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‹ Huang Yuchi-Hirai, 2.0. ♡ᶻz


Level 57
{ Nothing is to be taken icly, This is ALL just oocly }

Here would be an image of Huang Hirai.

Huang’s genuinely an amicable person, She’s one to be chaotic. Childish at times but yet she can also be mature if needed ,
One who would appear to seem as if she’s tired but just has so much energy!
She makes her own clothing, She taught herself how to sew a while back ago. ! <3

‹3 !Beepboop . . .

First name: Huang.
Surname: Her original last name is Yuchi but was later on changed to Hirai.
Title: Mrs/Ms

Preferred name: Huang Hirai.

Gender: Huang is a female!
sexuality: Lesbian

Age: 22 years old!
Eye color: … Questionable.

Material Status: Married.

Huangs hair style as a whole has gone through this whole journey

All of her life shes been one to continuously dye her hair into different colors, Her original hair color is brown, When she was little she had this beautiful teal color! , Currently her hair color is black !

She normally lets her hair flow down , She never puts it up as she hates it when its up!

Fashion Style: She’s one to just throw whatever she has on, She doesn’t care what shes wearing out in public as long as she likes it! , She tried not to think about what other people might think of her, Though she has many enemies..

Place of birth: Minhang city in Shanghai!

The day she was born!: August 6th, 2002.


Friends and Relationships ! ‹
Friends . .♡

Sid Omori ♡ Best-Friend:
“You’re one if the first long-term friendships I've ever had, You’re such an amazing person, I’m glad to be able to call you my friend, Better yet. My best friend !”

Arisu Mishimi ♡ Neutral/?? : “I can’t tell what our relationship status is honestly, We fight a lot..”

Ethan Lovelace ♡ friend: “Haven't seen you in awhile.. , I hope whatever you’re doing is going great!”

Tat Ishimaru ♡ Family-Friend: “You’re cool and all but overall just feel like you’re being manipulative towards our son, I’m sorry, Tat.”

Shushi Natsume ♡ Best-Friend : “Although you aren’t in town as much,
You’re still cool asf, We always have a blast for when you do come in town , You’re just someone I could be myself around, yk?”

Kahili "Lei" Ginger ♡ Neutral : “I wouldn’t exactly say we’re on the BEST terms of being friends anymore, But maybe one day we’ll be as close again”

Rohan.. ( Rohan Something ) ♡ Neutral: “We do not get a long very well, And honestly felt like we almost had gotten into a fight that one day..”

Kyou Ryūgū ♡ Friend : "We stan Kyou"

Eliz Shizuka ♡ Ex-Best friend : “We don’t talk anymore , We don’t EVER keep in contact, You’re the one who told me to come to Karakura but you just straight up disappeared, Why..?”

Micah M. O'Sullivan ♡ Friend: "You need big therapy"

Family . .♡

Mashiro Hirai ♡ Adoptive-Son: “I’m sorry for the things you are currently going through, And I’m sorry for not being as much of a help, I just want you to know that, We’re always here to welcome you with opened arms.”

Ivy ‘Birdie’ Hirai ♡ Adoptive-Daughter : “Thank you for being honest with us of what’s actually going on between the two, Ivy. We love you”

Etsuko Maeiko ♡ Cousin: “Why did you have to move to Karakura..?”

?? ♡ Biological son { dead } : “I’m sorry.. im sorry i couldn’t protect you, I’m sorry!”

Kimitsu Yuchi-Hirai ♡ Wife : "I love you Kimitsu, And that will never change,
You're the best thing that's ever happened to me, I've never been so happy!"


Enemies . .♡
Yuliya Koroleva ♡ ?? : “I hate you, I hate you, I hate you, I HATE YOU”

Ex-Lover ♡ : “I’m sorry.. but you deserved it , I can’t believe you did that, You MONSTER.”

Chiba Yuchi ♡ Aunt/Guardian: “Ho died from pooping on an airplane, Lol”

Mi-Kyong Jee ♡ ?? : “I hope you rot in hell”

‹3 !Beepboop . . .

Huang's Appearance / Description! . .

Huang would stand at 5'4 in-front of you as her long pink hair would flow down her waist , Her eyes would
Be just this odd brown color as she moved a coconut fragrance, She seemed to be very amicable! She's one to be hyper but always just seemed
so tired, So exhausted , Like she doesn't any sleep but just has this BOOST of energy , A ring on her left hand second finger could be visible

as she'd indeed be married.




‹3 !Beepboop . . .

Backstory Time!! . .
Huang was born in Minhang city! Which would be a city located in Shanghai, Which is one of the main reasons why she knows Shanghainese, She didn’t live there for long. After a few years she moved over to Canada, That’s why she is a bit fluent in the English department, Canada is one of the many places she stayed in for quite some time, Maybe around 4 to 5 years.

Prompt 1.

Huang living in Canada for a while of course she had met someone in that time being, Well known as her ex-lover. He wasn't well, The greatest. He had brought a lot of traumatization to Huang as well as the person he was working with known as Yuliya Koroleva, Eliz's half-sister, You know what's odd right? Her disappearance , Who knows where she had taken off too, Why'd she'd randomly show up to Karakura a few weeks back just to say that Yuliya was still alive..? , Did she WANT her dead, The answer is yes. Yuliya had planned out more things to do but that'll be said and done in Prompt 2. Moving on.

A year or so goes by Huang had her biological child, But in that time being she had lost her lover during the time! , The relationship between the two Individuals was toxic , He would ALWAYS Manipulate her into doing things she didn't want to do or would regret doing so later on, Always just PUSHING her around like she’s just some toy. Most of the reasonings are a bit personal to her which had made her who she is today. She's was once one who was absolutely terrified of Violence, It was her worst fear, Her worst nightmare. She tried ALL she could just to stay away from it, She has really bad anxiety, Trust issues. Anyways , Moving forward, Huang moved back to Shanghai , That's where she had met her best-friend Eliz Shizuka, And how she met Yuliya Koroleva. . She has memory loss, And doesn't really quite remember most of her past, Or really any of the good times . . When you meet new people and make more friendships the first thing you think of is "I finally found the right group of people!" , Right..? . And then they all turn on you, Which is the worst feeling to ever have.

Eliz decided to move to Karakura a few months after Huang and Her had met,
Leaving her behind, Thinking she'd never see her again, And to that.. She NEVER saw her again and still doesn't know where she is to this day, But one day she returned to Shanghai , As well as two other people.. Yuliya and her ex-lover, Huang thought the pain was finally gone, She was happy. One night, ONE night.. She was sleeping and her son was in the other room and all the sudden you heard glass breaking, You could hear a faint scream from a distance... Huang woke up , Walking outside of her bedroom and all the sudden everything went pitch black, A few hours later she woke up, In a dark room.. A basement perhaps? , She was tied up in a chair, Rope being around her hands, Her head was pounding. She didn't know what to do, She was panicking, She was confused.. So she looked up, She saw her son on the ground covered in blood, Was he even breathing? Tears started rolling down her face and then she turned her head to see her ex-lover.. why would he do that..? Why.. WHY..? , This leading up to a point where she wanted REVENGE, She wanted revenge.. Why would a father do that to his own son? Did he hate Huang THAT much, To a point where he just wants her to suffer more and more, To torture her MORE and MORE..? , She has a few scars from that day that still shows on her arm, She closed her eyes taking deep breaths hoping it was all a dream, BUT.. It wasn't a dream, She wanted to scream but nothing came out, She couldn't say anything it was like something was stopping her from even doing so.

One day, Huang decided today was the day to get revenge on BOTH Yuliya and her ex. . But the things she had planned out took a turn she never met to hurt anyone, She never met to.. kill anyone.. right..? Her exact words.. "It was an accident ! I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I DIDN'T MEAN TO.."

Her sister told her to move to Karakura for it to be a much more of a safer place for her..

Prompt 2.
Yuliya’s plan.

This all happened around the time Huang had just lost her child before moving to Karakura, When Yuliya had found out that she moved to Karakura she started stalking her, It was like she was following her every there was a time where she had even sent out somebody to spy on her, I guess he kept it pretty chill, Right..? The person Yuliya was working with was with Jaun-Yi, Jaun-Yi Agapov, When Yuliya found out she had went to jail all of her plans had to be switched, She had to make up her own plans, So she went to her sister asking for help and she didn’t want anything to do with her, She didn’t want anything to be involved in this so .. she hid herself, She stayed away. She left, And practically never came back.

Moving forward . .

Eliz Never being in town anymore had made her and Huangs friendship drift apart, Huang felt safe for once, She felt as if she was in a safer environment right..? , She then had found someone , Her wife.. Now Yuliya had this plan for MONTHS, She had found out Huang liked this one person, Right.. Kimitsu Hirai. So you know what Yuliya did? She tried her best to get to her way before Huang ever could ( fun fact they didn’t really know each-other , But let’s just say that Huang really liked Kimitsu before they met ) , So she did, Let’s just say she succeeded in getting in the way of Huang and Kimitsu ever being a thing at that time-range. To a point where Yuliya started manipulating her, To get her to just stay with her, But one time.. she decided it was her time to finally do her plan, So you know what she did? She faked her death, She left town for a long time , When she had came back she somehow figured out about Huang and Kimitsu being a thing , She freaked out. She thought “perfect timing, Now huh? Poor Huang” One night, She caught Huang alone, Roaming around.. so she grabbed something to knock her out with, So she did. She took her to this dark room, dark empty room as she was tied up in a chair, She couldn’t move. She couldn’t speak, She had tape over her mouth, But once Yuliya had left her behind she found a way to grab her phone so she texted Kimitsu , Pretty much saying she WAS in danger and didn’t know what to do..

Yuliya is no longer with us today, She’s gone. Dead <3

prompt 3..
Etsuko’s Appearance.

Etsuko is Huang's cousin, Huang and Etsuko had this close bond, but.. What Huang didn’t know is that the bond they had was full of manipulation, She had realized that not too long ago, When. .Etsuko randomly popped up in Karakura. How'd they know where Huang even was? Did someone tell them where she was if so who was it? The only person she knows that’s still alive is her Ex-Best friend which would be Eliz, But she never introduced the two together, So.. How did they find her..? That’s a question that has not yet been answered leaving Huang left with SO many questions..

Huang one day disappeared but why? She was alone, Chilling .. She was walking out of her apartment to go and do something, But.. The MOMENT she had walked out that door everything went pitch black she was knocked out in some way, She woke up in this room that was just one small square, She realized she was alone.. She touched her shoulder and there was a bruise , It hurt.. She was confused, But .. She heard the door open, Someone with teal hair walking through those doors, She realized who it was, Etsuko. They came in with the biggest smile ever.. Saying something along the lines of... "Oh, My dear cousin, It's been awhile no?" a few minutes pass by Etsuko had gotten up saying she had something to do . . Etsuko NEVER came back, Leaving Huang behind, She saw a knife close by she hopped out of the chair she was sitting in as her hands were tied and schooched her way on over there , She did everything in her power just to grab that knife . Once she did, She took and sliced the rope that was wrapped around her hands so she could leave..

May Etsuko be gone at peace.

The rest of the prompts are still in a big work in progress!<3 Stay tooned..


Sewing! : "It's a hobby of mine that I love doing during my free time!"
Being social.. : "I’m not a big fan of talking to people, I have anxiety ..
Family: "I've never been this happy before.."
Toxicity: "Yeah, Just no"
Snorting and feeding neighbors mac and cheese: "No questions asked.."
School : "The teacher cornered me..”

I see that you've made it towards the end of this biography, Well. Congratulations! This is still a big work in progress so there will be updates every now and then, But thank you for taking the time in your day to read this! <3

Last edited:


Level 57
Thread starter
- Finished working on prompt 2, In-coming.. prompt 3..? Maybe.

Everything else is pretty much the same other than updating prompt 2.

I hope you all will stick along within this journey of Huang. To watch her develop. To watch her grow. .


Level 57
Thread starter
- Finished working on prompt 2, In-coming.. prompt 3..? Maybe.

Everything else is pretty much the same other than updating prompt 2.

I hope you all will stick along within this journey of Huang. To watch her develop. To watch her grow. .
Forgot to mention,

Updated notes for others in the friends , Family + relationship categories.

prompt 3 is slowly in the makings, Stay Tooned!
Last edited:


Level 57
Thread starter
- Changed hair color in basic information.

- Added prompt 3, Which may be the last prompt ( Not so sure yet )


Level 7
Sid Omori ♡ Best-Friend:
“You’re one if the first long-term friendships I've ever had, You’re such an amazing person, I’m glad to be able to call you my friend, Better yet. My best friend !”
the chaotic friends are the best friends!

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