players online

Community Manager


Level 1
IGN: YouTubeSpitz

DATE: 2021-07-05

WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Community Manager role for the server (SRP and FRP)


Throughout every successful servers rise to mass adoptions lies two key factors. Thus of course being a solid server concept in general, as well as a strong community presence. This can be rationalized due to the rationality that players wish to feel validated, the Community needs a large voice in progression and fundamental ideas and lastly because communication between staff administration and player base must be adequate enough to support longevity and sustainable growth/income.

To elude to the first topic, being; "players wish to be validated." it can be said without saying that in order for a server to remain "playable" as well as interesting, that the player base must feel validated within their personalized responsibility's in game and their individualistic reason(s) to play the game. henceforth why a community manager could greatly benefit the pre existing conditions of why a player plays SRP/FRP. This can be demonstrated through the example of holding daily/bydaily polls or forum openings asking players to discuss why they enjoy SRP/FRP and what's a reason why they do not. Thus giving insight into server administration.

To direct attention upon the second point, being; "The community needs a large voice." The community needs a large voice in order to project the server forward as they are the ones playing and spending money on the server. This does NOT meaning listening to overtly absence or ignorant suggestions. yet the community manager would consume the public role of bringing back possibly 2-3 ideas weekly that could be implemented or touched upon.

Lastly, it is no secret that communication between staff and player appears to be extremely difficult in regards to pushing new innovated ideas or campaigns. furthermore eluding to the essential position of a server community manager. A community manager would be the direct link between player and staff in regards to but not exclusive to: bugs, suggestions, event suggestions, lore, as well as a means to promote the server fully ie. means of social media.

I appreciate it tremendously if you have read this far within my essay. I truly hope my opinions are listened to within this context as i have had the amazing opportunity to run several successful and profitable servers including VenomPVP (400+). I have also worked as a community manager for several large investing/Crypto companies and organizations. so without further hesitation, i must inform you that the servers/companies with a strong community manager presence do far more successful than the ones without. "Ill see you on the top as the bottom is way to crowded, we dont look down on anyone unless we are willing to bring them up." (Jake Ayre - Valid Victorian Speech 2020)

Screenshot 2021-07-05 023908.png


Level 139
School Clubs Lead
Media Team

Great suggestions, Great suggestions... just uhhh- few notes-

We do have a community team and social media management, you are also able to suggest things to the event team or lore team through certain forms, it's kind of meant to be faction leader's or Owner's jobs to encourage things like this, however, the idea that we could have forum polls by staff to get public opinion is great, it's just all the other stuff is kinda already managed by team or staff.


Level 68
This is really not much different then the community support role, in which had gotten denied. The only factor in which changes is the goal.


Level 1
Thread starter

I absolutely see where your coming from, but in my personal opinion; i think a direct link between player base and staff needs to be created. this will solve many communication errors that the players currently feel. In my personal experience running companies and servers, staff/management will not necessarily understand the players/consumers wishes properly, as they are far removed and distant. a spokesperson is typically necessary for a company and or server in this case to grow further. This can be demonstrated through my experience Running communications for "BitPerks" (a now large crypto company) when i was hired to run All aspects of community management for "BitPerks" the company instantly saw massive growth in capital and market assessment value. thus going from 35 thousand usd to over 600 thousand usd within the spand of two weeks. this is also something i preach to my trading team irl. I currently host weekly meetings for my 150+ trading team working for me and i always preach the importance of community management and selecting a proper community figure to represent their brands and ambitions going forward.


Level 342
HS Sports Lead

This role isn't entirely necessary; we already have 'Community Teams' and members of the community who lead them; Hebwig who coordinates the Event team, Alcidies who coordinates the Build team & cloud_divider who coordinates the Lore team. As for the more 'managing' side of things, each community team is watched over by the Senior staff team as well as the SchoolRP Owners which is how it always has been.
  • Events can always be suggested on a form or in DMs with @heb#5009 on Discord: [SUGGESTION FORM]
  • Lore team have applications in which members of the community can apply to assist in the writing of Karakura's Lore [APPLICATION]
  • We're always looking for skilled builders to help the team work on small-scale SRP builds & larger scale ones. Any suggestions for map changes should be forwarded to @Alcidies#9999 or made through a forum feedback [APPLICATION]
  • If you have any new ideas for the server, create more feedback! We're always looking for fresh ideas. Faction leaders (Crime, School & City) are able to mark feedback and implement them, so if you can idea and want to be heard, make more feedback! [FEEDBACK]
This can all be found on the server's community & staff roster [ROSTER]

We are actively taking community feedback & polls and will continue to do so in the future for things like updates and community events. However, we always read feedback and attempt to implement a lot of the ideas during staff meetings. You can see how the community feedback has been used this month on our Update Timeline [UPDATE TIMELINE]

As for Social Media, I'm the one currently posting the SchoolRP event tweets on the Roleplay Hub twitter account and will be hosting SchoolRP-related giveaways and much more very soon. We're also actively looking for YouTubers to join & promote our community, if you have any suggestions for a specific youtuber/streamer, feel free to DM on Discord and we'll get in contact with them @KimiNoUso#9999
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