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⚡︎ Ester 'Thorn' Isaksson's Biography ⚡︎ (Huge W.I.P!)


Level 1
In all regards, the following information has been brought forward by the Governmental Foster Care System of Sweden to the Courts of Japan, allowing for the future of Ester ('Thorn) Isaksson to be trusted within their care.
(Changes may come, until then, enjoy!)

Thorn W.I.P.jpg
Basic Information

First Name: Ester
Surname: Isaksson

Preferred Name:




147cm (4'10)

38kg (85lbs)

Thorn possesses a lean stature along with broad shoulders. Her overall build could best be described as an "inverted triangle," with her upper body's width being a tad greater than the lower half of her body.

Skin Color:
Thorn's skin could best be described as almost mocha-like in tone. However, she would be riddled with many blemishes and marks as well; her skin is certainly far from perfect.

Eye Color:

Hair Style:
The girl's hairstyle would take on many different forms across her lifespan. Initially, when she was found, her hair was quite long and wavy, practically reaching to her knees; however, it seemed like it was maintained the best her brother could manage. Then, as she would continue to be in the care of the Foster Care system, she would go on many "rebellious outbursts," shaving it off all at once or cutting it to make "a statement." It would not be until she reached the age of 12, however, that she would adopt the hairstyle she has now decided to keep permanently. Other than this, her hair still remains unkept, with the girl refusing to wash it and only doing so when she deems it necessary.

Hair Color:
Thorn's organic hair color would be a dark-brownish hue, topped off with a dark red hue with an almost magenta-like tint to her bangs.

It is assumed the girl would hold a very "grunge"-like style of fashion, although this itself has never been deeply expanded due to the girl's lack of money (or desire to go out and buy new clothing).


Date of Birth:
October 23rd, 2007 (Scorpio)

Place of Birth:



Sexual Orientation:

Religious Beliefs:
Thorn does not possess any specific religious beliefs. The most she believes about religion is the following statement: "If there's really some guy up there making my life hell? Screw him". With her, however, she knows little to nothing about the many other religious systems.

Political Beliefs:
Thorn has a very "negative" view of anything political, it seems. Any overall political talk or discussion is "a snooze," in the girl's words. She has no respect or overall care for it, thinking that it is "stupid" that "people have to do whatever stupid people, but in suits, say all day.".

General Appearance


She has quite sharpened canines, with her left sharp canine protruding just over her bottom lip slightly and missing her right one. That being said, she also possesses numerous scars from the many fights she's been a part of; however, her back would be in horrible condition. Across her back would be one deep, long-running scar going from her shoulder blade to the small of her back. There would also be other scars and what would appear to be burn markings, although not heavily severe.

Thorn could be best described as a very "true to herself" type of individual. However, she is very brash as well, with truly no filter or a real inch of manners or respect for others. She is willing to say however she pleases and move to the beat of her own drum. The girl is also heavily independent, initially refusing any assistance from anyone and keeping herself closed off.


Character Voice:

(I know everyone speaks Japanese, but it's an English VA just to have a better grasp of her voice—it might come to change!)

Currently, she is equipped with a snare drum stick she paid a quarter of yen for, her swimsuit that the girl keeps balled up in the corner of her jacket pocket, as well as a folded-up Polaroid photo of her and her brother. She also has a bear skull and a ring made out of bones supplied to her by an elder woman she encountered in the forest. (Shoutout to wethecreature!)

The clothes Thorn adorns have been clothes provided to her by the system, initially intended for them to merely be an outfit she would adorn while attending the morning school that she was placed in. However, she would take a liking to the clothing, paired with the jacket she practically refuses to ever take off; she would state, "It makes me look badass." The jacket itself she adorns, however, has surely seen better days, with the light blue color brought down into a slightly darker one washed out. There would be slight tears and rips in it, and an interesting smell would come off of the jacket.

Playing the drums is an active hobby Thorn would possess throughout her seemingly whole life. However, she has not been able to play the drums for some time since arriving in Japan.

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:
The girl has a weaker bone structure compared to most. Truly, this may leave her open to being more easily harmed. However, since the age of 8 to 10, she has been taking and receiving medications to strengthen her bones. Nowadays, she has been steadily improving, but her bones have not been documented to be at their "100%" as of yet.

She possesses a sort of "street smarts" when it comes to fighting. She would typically use dirty tactics to win a fight, be it biting, kicking the other while they're down, etc. Beside this, she possesses an affinity for singing, which is one of the ways she appears to keep up with her musical endearment when not being able to play the drums.

Thorn possesses an acute sense of smell, typically using this "sense of smell" to decide whether or not someone may be lying, telling the truth, or truly seems like a trust-worthy individual. However, be it accurate or not so accurate, this is typically the way she will wind up greeting people. She also refers to people as "monkey's," although not by any derogatory means, as she believes "people smell like monkeys, yell like monkeys, and act stupid like them too."

Adoptive Brother Mikael Isaksson (Current whereabouts: unknown)
Adoptive Father Melvin Isaksson (Current whereabouts: deceased)
Mother Irma Winblad. (Current whereabouts: Sweden)
Birth parents: Heidi Lindbergh and Orvar Lindbergh (current whereabouts: deceased).

Case 001: Ester and Mikael

The birth was not what either of the two would have expected. Irma, an important political figure, and Melvin, a man from the slums of Sweden, would bear a child out of wedlock, as Irma was already a married woman, and so in brought Mikael. Irma would abandon the family not too long after, threatening the father that if he were to ever reveal their child, she would seek out to take everything from him and ruin his entire life. Irma, to ensure this, would make sure that life would be difficult for the young Mikael and Melvin, making it difficult for Melvin to even get a job, let alone support his child.
Melvin would try his best to get a job wherever and however he could. Although the stress and fear that his life would be turned into would cause him to have outbursts at the young Mikael, However, Mikael didn't detest his father, but rather his mother for putting so much stress on and waning their family the way she has. Mikael himself would do whatever he could to support his father as he got older, getting odd jobs here or there and getting a proper one when he reached 16.
However, on one of these days, he would stumble upon a little girl in an alleyway, digging through the garbage. When he tried to approach her, she was feral, almost cat-like. Her hair was infested with bugs of all kinds, with dirt covering most of her body from head to toe. It would take Mikael a while to eventually be able to take the young girl and get her to a hospital; she would of course have to spend a while there, but he would visit her every day as she would attempt to run out or even bite whoever would come near her—aside from Mikael, as her trust in him grew.
Eventually, once Mikael was able to bring her home, he would introduce her to his father. His father was, of course, hesitant of this, given their already poor state of conditions, but he promised to take care of her himself, and so this is what would happen. Ester, whom Mikael would find the name of from a piece of folded-up paper she would be carrying on her, would cause many problems around the home. After all, she was not raised by anyone—at least, anyone human in a long time—so she would constantly throw tantrums, wreck, and ruin anything and everything she could. Their father would come to have enough of Ester's behavior, and one day he would decide to take 'discipling' her into his own hands. Mikael would hold anger towards his father after this event, ensuring to always keep Ester by his side to ensure it would never happen again. A year, however, is how long the family would be like this until, on Christmas (Mikael was excited to spend his first Christmas with his little sister), they would wake only to find their father gone. Underneath the miniature countertop tree, due to it being the only thing they could afford, they would find merely an envelope with some money inside.
They were alone now, alone together.
Case 002: Alone Together

Mikael would proceed to do all he could for his little sister after this event. He would use the anger and resentment he would now harbor for his father and use it as energy to work harder, barely making enough money from day to day to buy them food. It would be inveitable when all power and water would be cut from the house. However, he would continue to work as hard as he could, with Ester helping out as well when she would eventually realize in her own childlike way that they had to survive, so they would scavenge around together, with Ester scavenging in dumpsters whenever Mikael had to work (and getting into the occasional scrap with an animal or two).
Mikael would give most of the food that they would be able to scrounge up for the day to his sister. However, he would, of course, make sure to keep up his own energy to ensure that he would have it to continue protecting his sister. He would also give Ester his light blue jacket; that was truly more like a dress on the girl, but it was something to keep Ester warm and to remind her of him whenever he would be working and would have to be apart from her. They would continue finding their own little happy way to live; Mikael even promised Ester that someday, when they were out of the slums, they would form their own band, "RoseThorn." Their new names would be "Rose" and "Thorn" (Ester deciding to take "Thorn") to let go of all the past hurt their names were associated with, and they would travel all over Sweden. 'Thorn' would play the drums, and 'Rose' would play the guitar; they would take over the world together.
But this dream would soon become merely a distant thought, when one day Ester, now 8 and Mikael 19, would be approached by a man. The man, catching her when she was dumpster diving, would begin asking her questions, like, "Are you hungry? Lost?" and "Do you have anyone else with you?". Ester wouldn't trust the man at first, but would slowly begin to answer his questions, even taking him back to her and Mikael's house as she believed the man could provide them with more food. And then, finally, maybe Mikael wouldn't need to work so hard.
However, of course, she wouldn't know that the man was actually a foster care worker. Mikael, who was now on his lunch break and couldn't find Ester anywhere, would rush back home. However, when he got there, all that he would be welcomed with was his sister kicking and screaming, begging them not to take her. He would rush over, even getting into a fight with the workers that had arrived at the scene. It wouldn't take him until they were holding him back to realize the situation. However, in Ester's eyes, all she would see before she was taken away into a car was her brother's face, as she continued to scream and beg and was eventually taken away.

She was alone now. Truly, and utterly alone.

Case 003: Alone (TW: does not go into detail but does contain child abuse, didn't know if I should leave this here or not but just in case!)

Ester, or rather, refusing to go by anything aside from 'Thorn', would spend the first years in the Foster system being practically unreachable. She would kick, scream, bite, and fight whoever would even come to see her—or even touch her. It would take them some time to place her in a home, which would then begin the process of her bouncing from home, to home, to home. As, sadly, no one could deal with her, after all, most would come back with reports of her harming other children in the home or the parents themselves. The foster care system was having such problems with her; however, they wouldn't give up on her as they would continue to try and place her in a home.
Eventually, they would come upon the Svensson family. Thorn would be placed with them when she was 11 years old, and the family itself would have three biological children of their own, all boys. They would take Thorn in because they wished to have a daughter; however, unlike most of the other families, whenever she would lash out, (TW)the father would take 'discipline' her into his own hands, much akin to her father; however, Mikael wasn't here now. She would also be locked up in a room or chained outdoors, treating her like a dog.
She would also get into a fight with one of the boys, a 13-year-old boy, who would be the one who would end up knocking out her tooth. The Father would come along to break up the fight, taking Thorn and going farther with this 'discipline' than he had ever before. (End of TW) In self-defense, she would pull out a knife she had swiped from the kitchen, stabbing the man and nearly killing him. The man would survive this incident, however, and she would be taken in by police until the foster care she was put in would come to pick her up.
Least to say, the Svensson incident would be one of the only long-lasting families she was a part of, as well as the worst. She would continue to bounce in and out of homes, often disappearing more and more, leaving said homes herself to go out and do her own thing. Out of desperation (and with Thorn soon approaching the age of 18), the system would spend a year having Thorn learn Japanese to send her to school abroad—to Karakura. Her time at Karakura would end up deciding the fate of this girl and whether she would ever learn to let go of her anger, find her brother, or even find a true home she could belong to.
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