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  1. Jtth_

    Lost vehicle, red truck | Jtth_

    IGN: Jtth_ VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: I don't remember the exact name although its a Jeep 6x6 I got a lot of proof of owning it though because i've had this car for more than a year now and ive even done a court case based on this car. Its a GMC Sierra according to the modeler that named it, but the...
  2. Jtth_

    Jtth_ bmd application | #4

    Updates: This is my fourth application for this role and this time I updated a few things. Due to the very recent third application there was not too many to change but I did make a fair share of adjustments. First of all, I added more details about my activity on the server as well as a...
  3. Jtth_

    Jtth_'s BMD application #3

    Updates: This is my third application for this role and this time I updated a lot of things. First I fully redid the OOC section as well as a big part of the IC section. I adjusted the backstory chapters and wrote a few more details. There was also a change in the images, I added a few more and...
  4. Jtth_

    The Masked Man. | Jtth_'s BMD application #2

    Jtth_'s BMD APPLICATION #2!!! News: This is my second Black market application. I discussed with lewk about my last application and figured out my mistakes and the reason I got denied. Regardless of my old application I did not copy it fully. I believe that in order to apply fairly I must...
  5. Jtth_

    J77h_ - Criminal Application | BMD

    OOC INFORMATION: IGN: J77h_ Is my main account. I don't have any alt accounts for now and I am planning on using this (J77h_) for the possible BMD dealer role. Previous bans/warns/kicks: Throughout my time in the server, I've never been banned, and I don't have much warnings either. The only...
  6. Jtth_

    SIM Card suggestion - Jtth_

    IGN: xJon_tthx DATE: 29/4/2022 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Lately I noticed that phones and phone numbers in srp are something that cannot be changed in any way. My suggestion is for srp to add a new plugin or roleplay allowance for players to change their numbers by breaking the sim...
  7. Jtth_

    Lost cleaver

    IGN: Jtth_ VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Meat cleaver EVIDENCE: I have ss of it i can send on discord Jtth_#8832 or i can upload here but the quality is a bit bad and the lates image i have is when i took it out almost 5 mins before reboot. Files are large so ill send a link...