Old hacked account's ign: KalipsoRP
New account's ign: surferperson
Here I will provide screenshots that I think will fit this situation the best.
If this is not enough or lower quality then it should be,please do message me on my discord!
I am more then happy to provide any more proof...
IGN: NLE_Chopsticks
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Nothing much to add except for the fact that I was in 3rd person view helping my friend by taking him to the police cause he broke his legs cause he was banned from the hospital. After that I stopped...
I've politely asked as many times as I possibly could for an either negative or posetive response to this appeal to whoever is supposed to read it and decide if it will be accepted or not. I've been told to wait for months and I've even been banned falsely in the meaning time wich made me more...
This is a re-post of my request. This siriosly is not funny anymore. I have been waiting for some kind of response. Hoping for posetive,but if negative still somewhat understandable. But what I dont understand and don't fancy is the time that is beeing taken by the person who has to anwser this...
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME:Framed glasses,I have bought them from a store at the entrance of the shopping d. they cost me about 80.000 yen.
EVIDENCE:Here you can clearely see that I have payed for them and had them on my head.
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:They have turned into a walking stick...
IGN: Mxxkie
VEHICLE OR ITEM NAME: Dodge Challenger
EVIDENCE: (I can't really upload it here, but an admin has seen it already)
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: It glitched out during the restarts earlier today.
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