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Denied ྀིFanged Valentine ˚₊‧⁺⋆♱ | GuttedValentine Shopkeeper Application


Level 21

Player Information

What is your Minecraft username?:
ThooornDefender (Applying)

I'd like to note that this account is new, I have no playtime since I just got it..!

Other Minecraft accounts:
GuttedValentine (Main.)

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

How old are you? (Optional):
Prefer not to say but 19+

What is your time zone?:

୨୧ Describe your activity on the server: ୨୧
I am a very active person on the server! I’d like to rate my activity an 8/10.. I am in university, so of course that will lower my activity but not enough for me to be inactive!!
I mainly roleplayed my jock character, Nobara Heddo, and my psychiatrist character, Natasha Kirishiki!


I have had the character Nobara Heddo since late 2023. She has become one of my favorites to roleplay as, and only fell more in love with the development of her when joining bobcat cheer. I try to get on her once a day, unless busy with University, since she is very fun to roleplay on! I have been in cheer since early February. This is the first team I have been on, and I do not plan on leaving any time soon. Being in a team has created for me to roleplay with faculty, other teams, etc. Our amazing captain constantly helps us improve in our detailrp as we write out chants, routines, etc. Cheer really helps people learn a whole other side of detailrp!

Hospital Faction

I have been in EMS for OVER a year. I am the clinical lead psychiatrist, and have no plans to leave this beautiful faction. I joined ems for the purpose of meeting new people, and this just happened to be the only faction to have my first srp friends on.. With that I met more people, expanded my roleplay, learned how to detailrp, etc. Considering EMS is a very active faction, I am constantly making sure my department is doing well..

Follow Up Activity Questions:
"Would being in both EMS and Cheer get in the way of completing quota?"

Not at all! If anything, I would really love to play my OC more as she hasn't been seen in a while.. Once again, i'd focus on all three 'factions' equally! I know I can handle all three and manage my time on each wisely.

I would not be focusing all my time on just opening to complete quota, but also roleplaying on my character! I really want to expand and develop her as a whole, just like I did with Miss Capybara (Nobara) Heddo.​

"Planning on joining any other factions?"

No! I believe I can only handle these three characters... I do not want to get srp burnt out, or not be able to complete quota! I would only be playing this three... And perhaps bring back an old character when I get sick of Miss Maryla Fang-Lei (my shopkeeper char if I get accepted!)

"If you ever go on inactivity, what would the longest time period be?"

Probably just a week or two. I am in university, full time, studying law so my schedule does get cramped up during finals and midterms! I study a lot, but most of my studies are done at campus.. Unless if I need to continue my studies.​

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Of course! I acknowledge this.​
Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

Spanish Application
Russian Application
Russian Application
Receptionist Application

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):

Psychiatrist: Natasha Kirishiki
Grade-12 [Cheerleader]: Nobara Heddo
College : I don't really play my college tag anymore.. BUT, my character is Ai Romanova! My degree is bachelors



What shop are you applying for?:

I will be applying for Club Umbra!

Though, I would be interested in changing the name to something to fit my character’s aesthetic a bit more! I would be changing it to Fanged Valentine to better match the aesthetic of my vampiric-looking character.

Why do you want to become a Shopkeeper?:
I have only been in one faction my entire 3-4 years of being on SRP! I joined the hospital faction to expand my roleplay, get better with detailrp, and meet new people.. It helped me very much as I am now the clinical lead psychiatrist (yay!) Shopkeeper has always been the other faction that interests me, very much.. Specifically when I was still a silly greenie who did not know how to append. After meeting more people in this faction, and even working in some shops, the urge to apply only grew more. I’d constantly wait to see if the Karakura Town server had an announcement saying they are now open!

I'd like to say I am a pretty creative person overall.. I feel that a shop like this creates for braingstorming and plans to be made which is right up my alley; I enjoy doing things such as this.. Creating a whole concept a shop, planning prices and interior- DESIGNING the wardrobe myself and events to bring others together.. THAT REALLY SOUNDS LIKE FUN TO ME!

As someone who took so long to make friends when joining srp, I often struggled to make friends and engage in rp.. I know some people want to expand their rp, and help their characters branch out with lore. I want to be a part of that! Helping them talk with one another in my club/bar, having events and games that will rise the activity with some people's characters..!

What do you plan to do with your shop, and what makes it unique?:

The Idea Behind the Shop:
I want to create a place where adults can hangout! There are a series of people in factions who never know what to do when off duty, or not inside their work-place environment.. This will be a perfect place to socialize, bring others rps and characters together!! It won't just be adult-tag/Faction people.. Certain spartans are able to drink too! What to do when off duty? COME HANG OUT HERE! ( This will be better explained below in the event ideas..!)


Talent show

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An event that will be organized with the help ( and permission) of staff. Advising/asking faction leads of such to help create an uproar about it!
THIS WON'T BE FACTION-ONLY! Adults, college students invited!
"How will this work?"
There will be a sign up sheet on the Fanged Valentine discord server, located in announcements. A google doc with icly questions to get a better understanding of who will be signing up! A discord-timestamp will be provided so people can see if they are available or not!
What is your IGN?

Full name? Age? Talent Type?

Mimosa Mornings

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This event will be something simple.. Not as extra as the event above.

I'D BE WILLING TO BUY A MIMOSA CUSTOM. Designing a cute glass cup with a sliced orange being NOT TOO STRONG so people can eat, chat, and drink!

My managers will be in charge of the W2G (Watch2Gether), as the bartenders are serving the food and drinks.. They will go around asking for any song recommendations!

Trivia Night!

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Many questions asked to the crowd as they team up to win a special prize at the end!

Different topics being presented every other month: Pop culture, Movies, Music, Celebrities.. Might even throw in a Karakura theme night where questions pulled from the lore are put into place. #LetsTestThesePlayers.

TOTAL NUMBER OF TEAMS: 12 ( Two people per team.)

Half off on whatever bottle they EACH want...
Grade-12's are allowed, but the prize will change to a half off meal..! IDS WILL ALWAYS BE CHECKED.. THIS INCLUDES IF YOU'RE GRADE 12.​

MORE Themed Ideas..
Karaoke Night: A night where people will have an entire routine.. W2K, etc. Preparing and writing an entire routine, or simply winging it as they /y DON'T GO BREAKING MY HEART!

Government faction bonding night: Drinking, games, food, etc. Even the adults play truth or dare..

Spartan Night: A night filled with jocks, councilors, club members/leaders, SPARTANS! Games, etc.


Themed Nights!

Just like in the first event, this will be announced but.. 3-4 days in advanced. Why? WE WANT PEOPLE TO DRESS UP! A themed night is a night with a theme.. (Way to explain, Becca!) In the discord server, there will be an opened-googledoc at all times asking people what they would like future themes to be..! Their ign WILL BE asked for to secure nobody will input 'joke/troll' themes!

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Theme example...


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The score for each turn is added up and subtracted from the player's total score. The bullseye is worth 50 points, the outer ring is worth 25 points, and darts in the double or treble ring count double or treble the segment score.
First person to get to zero.. WINS!

Contributing that to SRP:

You get two darts, icly, throwing it and /roll 50...
Whoever gets to a lower amount in a certain amount of time WINS!
It is difficult to do the 50/25/double points on srp... So we can simplify it.

Blackjack's goal is to have a higher hand value than the dealer without going over 21. Here are some basic rules of blackjack..!

Contributing that to SRP:
Whoever gets closer to 21.. WINS! The minimum to enter is 5k...
You each /roll 30... The dealer (Manager or shopkeeper) will roll first..

EX: The dealer rolls a 10. The player rolls an 18. Since 18 is closer to 21, the player wins and would get 10k from me since they entered with 5k.

"What happens if they go over 21..?"
The whole point is get 21, or CLOSE to it.. NOT OVER IT! The dealer would just win the money, unless if they too get over 21..

If both get over 21, whoever is closer to 21 gets the money.

⁺‧₊˚ ཐི⋆♱⋆ཋྀ ˚₊‧⁺

The rules were already explained above, but I will repeat them to further explain group blackjack..​

How to win: The person to get 21, or closest to 21 wins! You can not go over, that qualifies you losing already...

Playing: Each person will input 10-20k into the 'bowl' ( /pt the shopkeeper) as the shopkeeper shuffles the deck... Going around the table, the dealer will start everyone off by /roll 30.. Whoever gets closest to 21 WINS!

"What happens if two people roll the same closest number to 21?"
They each will reroll, and whoever is closer will get paid the entire yen that was entered to play...!

Number of players? 3 - (?)

What will you sell in your shop?:
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Pink Frosted Donuts
Nutella on Toast

Strawberry - Nutella Crepes

Guinness beer
Sanrio Seltzer Can
Witch’s Heart ****tail

Pride Vodka
Red Wine

****tail 'Grimace'

Champange ( Glass and Bottle)

Whatever alc beverage I can get my hands on.

I already mentioned up above that I would be getting customs for my shop as well.. I'm an artist and would like to design the concepts to some cute-gothic sweets; Macaroons, macarons, different crepes, etc. in a dark-decorated aesthetic..

There will be a selection of nonalcoholic beverages as well, since there is many characters who do not drink..! Sure this is a bar/club, but it is also a place for people to have fun and bond outside of work.. To find something to do when the nights feel long in Karakura...! I will have SOME meal items, but little to none will be sold for this is a bar/club where its focused is beverages and appetizers!

How many employees do you plan to have?:

Shopkeeper [ 1 / 1 ]:
This would very much be me.. I will make sure everything is going smoothly, take care of the events and plans. Restock when needed, etc.

District Manager [ 0 / 1 ]:
This is basically the second in command.. This person will help the shopkeeper when things get hectic! Taking care of the managers, bartenders, servers.. Their job is quite similar as they keep things in line and moving well. Helping come up with events ( tho all workers inputs on events are just as important..) the second in command will meet twice a month to plan events with the shopkeeper..!
Helping design uniforms, interior, their input is just as important as the shopkeeper and them work alongside one another.
They would be in charge of the mini-games.. Being the only ones who would help host.

Managers [ 0 / 2 ] :
The shopkeepers right hand! These people are in charge of quite a lot as they go on to help manage the events.
Just like the shopkeeper, they will help alongside them to make sure everything is in place. Helping with openings, gathering stuff for the events, being in charge of the W2K..
Managers will help with picking and choosing whenever the time to apply comes around! Looking at applications, their input is just as important as the responsibility of the title is put in their hands.
They would help employees with anything; Answering questions, making sure sells are being made, etc! Booking live bands/performances for the audience, they would help interview whatever performers come into contact with the shop and are looking for 'a gig!' Helping make adverts and posters for the future announcements that will be posted in the server.
Helping the district manager and shopkeeper, menus will be made and handed around..

Bartenders [ 0 / 5 ] :
The bartenders will be posted at the bar, always! Gathering the drinks for the servers and preparing them. Engaging with those seated at the bar, rather than tables, the bartenders will keep company for the guests. NOT ALL will be on duty when opening.. The most would be 3, but even then, I am thinking of just two being on duty when I open!
I want the bartenders help build chat just like a real bar would have, engaging with those seated at the bar... Detailrping making drinks (and serving them!)

Servers [ 0 / 9 ] :
Running around handing menus, they will be ready to serve and slay! (Oh, and serve food/drinks too.)
These are the people you expect to have a keybind as they STROLL around the club, making sure everyone is being attended. Taking orders and heading back to the bar as they grab the treats.. They will go on to satisfy the clients needs.

Security/Bouncers [ 0 / 5 ] :
Protecting the bar at all times.
Stoping fights, making sure everyone is safe.. Checking IDS is a very important task for them, as it is their responsibility that on event nights.. Only people of age are allowed to enter. No ID? NO ENTRY!
Clubs tend to get hectic, these people will be there to make sure it does not get out of hand or chaos.


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Everything will be different depending your position at Fanged Valentine... The overall theme I am going for is a gothic-vampiric look to each member's attire. (HUGE EMPHASIS ON RED.) A dark-wine red, and ruffles being added to their wardrobe.. District managers would be wearing more black than red to stand out from the rest


Example of one uniform that I AM going to get reshaded: Managers will have a bit of a more 'classy' and elegant look to their uniforms.. But don't let that take away from the fact my character is a very elegant lady herself.. Meaning? Gorgeous gowns as a feminine option..
Everything is meant to captivate the eye, looking graceful and stylish to the customers.

Bartenders will have a more casual look to them; Skirts or dark jeans a bit of a brighter red and long boots...

Romantic, Vampiric, Traditional goth will be the main aesthetic of the wardrobe..
A simple red/black suit for the security/bouncers, as the district manager were to wear an ALL black suits.​


Elegance, floral, beauty.

I want to focus my design on a castle-themed vampiric castle. A huge bar area with a stage for the future performances connected, seats will be scattered around! High tables, long and short couches, alongside a dance floor..
The event area will be mainly downstairs! This is where all the mini-games, parties will go on. If somebody wants to rent it, that will very much be available with LITTLE changes in the decor. (EX: Happy birthday/Congrats banners/signs.. More floral stuff.. Changing carpet and SOME colors to their wedding/party colors!)
A breakroom downstairs will be located for the workers.. After all, I want dramaticrp with this character. During work that will be their AFK room, alongside mine, so clients/customers do not try ordering.. (Shoutout to ems for teaching us to never afk in the lobby!)
Candles and signs everywhere.. RULES posted up as you walk in; People must learn to respect the environment and setting, so rules will be placed for all to read as soon as arriving. A huge table downstairs in a secluded area where people can go and... play a fun game! (Gamble..)
My ideas only continue as I know i will envision more when seeing the place; The aesthetic of my club/bar is very evident as I have stated it over and over. A castle-vampire place, AVOIDING a gloomy aesthetic but instead chasing a royal-classical decor.

† ཐི❤︎ཋྀ †

Character’s Full Name:Screen Shot 2024-08-13 at 1.30.19 AM.png
/it Projecting loudly, Fang hissed through her teeth as a smug smile tugged the end of her lips.
'Fang-Lei, Maryla.'
/it She'd be wearing just one glove on her right hand, extending THAT ONE over to you as a tilt to her head had begun.. Offering a handshake

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
/me Hummed for a short moment to herself, tapping her fingers against the desk as her gaze followed the tap. . tap. . tap. .
I identify as a woman, but. . I'd like to say that my pronouns are she and they. Call me whichever, I do not mind."

Character’s Age (if accepted):
/me Stopped tapping her finger nails against the desk as the question was released from their lips. Her gaze meeting with the interviewer as she raised an eyebrow only to say,
'I am thirty-nine years old.' /&u She'd fix her posture as one leg was crossed over the other. Didn't she look amazing for her age..? Perhaps she was like a vampire, never aging... Give her five years for the white hairs to come in!

Character’s Marital Status:
/it That smug smile slapped onto her face instantly shifted into a genuine one as her favorite topic was brought up! Fang sat up, straight, interlocking her fingers with one another and setting it over the desk.
'My beloved Kaiyo is my boyfriend.'
/it Keeping it short, she'd nod once to showcase she was done with her answers before glancing at her gloved hand for a VERY quick second.

Character’s Spoken Languages:
Russian, Japanese, Chinese
(I need to apply for both on this account..)


I AM SO SORRY ABOUT THE BOLD FONT ON SOME PARTS... It kept glitching for me..



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