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||College Application||

IGN: IBeatJess

Discord Tag: Kathleen#9265

Current Grade: Grade 12

Previous Applications: Language applications

Any Bans/Kicks: No

What is your motivation for applying for College?: I want my character to start college so she can grow and interact with most other college students. I also want her to start so she can grow more into her studies. She's big on learning.

How should a College Student behave during class?: They should act well mannered and respectful. They should listen to what they're instructed by the professors. Honest and mature. They should respect their fellow classmates as well.

How should a College Student speak to School Staff?: With respect and honesty. They should listen and behave. No backtalk!

You see another College Student being immature and possibly harming school property, What do you do?: Tell school staff. You wanna make sure they deal with it, not someone else.

Do you understand you can be kicked from College and placed back down to Grade-12 for acting immature and disruptive?: Yes, I do understand.

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