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  1. J

    server crash item return

    IGN: YouTubeSpitz now SRPHatesMe VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: 2 balistic masks, 2 cleavers, one katana and 1 phone EVIDENCE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: As staff already knows about my situation about loosing my items whilst in editmode when the server crashed, I was asked to provide a ss of my weps...
  2. J

    Community Manager

  3. J

    Community Manager

  4. J

    Community Manager

    IGN: YouTubeSpitz DATE: 2021-07-05 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Community Manager role for the server (SRP and FRP) HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: Throughout every successful servers rise to mass adoptions lies two key factors. Thus of course being a solid server...
  5. J

    Age Glitch

    IGN (YoutubeSpitz): WHAT YOU NEED: Grade 11/12 YOUR CURRENTLY ROLE/RANK Grade 8 no purchased rank: EVIDENCE: [9:24 PM] I have been playing for two weeks now and my grade has been stuck. ive played roughly 2-3 hours a day for a total of roughly 40 hours and i have continued to experience this...