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Paranormal roles

What's your Minecraft Username?: supasanegirl
What's the title of your suggestion?: Paranormal roles

What's your suggestion?:
Since this is a Japanese based school... some could even say it's anime based, It would be super fun to add like urban legend characters to the game! The ghost hunters lore was super fun to learn about, however I wish that there could be a role to apply for to be a ghost or something. Perms like being slightly transparent and being able to be invisible would be soooo cool. Of course there'd be limitations but you know!

How will this benefit the server and community?:
It'd be super spooky and fun 0.o and add lots of depth to Karakura's lore hehe. And super cool for roleplays!


Level 145
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
This in fact already exists in the form of the event role ( [?] ) played by event team and staff, whilst the role itself doesn’t always mean it’s a ghost being played, staff do still use it to roleplay out paranormal entities during events or october
What's your Minecraft Username?: supasanegirl
What's the title of your suggestion?: Paranormal roles

What's your suggestion?:
Since this is a Japanese based school... some could even say it's anime based, It would be super fun to add like urban legend characters to the game! The ghost hunters lore was super fun to learn about, however I wish that there could be a role to apply for to be a ghost or something. Perms like being slightly transparent and being able to be invisible would be soooo cool. Of course there'd be limitations but you know!

How will this benefit the server and community?:
It'd be super spooky and fun 0.o and add lots of depth to Karakura's lore hehe. And super cool for roleplays!


Level 1
Thread starter
This in fact already exists in the form of the event role ( [?] ) played by event team and staff, whilst the role itself doesn’t always mean it’s a ghost being played, staff do still use it to roleplay out paranormal entities during events or october
I'm glad that is so! However it would be awesome for it to be all-year round role to add to the game!
This in fact already exists in the form of the event role ( [?] ) played by event team and staff, whilst the role itself doesn’t always mean it’s a ghost being played, staff do still use it to roleplay out paranormal entities during events or october
hi !! hihihih, uhhm i also think itd help boost activity with certain in game stuff that wouldnt nessecarily have to be full on events? liike maybe occult club doing small stuff after school, or hauntings, or liiike, ghost stories, almost like an animal whitelist (but applying for it instead)!!!

i also think itd have potential to draw in new players that like to lean towards occult-ish rp or have chars that are super into that kind of thing, its kind of difficult to rp a character who's whole thing is ghosts, and there's no ghosts around to interract with majority of the time

tl;dr: +1


Level 0
What's your Minecraft Username?: supasanegirl
What's the title of your suggestion?: Paranormal roles

What's your suggestion?:
Since this is a Japanese based school... some could even say it's anime based, It would be super fun to add like urban legend characters to the game! The ghost hunters lore was super fun to learn about, however I wish that there could be a role to apply for to be a ghost or something. Perms like being slightly transparent and being able to be invisible would be soooo cool. Of course there'd be limitations but you know!

How will this benefit the server and community?:
It'd be super spooky and fun 0.o and add lots of depth to Karakura's lore hehe. And super cool for roleplays!


Level 32
Just as Customable said above! While I wish this role were available to more people, it's meant for specially authorized people because they are trusted with the role. The role is year-round but you'll mainly find ghosts interacting with players during October because of Halloween! Other than that you can find spirits at the shrine or lower down in the forest.

Fun little in-depth guide;


Level 1
Thread starter
hi !! hihihih, uhhm i also think itd help boost activity with certain in game stuff that wouldnt nessecarily have to be full on events? liike maybe occult club doing small stuff after school, or hauntings, or liiike, ghost stories, almost like an animal whitelist (but applying for it instead)!!!

i also think itd have potential to draw in new players that like to lean towards occult-ish rp or have chars that are super into that kind of thing, its kind of difficult to rp a character who's whole thing is ghosts, and there's no ghosts around to interract with majority of the time

tl;dr: +1
YESS!! this is exactly what i was thinking


Level 32
hi !! hihihih, uhhm i also think itd help boost activity with certain in game stuff that wouldnt nessecarily have to be full on events? liike maybe occult club doing small stuff after school, or hauntings, or liiike, ghost stories, almost like an animal whitelist (but applying for it instead)!!!

i also think itd have potential to draw in new players that like to lean towards occult-ish rp or have chars that are super into that kind of thing, its kind of difficult to rp a character who's whole thing is ghosts, and there's no ghosts around to interract with majority of the time

tl;dr: +1
I like this idea, but I'm pretty sure the event would count for their monthly event. The club lead SLT (customable themself) could probably give you more information on this!!


Level 1
Thread starter
Just as Customable said above! While I wish this role were available to more people, it's meant for specially authorized people because they are trusted with the role. The role is year-round but you'll mainly find ghosts interacting with players during October because of Halloween! Other than that you can find spirits at the shrine or lower down in the forest.

Fun little in-depth guide;
could you maybe resend the link? it says it's blocked TT


Level 37
Although I see what your implying, there Is technically a way to apply for this RP and like customable said is that it is through being a member of the event team which you can apply for in Event-Team application! (click on "THIS" to be sent to the link page to apply!

There isn't exactly the role of ghost or anything its just a name, but you can RP as a ghost or a Oni in shrine there's many supernatural things your allowed to become when in the team, these kind of interactions are what can make the occult club a very unique club as we get to interact with the event/staff quite often through the use of investigating spirits and "accidental" encounters!!

Furthermore if you'd like to be included in this RP in the occult club head to the karakura academics server, clubs and then occult club!! we allow non-members to also join in on most club activity unless its certain expeditions!!

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Level 185
Community Team
Lore Team

As I understand that people want more ghost activity when it comes to the server. But, this isn't always doable with how the server is. Staff and Event Team members have lives and can't always be ghosts to entertain the people(even with adding a role), there are also RULES when it comes to being a ghost along with how the spirit world works on SRP(closer to October, the smaller the rift between the spirit realm to Karakura).

As a lore team member, we already have a lot of Folklore when it comes to Karakura. You are already able to 'ghost hunt' even without having ghosts/spirits around. Its called interacting with the server for their experiences(The Shrine has the most Spirit interacting as Customable plays Kitsa among other spirits, along with many other staff members. Like Aania who plays the School Ghost in a certain classroom).


Level 108
I will share my thoughts on this as a former event team member. When I was on event team, ghosts were at some points a big conversation. I can give you a few reasons why the playerbase (and mostly anyone outside of staff) does not RP ghosts.

1 Trust. Like you said, applying for a ghost would involve access to commands and stuff like /vanish and other event team/staff only commands. Even if you are a reputable player, you cannot be trusted. I can apply for most roles and abuse my power, and ghosts would probably end up being the most easy to abuse.
1a Powergaming. This falls under trust. Most players, reputable or not, cannot be trusted with the responsibilities of having a supernatural character. RPing a supernatural character can get out of hand easily so someone trusted by staff members must be RPing one. It can be really easy to have fun as an event character (for example, a ghost) but you need to know when to reel it back and make sure you're not taking things out of hand with the priveledges your role has granted you. I simply don't think this is something staff can trust most players with. (This includes community teams like event team as well which is why many event team have never RPed a ghost).

2 Novelty. Ghosts are like, really awesome. But one must remember that these characters are supposed to feel special when they appear so having more people involved (who would most likely want to RP them a lot) could slowly take the novelty out of it.

I really, highly suggest applying for event team. Not for the sole purpose of being a ghost but you get the chance to work on events and additionally you have the perk of the Halloween events!
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Level 145
School Clubs Lead
Media Team
I'm glad that is so! However it would be awesome for it to be all-year round role to add to the game!
It can be an all year round role, it’s mainly just staff members authorised to do this however under very specially circumstances


Level 148
If you’d like to rp as a Ghost or any paranormal creature you can always apply for the event team or even staff. However, applying for one of these roles shouldn’t be the main reason why you want them to rp as a creature. Overall being able to rp as these creatures won’t be allowed for the public. Like others have mentioned it’s for those who are trusted and are well known aka event team and staff members. As much as this would be amazing it’d go downhill and end very badly if these permissions were given to the public. The best places and times to encounter these creatures would be the Shrine and school, specifically a classroom. The best time for this would be Halloween and October due to the increase of paranormal activity. Again like others have mentioned.


Level 1
Thread starter
It can be an all year round role, it’s mainly just staff members authorised to do this however under very specially circumstances
I see that now. Thank you all very much for helping me understand! Although a bit disappointed, I do realize it would be more disappointing for players to make the game unfun by abusing this role. I'll look into being a team member and the responsibilities of keeping the server enjoyable!

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