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'ᴛʜᴇ ᴅᴀᴍꜱᴇʟᴇᴛᴛᴇ' | ɢꞮƦʟꜰƦ1Qɴᴅ'ꜱ ᴀᴘᴘʟꞮᴄᴀᴛꞮᴏɴ


Level 6
Out-Of-Character Information

IGN (In-Game Name):

What is your discord username?

Do you have a microphone?
It's a yes-no situation. If absolutely needed I can definitely join on my phone to speak, if not I will be joining on my computer where I don't have a microphone.

Describe your activity on the server:
I do spend quite a bit of time on srp. During the week, I am at high school from 6:50 am to 4:05 pm, dedicating about 10 hours a day to school and I do a side hustle, netball which takes up about an hour or two on wednesdays, which means I don't necessarily play srp on wednesdays and when I do it's for a very short period of time. Whenever I can make time to play srp I am normally on for an hour more maybe five. On weekends I am on from 8 am to at least 11 pm although there are times I do not get on at all for a long period of time, I always make sure to do an inactive notice if that is going to happen. Taking all of this into consideration I'd say my overall activity on the server would be a solid 8.4/10.

What is your timezone?:
My time zone is:
Australian Eastern Standard Time
Time zone in Queensland (GMT+10)

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:
Doctor application
Psych app #2
Psych app #1
Priest application
Hs-council app

Language apps:

SRP teams:

What are your current roles on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):
Grade 12.


What subject are you applying to teach?:

Drama teacher!

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
My motivation for becoming a teacher is quite simple i'm afraid. While being on HS-Council I had a dream of working alongside teachers, employees and SLT. Well now I have a chance to be one on the server! It's draining from what i've seen but I'm dedicated to put myself out there and get the job done, draining or not.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?
Yes I do.

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:
Teacher class logs are important because they track the progress of the class, as in the speed of what they are learning, it ensures teachers are following the curriculum, completing required topics and managing time for the students effectively.

Evaluation and Reflection.

Communication and Stakeholders.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
As a teacher, all classes should have rules according to the person teaching but if everyone had the same rules it would be so much easier, here are some strict rules for students when they are in class. Its just common sense to follow these rules.

Respect: Whether you like a student/teacher or anyone in the class or not. You show them respect in the classroom, it doesn't matter if you are beefing outside of class, when you are in class you leave all the negativity behind at the door.

No Electronic Devices: In class you shouldn't use your phones, or any electronic Devices as it shows the teacher that you don't care for what they are teaching and it breaks the rule of respect.

Stay seated: In class the teacher shouldn't have to tell you to sit down, it breaks the rule of respect.

Follow school dress code: Following the dress code is important, because if you don't you will be asked to change.

Raise your hand: To speak you shouldn't call out because it can throw the teacher off on what they were saying, and eventually the entire class gets confused. Raise your hand to speak, ask a question, etc etc.

No disruptions: No disruptions like, calling out, running around the class room, playing on your electronic devices, talking over the teacher or another student when they are either asking a question or presenting something.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
I have been roleplaying for quite a longgggg time!
I am not quite sure how long of my time I have spent on roleplaying platforms but it must be around five to six years now. Since I first started to roleplay I have gained quite a colossal amount of roleplaying experience from then. I have spent a lot of time engaging in many roleplaying situations. First time I ever roleplayed must have been when I played roblox 24/7 which was quite some time ago. I have roleplayed or acted out many different scenarios and find myself quite good at detailing things when it is just me alone to figure out all my actions and dialogs. Not only have I been just goofing around on the roleplaying websites but I have also been learning and growing my experience in all sorts of roleplay situations from vampire city to werewolves or sometimes even treating a patient! I've come quite a far way from where I was in roleplaying.

I've also been on a few minecraft servers which have allowed me to expand my vocabulary and roleplay ethereal situations and modern day ones. I have taken part in a wide range of roleplay such as CombatRP, DetailRP, fearRP, romanceRP, jockRP, motherRP, i've even gone in depth and did GangRP in my time on these different servers. Of course there are many other Roleplays I have done but none of them quite connect to SRP as they are mostly related to different types of monsterRP.

I have been on Council, college track, Hs football, and a few other roles which I won't list! Far too long don't you agree? I think my roleplay experiences are what makes me a good candidate for the teacher role! I have a long history of roleplaying different situations and stereotypes. To list more than before i've done SchoolRP, which is a big thing! I think.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning:

Head of department
↳ Description:
They are the lead of an department, like HD art. HD art is the one person who oversees the art department, making sure everything is being followed, like the curriculum, class logs, trainings of art teachers. These people have the most experience with being a teacher, so everyone in that department goes to their HD to ask questions, ask for help, be trained and etc etc.

- QT
↳ Meaning:

Qualified Teacher
↳ Description:
This role is given to those who have been around long enough to be trusted to host their own classes without supervision. You would no longer need training! When you are upgraded/promoted to this role you are seen as a trustworthy teacher and well experience to help the NQT and UT in training or just answering questions of theirs.

↳ Meaning:

Newly qualified teacher
↳ Description:
Newly qualified teachers are those who have gotten past their trainings and hosted a few classes. This shows your HD that you've gotten used to the flow of things and don't need supervision over everything you do. This is the second lowest role but you'll slowly climb into QT if you work a little harder.

- UT
↳ Meaning:

Unqualified teacher
↳ Description:
Unqualified teachers! You've just been hired and are going through the training progress of becoming an actual teacher! Congrats!! With this role you can't host classes because you are still getting used to all the commands and trainings. Even after you've been given training classes you are to be supervised to make sure everything is properly followed and goes according to plan! After all trainings have been completed you'll be bumped up to NQT and able to host classes!

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teachers do an overabundance in relation to, helping students, this can be seen as giving out detentions, directing students to different places in the school if asked, and answering questions of students that are deemed appropriate to ask. They either help newly joined people, or over experienced people! No one has the same way of answering things or teaching. For example my teachers oocly! My cooking teacher is definitely not a bundle of joy and likes to get things down quickly, As my digit technology teacher likes to take things slow and help every single one of his students learn to the best of their ability. Every teaching style is different, it really just depends on the person teaching, ICly and OOCly.

The school faculty is probably got the highest amount of payment with 350,000 a month, and the highest being 500,000. Yet the position isn't all about money, it's also the roleplay experience for me. I'd like to be able to jump from different factions, but with faculty being one of my favourite factions on the server I'd definitely stay for a very long time.. Possibly a year or two!

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
Well.. The server is called SchoolRP isn't it? Without teachers the server would have to be called CityRP and there is already a server called that. Plus the Teachers add an unique and realistic touch to the large and advanced map of karakura. Every other faction just adds to the server, but the main base is definitely faculty/the school.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
The school of karakura follows MoSCoW system! (Must have, Should have, Could have, Won't have.)

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?

Columbina stood at an mere 5 '3 She definitely wasn't the tallest of the bunch, but she made up for it in looks. She had a slim athletic build, almost like a dolls, she might of worked out but who really knows with the way she acts. Her long dark brown hair cascaded down her body only just stopping at her waist. Her Hazel eye color held mysteries yet to be discovered. Columbina had a soft, almost melodic voice (Columbina's voice claim (Singing version.) that would draw you in closer to her giving you a sense of.. Unease, she was definitely not easy to be around as a co-worker but easier for students... Upon meeting Columbina you'd instantly notice her lack of effort in normal conversations and her slight mysterious aura, for example if a person was walking up to her to strike a conversation, she wouldn't talk. That's unless she found you interesting or you were a student. If she absolutely had to speak she would, but it would be plain and straightforward, not wasting any unnecessary extra words.

Columbina's looks are quite extraordinary. Columbina has soft features that give her a calming air. She has soft incandescent eyes that are a hazel
color, she would always look bothered, wonder why... Her tan skin emitted an ethereal glow in the sunlight, almost blinding but also fascinating to the human eye. Columbina’s hair was left out carefully curled each morning she’d walk into work. It didn’t matter if she was on duty or off, she’d always look her best.

Columbina's clothing taste was quite normal? Interesting? No, you couldn't quite put your finger on it but it was definitely a different style every single outfit, but always either a dress or skirt. Why doesn't she wear pants? or shorts? Simply putting it, she doesn't want to and finds it a hassle to find the right size, that's unless its a suit. She has soft spots for suits.. But during work she wears a long skirt and white button up top, that's if she was in a good mood that day.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?
Columbina's outlook on students is rather normal, they're kids. They will fight, disrespect you, not listen, argue for the fun of it. But.. they're kids? Columbina is quite the half strict kind of teacher, not listening? No worries they'll sit in front of the stage, that way she can make sure they are listening and not making a fuss with the other students. Fighting in the hell or her class? Warning, if they keep doing it? Detention! Straight up, she doesn't mess around. Disrespecting her? No thank you, she'll sit you in front of the stage as well, refuse to do it? Warning for not listening, going to keep being disrespectful? You can get out of her class or fix your attitude. This also goes for the arguing. Warning or get out.

Co-workers.. She's very kept to herself. She doesn't like making small talk but she'll say good morning over the radio, and if called to a fight? She'll just say "okay" and turn up without any extra words. Again she likes to keep to herself, if she gets comfortable with someone she'll talk a lot out of view of the other teachers and employees. She sees the co-workers as someone to rely on, but her heart sees them as people to be cautious around.

What are their plans for the future?
Shockingly Columbina has no desire to quit being a teacher, she wants to work as long as her health will let her..


/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:

Columbina would silently watch from the side, only coming into light when she'd have enough of the swearing. In a low and quiet voice she'd say, "
Please stop swearing.. Oh and cursing!" if ignored she'd have to step up and say in a louder and more irritated voice, "Stop swearing and cursing please, this is highly inappropriate and its sad to see you all acting like five year olds! Enough of the arguing and get on with your day, there are classes to attend and friends to make. Go." A smile would then etch onto her face as she walked back into the corner to watch the group, making sure they walked away from each other.

No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
Columbina's has many different modes in a classroom like, calm, patient, impatient, irritated and so on. Depending on the day is how she'd get her class to listen!

So say she was on a calm and patient day, she'd stand in the centre of the stage, waiting patiently till someone noticed, if no one noticed after two minutes she'd raise her voice over everyone in the room, trying to catch their attention. Once all eyes were on her she'd continue the lesson, even playing a game to get everyone's sillies out so people could focus more.

An impatient and irritated day might look like this. Stomping her foot on the ground she'd raise her voice over the students, a vein popping out of her head as she tried to stay composed, her arms would cross as she narrowed her eyes at the silenced class. Raising a brow to ask if they were all ready to continue the class and were done being disrespectful and breaking TWO of her class rules. Once all answers had hit her she'd continue the class with a calm and patient stance..

When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
Quiet. She doesn't like to make small talk unless spoken to, as she doesn't want to seem rude and ignorant..

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me walked around to the gate of the stage, opening it to walk onto it. A small smile was plastered on her face like a disease, her hand reached out for the chalk on her desk, she'd grip the white, powdery, small cylinder in her hand. As she looked down she'd notice the powder had turned her hand white, she'd tremble for a few seconds before raising it confidently to write on the board, "Columbina Ogawa, Miss Ogawa." Her voice echoed through the classroom as she smiled down at the highschool students. "Welcome to drama class students! I hope you are all excited to do some acting and learning, just like I am." As the last words rolled off the tip of her tongue she'd point at the name written in white on the board. "I am Miss Ogawa and I hope you can show me some respect and kindness as one of your new teachers of drama! I am very happy to be here so show me you are too." She'd stop talking for a moment before pointing at one student at a time, allowing them to introduce themselves.

/me pointed at one student, then another, soon enough she had pointed at all the students as she wrote down a few notes, she was probably taking in how many students had decided to join her class, a few mumbled words would escape her lips as her eyes scanned the documents on her desk, her eyes narrowed as she went over the class plans. Raising her head as the students began to talk and ask questions at her, her face flushed with embarrassment as she hadn't even asked how they were! "Ah, hello my lovely students! How are we all today?" She'd ask, placing the pieces of paper down, rolling her chair back to stand up and walk onto the centre of the stage, another smile plastered as she spoke. "Today I thought we could do some acting/charade games!" She'd gesture over her students, recounting again. "Please raise your hand if you'd like to participate in the acting and judging! Of course the audience can help, but remember not to call out!"

/me hummed quietly as she watched the students on her stage. Her eyes lit up as one student in particular caught her eye with their acting, she had always loved it when people acted, especially when they had an natural talent for it. She'd of walked around to the gate of the stage, opening it to walk onto it, pausing the acting scenario. Walking up to the student that had caught her eye she'd smile before speaking. "You have an natural talent for acting! I can see it clearly. Do come to my classes whenever I host! I'd love to see you become a better actor/actress!" Her smile quickly fell as she walked away, allowing the scenario to go back into play with a simple clap of her hands.

/me voice was loud as she voiced over the class, her eyes narrowed as she looks down at them with disappointment clear in her expression. "Everyone stop talking over me! We will not be playing any games if this continues and you'll be learn shakes sphere instead. No acting, just listening and writing notes. Is that what you all want?" She'd raise a brow, letting her words sink in. "If not then I'd zip your mouths and listen to me! This is highly disrespectful and I do not appreciate as your teacher this level of disrespect!" Her hands would gesture to the class, the disapproval evident on her face as she huffed out a few words under her breath. She clearly was now irritated but she remained composed as she spoke her next words. "Now can we please get back to the class? I'd rather do some acting right now, though next lesson will be theory." She'd smile.

The backstory is written in an ICly perspective. (Its not really a backstory)

"Ever since I took part in our Highschool-Council team, I've wanted to help our school grow and change for the better! I see how many kids daily get into fights on our school grounds, how many kids don’t care about their education and think their only path in life needs to be crime when that isn’t true! I used to work at a daycare and I saw how a good teacher can influence and help push kids to their greatest and I want to do the same. I've seen how many citizens in Karakura, especially Highschoolers and College students, get arrested daily for horrific crimes. Studies show that most of the citizens who are arrested by KPD and get let back onto the street end up continuing crimes afterward. We know with some students, and some citizens, that being caught won't teach them enough to prevent them from continuing down this path of darkness and corruption. A path that can lead to their own demise and potentially their life if they aren’t careful enough. I want to help these kids find a better path, a path to serenity and peace, a path which they don't have to worry about if they will wake up one day and not be able to watch the sunrise over our mountains. I want to be that teacher who influences and pushes these kids for the greater good, I want to use my influence to create a fun classroom environment that will make kids WANT to engage in school, that will make kids realize that there is a better life outside of crime. If accepted as a Drama Teacher, I will use my influence to create an environment for our kids that will hopefully better them, and help them as a person grow!"

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only):

Columbina sighed. She'd cross one leg over the other, placing her hands in her lap.
"Columbina Ogawa, is my name."

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
"My title? Well it's Miss. Miss Ogawa."

Given Name(s):
"My given name is Columbina."

Preferred Name:
"I'd preferred to be called Columbina by teachers and Miss Ogawa by students."

Age (Minimum is 25):
She'd take a sip of her coffee. Then after a long wait she'd finally break the silence.
"I am currently at the age of 27."

Gender and Pronouns:
Tilted her head back.
"I am a Female and my pronouns are she/her."

Religious Denomination:
A small, creepy smile worked its way upon her face, jeez.. she had the face of an Angel yet the smile of Satan himself.
"I don't follow any sort of religion, I simply do not care."

Marital Status:
Shook her head, sneering at the thought..
"I am single. I have not known anyone long enough for a relationship."
She’d tilt her head to one side giving them a slight smile.

Simply placed the white mug onto the table, crossing her legs once again, one over the other. With a sigh she'd answer the question.
"I am Korean/American."

Current Location:
"My current location? Karakura, japan."

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years):

"I've worked in a daycare teaching young kids for about two years."

Academic Degree:
"I have my masters."

Year of Graduation:
"I graduated in 1997."

"Performance Studies and theater history are my two majors."

Tapped her chin, really racking her brain to think of the minors/side classes she did, her eyes would light up as she remembered, the words were spoken fast.
"Well I did Acting techniques, Dramatic arts and lastly stage management!"

Native Languages:
"My native language is Korean."

Other Languages:
"I can speak italian and Latin."

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?:
"I have an TEFL certificate after two years in working, with supervision."

/*You may leave this blank*/

Additional notes about your application:

Do you have any questions?:
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