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★Few suggestions that could improve the SRP!★


Level 200

Having different characters on the same account would cause developers to change pre-existing plugins, like how roles ("grade-12", "adult") are given specifically to one account and they might not know how to stop everybody from losing their roles upon adding the new plugin. How would they even save the data of everyone's roles if the command is something as simple as "/giverole (Player) (Role)"

They also can't just go one by one giving everybody their roles back so it's more difficult than it seems.
Then we go through factions and give them back their respective role, this would be an entire team effort yes but its not not doable. Everyone could start off at a set age and then get everything managed back to how it should be. Worst case worst; nuke of all roles and restart.

Think of it like this. You want to be a KPD. Teacher, student and cat. Let's assume they're all on the same "account". Your first issue is items. KPD carry a variety of items (some illegal, some not) that should NEVER be given to other characters/roles or players. Yes one may say "they'll just put the items away" but let's be completely honest; 9 times out of 10 they won't or they'll forget. So now you run into the issue of being a teacher or cat with a crowbar and taser on you. Factions have specific items that should never be handed out or shared through accounts, which is the first reason why this suggestion should not be implemented.
Different inventory for each character, saves it and you can load it up!

Secondly; the idea is extremely messy. It'd be very difficult for staff to have to keep up with what roles just ONE account has, and they'll have to manage accounts when a player no longer wishes to have one of their roles. Factions are significantly easier to manage when their members have only ONE role on their account.
Limit it then, no one should have more than three-four (faction) roles at once anyways because holy stress. As for the potential issue of wanting to leave a faction, all they would have to do would be changing the role title as they do now.

Third, different factions have different commands. Like being able to see specific radio channels, sending shop adverts, making BMD restocks, and so much more. Having multiple roles on one account will most likely combine all of those roles into one very very messy account, and make it difficult to manage. (Correct me if I'm wrong devs)
Now this is where it does get a bit more difficult to manage. Perhaps when you change to your preset, it changes what commands you are capable of using if the server can let's say somehow connect certain commands to certain roles, I think that'd make things easier all in all (if its not like that already or if its even possible).

Lastly, all factions have specific rules. You can't be KPD and Governor. You can't be a teacher and engage in Gangrp. Simply cramming all of your roles into one account will make for serious problems in potentially breaking faction rules and causing an absolutely unnecessary amount of stress.
Well, the rules should stay in place then. I feel there is a simple fix to this, on each application a question is added "What are your current roles (list on all accounts)"
- Event Team
- [Slot 1] Caretaker
- [Slot 2] Professor
- [Slot 3] Empty (one im using!)


- [Slot 1] College | Club-Leader
- [Slot 2] Fish
- [Slot 3] Empty

All in all, this would NOT be a fast or easy process but FRP managed to do it, maybe we could pull some off some of the FRP data even. The point of posting this suggestion, though it'd be a HUGGE process with a bunch of help needed, is for something smooth, new, and helpful to those who can't afford another account but want to try out having a new character.

Srp2.0 moment


Level 151
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
All in all, this would NOT be a fast or easy process but FRP managed to do it, maybe we could pull some off some of the FRP data even. The point of posting this suggestion, though it'd be a HUGGE process with a bunch of help needed, is for something smooth, new, and helpful to those who can't afford another account but want to try out having a new character.

Srp2.0 moment
I don't think its a problem, they could do another EQ on each character slot.

Responding to both of these; it's regardless extremely messy and difficult to manage. Not to mention, these roles can very easily break and cause a lot of time wasted for staff to have to deal with. I'm sorry but I just don't think it's a good suggestion. FRP is not SRP, their plugins and servers are configured far more differently from each other. Just because "FRP had it" doesn't mean that it's simple to implement in SRP.


Level 202
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead
-1 cool idea, impractical to implement, has been suggested before and denied


Level 86
+1 for the most part, it's one of those really complicated things to implement, but I think it's worth it in the end. It sucks as a faction lead having people dm me and say "I'd love to apply but I don't have a spare account!" not to mention how a lot of events on srp will lock out people who have anything but the student tag.

Like the soul system on FRP, each 'soul' has their own inventory and whatnot and that's where my concern comes in. Implementing the system to work with all of the items and things currently in people's pockets, I'm worried something could go wrong and people's stuff gets wiped.

To prevent AvoidRP or something by switching characters, there could be a cooldown or something.

Additional: I read the rest of the responses just now. These roles would still be distributed/added by staff, so we don't have to worry about conflicting roles. I'm preeettyyy sure most factions are compatible? You can be KPD, EMS and Government interchangibly it's just difficult and sort of discouraged. (vaao/orange is gov & kpd) most of the factions just conflict with gangrp.

I think it'd go across like "Can you give me a soul that's a teacher?" or something.

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