players online


  1. G

    Police Applications

    Hello, I'm Mai and I'm 15 years old I would like to ask if I can be a policeman on the server to keep the area safe ;D. I hope I can play on your server as a police officer, I would definitely be happy and I'm always very nice and full of humor, bye! :) btw my ign is GangMaii !
  2. amamyo

    "A Runner's Faith" ["Short" Story]

    Why Adverb 1. For what reason or purpose. "Why do you have pink hair?" Chapter 1 Pink and Alone I sighed as I stared out into the baseball field. Slowly I opened my lunchbox and, to my delight, I had a can of green tea. I slowly drank it as I glanced at the cafeteria. As usual, the rich...