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ʚɞ.° Addelina's Biography °.ʚɞ


Level 3
〰️ʚɞ.° Addelina Min °.ʚɞ〰️

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Addelina Min
Triplets ? ? ?

───ʚ・ ୨୧・ ɞ───

Addie 〰️ Adds 〰️ Lina

───ʚ・ ୨୧・ ɞ───

Gender: Female
Height: 5'7
Age: 18 Years Old
Weight: 100 Pounds On The Dot !
Thin W/Defined Curves
Skin Color: Smooth With Freckles
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Hairstyle: Tied Up In Some Sort Of Style
Hair Color: Wavy Dark Brown W/Blonde Streaks
Fashion: Red Accessories And Stylish Fashion Duh !
A #3 Shaped Birthmark On Her Right Wrist..
Date Of Birth: February 13th National Women's Day ! (What a coincidence)
Place Of Birth: New York
Nationality: Korean
Sexual Orientation: Straight

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〰️ Addie would always be seen with her phone, and stylish earrings. A MUST DUHH! 〰️

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〰️ Addie is either wearing something with red accents, or matching with her sisters!! 〰️

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〰️Addie loves to listen to music, and enjoys being by herself. Thoughhh she can
be with her sisters, however not too long or she will go insane...〰️
〰️Addie alsooo LOVES to eat food, and its indeed the way to her hearttt !!〰️

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Addelina's Siblings.. Status 〰️ Well And Alive!
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Addelina's Father.. Status 〰️ Alive!
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Addelina's Mother.. Status 〰️ Alive!
Screenshot 2024-07-01 at 3.04.02 PM.png

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〰️Triplet Tea.. Life in the Min household was "Absolutely Fantastic !" Stated the triplets, in unison. These quite spoiled girls lived their dream lives in luxury. They had a plentiful and large sized house in the heart of New York City, each with their own room even their own backyard tennis court.. Tell me you're rich without telling me you're rich. Am I right!? If you thought that wasn't enough then boy are you mistakennnn! They even went to private school, and you can 100% bet that they were the most popular of well.. the whole entire school population..!! They basically always had a crowd wherever they went. Girls asking them how they got so pretty and makeup hacks, Boys lurking and trailing behind them waiting to try to shoot their shot. How pathetic.. like let's be REAL! These girls truly never had any struggle. That was until... These 3 guys came around and started going to their private school. But these 3 guys were special, as they were also TRIPLETS! Small world right..? This caused much conflict between the girls "perfect" lives, As Addelina and Gianna both ended up catching feelings for the SAME GUY.. Poor Emberly was left to pick up the pieces.. as always :( Though this conflict only lasted for around 2 months because at the age of 17 their father got a new job in Japan! The girls were taken for quite the spin, as their life of luxury came to an abrupt end. I wonder how things will go down in Karakura.. better? Or Worse..?

〰️Addelina Lore.. Addie had the oh so luxurious roll of being the middle child.. Oh GREAT! :I The first one to always be compared to her older sooo "perfect" sister Emberly. "We DEFFO have unheard beef.. Trust." said Addelina about none other than the youngest Gigi. She was ranting to her best friend growing up, his name was Tristen. It was blatantly obvi that Tristen liked Addelina.. Though, Addelina didn't feel the same when Tristen suddenly confessed his "undying love" to her 3 days before she left for JAPAN.. Are you actually serious..!? Like so much for her "best friend". Little did she know Tristen moved on in about the span of 3 weeks. SHOCKINGggGgGgG! Honestly.. Being the middle child was quite the struggle. She was always being told off for her attitude and rebellion towards her family. Yet she would legit jump off the Eiffel Tower for them.. Like what's the problem!? No wonder she has all that tude. Though Addie had something unique about her, besides the fact of having 2 dopple gangers she had a birthmark on her right wrist that looked like the number 3. Weird right?.. But it kinda described her whole life in a number. Unlucky 3 is last place, like a pity award cause you couldn't be first. Ohh Booo Hooo.. here is your participation ! She was the last to be picked, last to be liked, last to be loved, literally born in 3. It's funny how conflict came between Addie and Gianna cause of the 3 triplets, and her "Never Ending Lover" moved on in 3 weeks. But Addie didn't know this.. Funny huh.


〰️Father Son.. What you thought would stop at 3 didn't end there? That's right... The triplets have a brother. Man how many children are you gonna have!?!? Anyways, their brother was much older than the triplets. The girls now being 18 years old and starting their new lifestyle in Karakura.. Well.. Their brother is in his late 20's, With his job as a lawyer and shop owner. Not in Karakura, but back in New York City. He owned the very good off business called, "Illusionarydyll" that had plentiful amounts of aesthetic clothing, and other items of streetwear. It can't be compared to designer brands yet! Now you're probably curious like, what's this guys name!? He goes by, Kwan Min. Kwan means 'strong' in Korean, which in all honesty he is very strong. Kwan also lives a lifestyle of luxury, and has his own personal gym and trainers, leaving him in a great physical condition. However.. Kwan wasn't always this well liked, or well off. Let me explain.. When Kwan was around the age of 9 he was known for his foul behavior and language towards other children during class. A huge Class Clown & Bully. No one likes bullies.. Just saying !! This left the Min parents having an interesting title under their name, one which neither of them admired, and neither would anyone else. Their family was given the title of vice, meaning corruption and wickedness. The Min parents were not very pleased with this realization and took all their anger out on Kwan, with actions such as taking away his hobbies, and cutting off connections to his "friends" who were more just there to see him get in trouble. His "friends" were there to put Kwan under the bus for the shits and giggles.. How disgusting ! Due to all this sudden change Kwan took it upon himself to grow from this, leading to him eventually becoming the fit, well rounded person today. Ultimately deciding to follow in his Father's footsteps in being able to create his own living and future to his now fiancé, Lorelei Odessa.

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⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚
〰️Addie Min !
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Level 3
Thread starter
100lbs is so underweight for 5'7, girl needs a good meal or two /hj
My character not yours... Besides it's really not underweight.... So please don't come here to criticize my hours of work TY!!
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Level 37
My character not yours... Besides it's really not underweight.... So please don't come here to criticize my hours of work TY!!
I wasn't criticizing anything, that's why tone indicators are important to read!! i'm sorry if it came off that way, that's not how it was meant. <3

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