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  1. S

    Paranormal roles

    I see that now. Thank you all very much for helping me understand! Although a bit disappointed, I do realize it would be more disappointing for players to make the game unfun by abusing this role. I'll look into being a team member and the responsibilities of keeping the server enjoyable!
  2. S

    Paranormal roles

    could you maybe resend the link? it says it's blocked TT
  3. S

    Paranormal roles

    YESS!! this is exactly what i was thinking
  4. S

    Paranormal roles

    I'm glad that is so! However it would be awesome for it to be all-year round role to add to the game!
  5. S

    Paranormal roles

    What's your Minecraft Username?: supasanegirl What's the title of your suggestion?: Paranormal roles What's your suggestion?: Since this is a Japanese based school... some could even say it's anime based, It would be super fun to add like urban legend characters to the game! The ghost...