Level 3
Please do !NOT! take anything ICly! everything MUST be learnt through in-game conversation between characters.
And I did use some inspiration from other's.
Please do !NOT! take anything ICly! everything MUST be learnt through in-game conversation between characters.
And I did use some inspiration from other's.
"Smash your competition, baby. Show us some good entertainment. Victory's your only payment. Gladiator, gladiator" Jann - Gladiator |
"Everything I say is bullshit towards people like you. yet you believe me because I have a strong accent." - Zayn Davis
"Not everything I say equals to me being dead serious or offended. You're just dense." - Zayn Davis

≛Table of contents≛ I. Identification II. Appearance III. Personality + Personality Traits IV. Physical + Mental health V. Addictions + Zayn's Voice + Equipment + Likes and Dislikes VI. Relationships W.I.P VII. ??? |
==Some Facts. >>==
I. He's obsessed with the winter
III. He doesn't know how to cook even if his life depended on it.
IV. He moved to Germany so he sort of developed the accent at the age of 10, Then moved to Karakura at 16.
I. He's obsessed with the winter
III. He doesn't know how to cook even if his life depended on it.
IV. He moved to Germany so he sort of developed the accent at the age of 10, Then moved to Karakura at 16.
"Call me Babydoll. Come break down these walls. Don't leave me alone. Call me |
"I don't normally give out my full name to strangers but here we are!" |
==Full Name. >>==
Zayn Luke Marot Davis
==Nicknames. >>==
==Zay. >>==
"My father used to call me this, I remember how it used to make me smile. I am no longer a child so this name is no longer part of my life."
==Darling. >>==
"Close friends call me this. It's mostly used for comforting but I guess it's become a permeant thing now. I'm not complaining. It makes me flustered sometimes even though it's not serious. It just feels nice to be called something other than slut."
==Mar. >>==
"Just a nickname I have. It's pretty common actually. I don't have a problem with it."
==Coffee. >>==
"I hate coffee... my friend used to call me this- Probably because I would call him Justin Bieber."
==Slut. >>==
"Certain clothes = automatic slut, love the mindset."
==Age. >>==
=Mental Age. >>==
==Age Appearance. >>==
=Sexual Orientation. >>==
Zayn Luke Marot Davis
==Nicknames. >>==
==Zay. >>==
"My father used to call me this, I remember how it used to make me smile. I am no longer a child so this name is no longer part of my life."
==Darling. >>==
"Close friends call me this. It's mostly used for comforting but I guess it's become a permeant thing now. I'm not complaining. It makes me flustered sometimes even though it's not serious. It just feels nice to be called something other than slut."
==Mar. >>==
"Just a nickname I have. It's pretty common actually. I don't have a problem with it."
==Coffee. >>==
"I hate coffee... my friend used to call me this- Probably because I would call him Justin Bieber."
==Slut. >>==
"Certain clothes = automatic slut, love the mindset."
==Age. >>==
=Mental Age. >>==
==Age Appearance. >>==
=Sexual Orientation. >>==
"It goes, All my troubles on a burning pile, All lit up and I start to smile. If I catch |
==Gender. >>=
==Pronouns. >>=
==Place Of Birth. >>
==Date Of Birth. >>
January 15th, 2005
==Current Place. >>==
Karakura Japan
==Places he's been to. >>==
Germany - Dresden, Bremen, Bielefeld
Italy - Verona
Colombia - Cartagena, Villavicencio, Manizales
Brazil - Rio de Janeiro, Salvador
==Nationality. >>==
==Languages. >>==
German >> ★★★★★
"Kinder nehmen keine Drogen. Außer bei mir natürlich."
Japanese >> ★★★★★
Latin >> ★★★☆☆
"Britney Spears mala est. Commuto faciem meam."
Sign Language (JSL) >> ★★★★★
==Maritial Status. >>=
==Race. >>==
==Eye Color. >>==
==Skin Color. >>==
==Height. >>==
==Weight. >>==
==Build. >>=
His build wasn't the best but it was quite maintained. He started working out when he turned 13 and continued until 17. Despite belief from his parent's, He is actually not lazy. He works out still just not as much as he used to since going to Karakura is filling up his schedule but he does it after school when he's not tired and tries to stay healthy.
==Original Hair Color. >>==
Blonde | it has been dyed black before but over the past years the blonde has come back.
11/20/2023. He has dyed his hair back to black
1/2/2024 it's back to blonde
==Hair Color Currently. >>==
==Hair Style. >>==
Fluffy/Curly(?), It's usually just this big curly mess but he actually does it when he feels like it. It has been dyed once before. And earlier in this year he's dyed it back to black. He keeps it cut also.
==Piercings (6). >>==
Belly button
1 snakebite
3 lobes on each ear
==Tattoo. >>==
Skeleton hand tattoo on left hand
==Blood Type. >>==
==Extrovert or Introvert. >>==
==Scars/Birthmark. >>==
Scar | Left thigh
When Zayn was 9 he had found his father's knife he always kept with him. It was in his top drawer inside the dresser along with his other stuff. He used his mother's pillows to get up there. It was when his mother was asleep in the room next door. And his father was at work..
Scar | Right foot
Zayn was always into fighting as a kid. Though he wasn't always 1 to start a fight. But he knew how to finish them. He was 14 when he got his 2nd scar ever. The kid had a pocket knife. Same age as Zayn yet went to a different school. They were both on the ground..
Birthmark | Left arm
Favorite song. >>
BABYDOLL - Ari Abdul
"I'm just bored. Self absorb, Rip your heart out with my teeth and spit the |
"Not really in the looks department, am I?" |
Once you approached the male you'd notice he stood at the "average" height of 5'7, Which is short for a male in his opinion. He had blue eyes and black curly hair. The scent of Yves saint Laurent cologne. The #1 noticeable thing about him was his tattoo. He looked very approachable from time to time. If anything his heavy eyebags make him look completely drained out almost everyday like he gets zero sleep. If he were to be proud of anything it'd be how he looks, He takes pride in how he looks and is happy with that, His hair was always seen either a big mess or actually did, It was black and curly, His previous hair color was Blonde, It's just been dyed. He had some slight muscle here and there and looked quite healthy. He had a lot of noticeable features about him and he had some clear dimples whenever he smiled, Him smiling made him look like a little kid about to go on the Disneyland rides. His style isn't anything insane, Sometimes it's his own style since "simple and basic" isn't his taste. His tongue is a bit pointy in more a freaky way with sharp canines, He has a big gap in between his two front teeth as well which is why he tries not to smile as much. He thinks it's ugly and makes him insecure whenever he sees himself with it in the mirror when brushing his teeth or checking his snakebite piercing for infections. His face would be "considered" the main attraction of his appearance with all of his piercings. You could tell he hates acting or dressing feminine. He's just not into girly stuff and never has been. The only time's he really wore something deemed as feminine on a male was a maid dress he had to wear because of a dare. He had fines hairs throughout his body as well as having a scar going from his thigh to his knee. It wasn't new, It was healed all the way and looked properly taken care of. Whenever he were to look at someone and/or approach, He had his expensive look on his face. He looked serious in most situations yet he was still goofy when need be to match another's energy.
"Primadonna girl, Would you do anything for me? Buy a big diamond ring for me?. Would you get down on your knees for me? Pop that pretty question right now, baby. |
"Some people don't like me very much.. but what am I going to do? force them to love me?" |
Once you got to know Zayn you'd see him as this very chaotic (yet still annoying) male who's become determined to live his life how he wishes. He's usually sort of open to the idea of making friends and talking to somebody, He's still a bit rude but his intentions are to never hurt someone for real, He's just joking and tries to match other's energy. You could see that he's doing good in school such as keeping good grades and doing school activities. From events in his life he's gone quiet in general but can be very open minded to certain things and can be very trusted with secrets. He can be quite timid at times but it's nothing bad, Again: his true intentions aren't to hurt anybody. He would never even if he hated him with a strong passion. He's usually shy and is barely talkative. He retains his honesty and is overall sweet. He doesn't like to argue and will humble himself if needed in certain situations. Whenever he does end up arguing with somebody he doesn't mean anything "rude" he says, Or just because he's not saying it in a joking manner. He takes arguments seriously and other situations like that and uses common sense and patience. But just because he's shy to those who deserve his respect doesn't mean he doesn't know how to fight, He's grown up with learning combat from his mother but doesn't like to get into fights. But he will gladly do so if it's to protect a loved one. |
==Positive Traits. >>== Calm Loving Honest Loyal Shy | ==<<.Negative Traits== Jealousy Sometimes rude Sex addict Persuasive Paranoia |
"You think I'm crazy, You think I'm gone, |
≛ Physical + Mental health≛
==Physical. >>==

==Mental Health. >>==
==Insomnia. >> | Mild ==
Insomnia is a common sleep disorder that can make it hard to fall asleep, hard to stay asleep, or cause you to wake up too early and not be able to get back to sleep. You may still feel tired when you wake up. Insomnia can sap not only your energy level and mood but also your health, work performance and quality of life. How much sleep is enough varies from person to person, but most adults need seven to eight hours a night. At some point, many adults experience short-term (acute) insomnia, which lasts for days or weeks. It's usually the result of stress or a traumatic event. But some people have long-term (chronic) insomnia that lasts for a month or more. Insomnia may be the primary problem, or it may be associated with other medical conditions or medications.
==Anxiety. >> ??? ==
Zayn was 14 when his parents noticed his anxiety. They never did anything serious about it because it was a normal thing to have.
of anxiety and panic interfere with daily activities, are difficult to control, are out of proportion to the actual danger and can last a long time. You may avoid places or situations to prevent these feelings. Symptoms may start during childhood or the teen years and continue into adulthood.. Examples of anxiety disorders include generalized anxiety disorder, social anxiety disorder (social phobia), specific phobias and separation anxiety disorder. You can have more than one anxiety disorder. Sometimes anxiety results from a medical condition that needs treatment.
==ADHD. >> Mild(?)==
Zayn was 16 when his aunt started noticing signs of ADHD, She told his parents and they took him in for a scanning.. It is attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental health disorder that includes a combination of persistent problems, such as difficulty paying attention, hyperactivity and impulsive behavior. Adult ADHD can lead to unstable relationships, poor work or school performance, low self-esteem, and other problems.. Though it's called adult ADHD, symptoms start in early childhood and continue into adulthood. In some cases, ADHD is not recognized or diagnosed until the person is an adult. Adult ADHD symptoms may not be as clear as ADHD symptoms in children. In adults, hyperactivity may decrease, but struggles with impulsiveness, restlessness and difficulty paying attention may continue. Some people with ADHD have fewer symptoms as they age, but some adults continue to have major symptoms that interfere with daily functioning. In adults, the main features of ADHD may include difficulty paying attention, impulsiveness and restlessness. Symptoms can range from mild to severe. Many adults with ADHD aren't aware they have it — they just know that everyday tasks can be a challenge. Adults with ADHD may find it difficult to focus and prioritize, leading to missed deadlines and forgotten meetings or social plans. The inability to control impulses can range from impatience waiting in line or driving in traffic to mood swings and outbursts of anger.
==PTSD. >> ???==
When Zayn started living on his own he started to show signs of PTSD, He's never opened up to anyone about what happened when he turned 16 and doesn't plan on it: Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event — either experiencing it or witnessing it. Symptoms may include flashbacks, nightmares and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about the event. Most people who go through traumatic events may have temporary difficulty adjusting and coping, but with time and good self-care, they usually get better. If the symptoms get worse, last for months or even years, and interfere with your day-to-day functioning, you may have PTSD. Getting effective treatment after PTSD symptoms develop can be critical to reduce symptoms and improve function. Post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms may start within one month of a traumatic event, but sometimes symptoms may not appear until years after the event. These symptoms cause significant problems in social or work situations and in relationships. They can also interfere with your ability to go about your normal daily tasks. PTSD symptoms are generally grouped into four types: intrusive memories, avoidance, negative changes in thinking and mood, and changes in physical and emotional reactions. Symptoms can vary over time or vary from person to person.
"Cold lips, Cold heart, cold thrill, Love too much, too hard love kills, But it feels right when it's you by my side hope you see my face when you close your eyes." Ari Abdul - Bury you |
Addictions + Zayn's Voice + Equipment + Likes and Dislikes
==Addictions. >>==
Voice Claim (!CLICK!)
Lip Gallagher - Shameless
==Equipment. >>==
His phone
Backup phone
Metal baseball bat
Duffle Bag "Sprayground"
Toy Glock "Hello Kitty"
Watermelon Gin
Tama's Lovely Shades
Dog Plushie
==Likes and Dislikes. >>==
Addictions + Zayn's Voice + Equipment + Likes and Dislikes
==Addictions. >>==
Voice Claim (!CLICK!)
Lip Gallagher - Shameless
==Equipment. >>==
His phone
Backup phone
Metal baseball bat
Duffle Bag "Sprayground"
Toy Glock "Hello Kitty"
Watermelon Gin
Tama's Lovely Shades
Dog Plushie
==Likes and Dislikes. >>==
==Likes. >>== late night drives the rain watching movies warm showers romantic spots music playing games Amusement Parks -- | ==<< .Dislikes== toxic people people w/out common sense being compared to stuff that makes him uncomfortable fat shaming slut shaming -- -- -- -- -- -- |
"Hope you don't regret it. I pushed a lot back but I can't forget it. We never got the credit. Nobody seemed to hear us but we said it. Neither of us planned it. And for a long time I took it all for granted. I really thought we had it. But at the time it was more than I could |
If I met you and you weren't added please remind me.
Mother | Cameron Marot Davis | 45 | ALIVE
"Thank you for raising me."
"I was always more of a Mommy's boy.."
Father | Julian Marot Davis| 48 | ALIVE
"Are you even real?-"
"I thought you cared about me.. I thought better of you. so did mom."
Friend(?) | ??? ??? | 18 | ALIVE
"I forgot your name already.. Whoops!"
"Maybe we'll meet again, I kind of like your vibe."
"Please leave that poor girl alone.. she's not interested."
Friend | Alex S. Miyuki | 18 | ALIVE
"Thank you for talking to me."
"I wanna push you in that fucking pool.."
"Is it weird that I watch you change in the boys bathroom?"
Ex | Justin Dove | 19 | ???
"Thank you for being there for me <3"
"I hope things go well for you and him."
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