 23, 2002, a healthy baby girl was born. Two loving parents, the father being originally from Russia, the mother from America, decided to live up to their great...
  7. Adaline Harper

    Rank help

    I bought the Rich Kid rank and I still haven't received it. It's probably been over half an hour now. Could somebody please give it to me? My IGN is LazyRP
  8. Adaline Harper

    Grade request

    So I just got an alt and I need the alt to age up. When I type /grade in the chat it tells me I have reached my maximum grade. I was just wondering if it was fixable because I really don't wanna be 13 lol. My IGN is LazyRP. Thank you :)
  9. Adaline Harper

    ||College Application||

    IGN: IBeatJess Discord Tag: Kathleen#9265 Current Grade: Grade 12 Previous Applications: Language applications Any Bans/Kicks: No What is your motivation for applying for College?: I want my character to start college so she can grow and interact with most other college students. I also...