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  1. urufu

    Limit OOC to Staff Only

  2. urufu

    Fix Suggestion for Sidewalk Vehicles!

    +1 Would be great as it would also prevent your car from getting stuck on those corners and having to travel half the street backwards just to be able to go forward again!
  3. urufu

    Ray Aiuchi, M-Nishiki Bio ^^

    Oo looks cool so far!!
  4. urufu

    Welcome to SRP, hope you enjoy it!

    Welcome to SRP, hope you enjoy it!
  5. urufu

    Congrats to all the Prof applicants that got accepted!!!

    Congrats to all the Prof applicants that got accepted!!!
  6. urufu

    New language | Ainuic (Hokkaido Ainu)

    +1 Would be pretty cool
  7. urufu

    Can AI make minecraft skins?

    Because we shouldn't be using AI to replicate the things people put actual effort into making. It's just wrong imo. Like it's not that hard to make a skin, and if you're struggling there is an entire market on the server who are willing to do it for dirt cheap. It then also comes down to the...
  8. urufu

    Can AI make minecraft skins?

    Can AI make Minecraft skins? Probably. Should you use AI to make Minecraft skins? No.
  9. urufu

    lost all my money :(

    lost all my money :(
  10. urufu

    i love money no lie

    i love money no lie
  11. urufu

    School Planner

    +1 but only if there is also a command to re-add it. I like having the planner but I also like having my 9th slot :,)
  12. urufu

    Jujutsu Kaizen x Your SRP haracter

    Charlotte Shimura would have a simple technique that'd probably more have utility value than combat value since she tends to avoid fighting. She most likely wouldn't even have a domain tbh
  13. urufu

    Aurora Nakamura | Bio

    If you want a headshot without people's nametags in it lmk! <3
  14. urufu


  15. urufu

    Autoshop Selection Update: Cult Classics

    +1 1971 Dodge Charger in the autoshop would make me the happiest person on the planet
  16. urufu

    Adding a new item

    So in order to get these, it'd more than likely have to be a custom item request, which cost around £30. You can buy them on the SRP website!
  17. urufu

    I love nokotan antlers

    I love nokotan antlers
  18. urufu

    [ADDED] Make Nokotan Antlers wearable!!

    They are wearable now!!
  19. urufu

    [ADDED] Make Nokotan Antlers wearable!!

    EDIT Thank you to our brave soldiers who helped the cause What's your Minecraft Username?: Urrufu What's the title of your suggestion?: Make Nokotan Antlers wearable!! What's your suggestion?: I firmly believe the Nokotan antlers that were added to the custom items list recently should be...
  20. urufu

    SRP Joining Reason
