players online


  1. frenzyyy

    Official [Video-Guide] A Guide To PROPERTIES!

    GUIDE TO PROPERTIES A comprehensive guide to properties on SchoolRP. Here, you will find out how to get yourself an apartment or house and how to use the given commands to customise it. Additionally, you will learn about what kind of properties you may own, how to locate these properties, the...
  2. AiBerry

    Private Chest from Old owner in Apartment

    Username: AiYukinaRP Apartment Coordinates: 1237x 55y 747z Issue: There's a chest inside the apartment from past owner, unable to break Additional Information: I have screenshots of the chest.
  3. WhiteSnowy1737

    A open apartament

    All houses or apartaments i found is already busy, and the only one not occupied is very bad, where i can find a house
  4. reveluvshar

    Empty apartment

    USERNAME: SharnaEden APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1889 82 1351 ISSUE: Empty Apartment ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: i have been watching this apartment for around a week and half and its remained empty yet has 22d left is there any chance to get it released if the owner isnt using it or is it...
  5. meg0cci

    Apartment claim

    USERNAME: Sanguine_wraith APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): ISSUE: the owner has been offline for 30 days, and the IGN is.. WrenchWD2 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: I want to claim the apartment at C 403 , owner has been offline and so i'd like for the appartment to be unclaimed. also, could you...
  6. meg0cci

    apartment claim glitch

    USERNAME: lordespapes APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1623 23 1273 ISSUE: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: i cant claim anything in my apartment.. it says i dont have any perms on it even tho its my own apartment
  7. meg0cci

    apartment inactivity

    USERNAME: Rexnii APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): ISSUE: apartment that i want to own (inactivity) ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: apartment that i want to own, it was my friend's old apartment and after 10 hours its gonna be 30 days of his inactivity and i want that apartment to be disown and...
  8. meg0cci

    some glitched blocks in my apartment

    USERNAME: Rexnii APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1776 43 1350 ISSUE: purple and yellow concrete powders i placed them but now i cant break them ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: i want to remove the 'concrete powders' in my apartment for some reason it says i can't break them and i was just trying to...
  9. Joseph M

    Suggestion: Bring Back Buyable Houses | 8/11/2021

    IGN: Pluffmoody DATE: 8/11/2021 WHAT YOU WANT TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Id like to suggest adding back the ability to buy the houses, with the same prices as they used to be. HOW WILL THIS BENEFIT THE SERVER/COMMUNITY?: I believe this would benefit the server because: It would add more living space...
  10. atkoi

    Housing Issues (How to resolve?)

    As we all know, there is a housing issue. Players all over are looking for apartments and houses to live in but they're resorting to either being homeless, living with friends, or living in the abandoned houses. My idea is we stack on another two or three floors per apartment building...
  11. KotaLobo

    Apartment Block Issues.

    USERNAME: QwQMeHarderDaddy APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): ISSUE: I can't build at the ceiling in my apartment ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: It's been doing this ever since we got the apartment 3 or so months ago
  12. A

    glitched apartment!

    USERNAME: _breadandbutter_ APARTMENT COORDINATES (F3 TO VIEW): 1625/57/520 ISSUE: there is a wall in my apartment and when staff took it down and I went to the area it said I had left my apartment. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: glitched apartment and I would love it fixed, also my whole upstairs of my...
  13. Latin_Taco

    Money Request

    IGN: Latin_Taco VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: 50,000 Yen EVIDENCE: 2020-08-02_22.11.26.png ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Yesterday I paid 50,000 for more days and wake up to see it go back down to 1 month. So that means I need 200,000 in total due to another rollback that took my days as well.
  14. Slorbin

    Bug: Not able to break blocks in apartments

    IGN: Slorbin DATE: April 19, 2020 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: There's an annoying bug that makes it so whenever a server crash happens when you're in editmode, sometimes when you buy a new apartment, or other unknown causes, you're unable to break blocks that have been placed in an...
  15. Slorbin

    Feedback - Increase the number of apartments, here's how.

    IGN: Slorbin DATE: 4/12/2020 WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: The number of apartments is abysmally fucking low. People camp outside of apartments for hours upon hours for a chance of getting an apartment. I've seen people's characters just straight-up fucking die after getting killed by...
  16. D

    Dorms Or Apartments!

    It would be awesome if there could be a place for us students to stay. You can charge rent every month and if we don't have the money you can kick us out. Because of the rent that we have to pay, we should be able to work! Let's make this more realistic. A lot of high school students have jobs...