players online


  1. ThatBurningFox

    Miyako Sakai | Character Biography

    ✿ Miyako Sakai ✿ "Dedication will see me through." .:THE FORMALITIES:. Family Name: 酒井 (Sakai) Given Name: 宮子 (Miyako) Aliases: Miya (Close Friends) Ginger (Disrespectful) Gender: Female Age: 25 Years Occupation: Karakura Police Department (Main Division - Corporal) .:VISUAL BASICS...
  2. DealingDrugs

    [Adult tag]

    I’m a bit confused on how to become an adult? I don’t really understand the process of getting the role lol-
  3. D

    Adult Application

    In-Game Name: Kesu Tsushima What is being requested?: To become an Adult Why do you want this?: Kesu is 4 years older than his his younger brother Kenshi, Kenshi being 18 now Kesu would be 22 How is this beneficial to roleplay?: (Links to backstory) Character description...
  4. Murdoc Fluxes

    Murdoc's Intro

    Hey how's it goin, I'm Ty. I'm 27yr old, Pansexual, and Male. I choose the name Murdoc Fluxes when i was young, I was trying to make a Homestuck OC who was a clown and turned out I sucked at drawing lol so I kept the name for roleplay purposes as well as a neat little nickname. I am in a loving...