Level 8

Daniil Ivanovich Rokossovsky in 2009

'There are things in Russia which are not as they seem.'
-Georgy Konstantinovich Zhukov, Marshal of the Soviet Union (1963)

✯ First Name ✯
✯ Patronymic Name ✯
Ivanovich (son of Ivan)
✯ Surname ✯
✯ Preferred Name ✯
✯ Aliases ✯
✯ Gender ✯
✯ Age ✯
25 Years Old
✯ Current Location ✯
Karakura, State of Japan
✯ Occupation ✯
Junior Firm Executive
Mathematics Teacher (Karakura's Highschool)
History Teacher (Karakura's Highschool) (Current)
✯ Date of Birth ✯
8th of August, 1994
✯ Place of Birth ✯
Central Clinical Hospital, Kuntsevo District, Moscow, Russian Federation
✯ Nationality ✯
Russian (citizenship retained under Article 62 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation)
Japanese (permanent residency)
✯ Race ✯
Mainly Russian (Eastern Slavic)
Slightly Polish (Western Slavic)
✯ Languages ✯
Russian and Ukrainian (Native)
English and Japanese (Secondary)
✯ Sexual Orientation ✯
'Tsk, I like females, okay.'
✯ Relationship Status ✯
✯ Religious Beliefs ✯
Eastern Russian Orthodoxy (Significant Adherence)
'For God and for Russia!'
✯ Political Beliefs ✯
-Social Issues (Conservative) :
'Russia is a land of tradition and culture. Any decision on social issues, I believe, must take into account the values the Russian people have.'
-Economic Issues (Conservative) :
'When it comes to the economy, I believe that limited government intervention is the way to go. Government intervention is completely necessary, but an excess of it is not warranted. The socialist system speaks for itself.'
-Foreign Policy (Russian Nationalism and Neo-Sovietism (limited extent)) :
'The collapse of the Soviet Union was the greatest catastrophic geopolitical disaster that could have ever happened. It is a right for the Russian Federation must continue to push its diplomatic excellence and military professionalism, to reclaim the superpower status it once held as the Soviet Union!'
-Opinion on Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin :
'I remember as a child. Putin was the one who brought us up from the humiliation we were in during the late 1990s, Putin was the one who eliminated economic disaster we were suffering, Putin was the one who restored our military's prestige and might and Putin was the one who fixed up the complete mess Boris Yeltsin caused! What more can I say?'
-Opinion on the former Soviet Union :
'I can only quote our President,
"Whoever does not miss the Soviet Union has no heart. Whoever wants it back has no brain."'
-Opinion on the annexation of Crimea into the Russian Federation :
'The blunder done by Nikita Khrushchev has finally been reversed.'
✯ Role Model(s) ✯
Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky (field of military operations)
Ludwig Heinrich Edler von Mises (field of economics)
Garry Kimovich Kasparov (field of chess)
✯ Personality ✯
It is an unanswered question on whether moving to Karakura has caused a significant alternation in his personality or not as a significant cultural shock struck him upon arriving, but in whatever case, one may be assured that Dan holds a peculiar personality. He appears to be a ‘partial introvert’, as socializing causes him to stumble, considering he is relatively shy, yet in total contrast, when it comes to conferences, debate or even teaching, he has complete confidence and would always be a major voice in the aforementioned fields. Besides that, he is also genuinely a friendly and kind person, always even looking for the slightest hint of good in even the worst of people and events, searching for ways to make things better. He is completely willing to be a friend of anyone who would approach him, albeit the shyness would be an initial barrier. Insulting him would bear little effect, as he would merely dismiss the insults, even if the insults are inclusive of the most derogatory statements one can think of, as almost nothing could offend him to the extent of causing a hostile response from him. He views people based off their behaviour, personality and decorum, with discriminatory factors such as race or nationality would play absolutely no role in his judgements.
Deep inside him, Dan is genuinely deeply emotional, a part of him that would be seen by very few in his entire lifetime. It is almost impossible to see the deeply emotional side of him, as his facial expressions and postures would conceal any hint of emotional weakness. Yet, it manifests itself the most in his approach to romantic relationships, as he would be never short on imagination, dreaming of an amazing relationship, forming an image of this pedestalled ideal that is his soul mate, playing and replaying scenarios in his heads of how things will be. If a relationship were to take hold, he would show himself to be passionate, hopeless romantic, while still respecting his partner's independence. When it comes to doing things with his partner, he would rather be three hours early than one minute late. One significant aspect to touch on, however, while aforementioned earlier that almost nothing can be said to provoke a hostile response from him, insulting his significant other may be exactly one of those things that could severely provoke him.
When it comes to conversing about politics in Karakura, Dan is extremely strategic in what he says, as 76.9% of the entire population of the State of Japan holds unfriendly views towards the Russian Federation according to a 2016 survey by the Japanese Cabinet office. His political opinions are known to almost absolutely no one in Karakura, merely appearing to be an ordinary Russian with little to no political interest. In reality, he is extremely interested in world politics and would keep a sharp eye on the global geopolitical situation. Due to his beliefs, however, he would generally keep silent on his opinions on certain topics unless directly questioned about it. He would as well deliberately attempt to give an opinion that is a compromise between him and the person he would be speaking to, under the assumption where that person has distinctly different political views from him. If one would to insult his political views, he would not respond to such statements as it means nothing to him. He recognizes that talking about politics is one of the most inflammatory conversations one can have with another and it is a potential powderkeg in completely undermining friendships, which is why he is extremely strategic in all that he says when it comes to politics.
All in all, however, the most distinct personality trait he has would be the mixture between his lenient benevolence placed in conjunction with his extreme decisiveness. Assuredly, it manifests most during his lectures with the students. He is very lenient and benevolent in handling students, in which he is willing to allow them to do as they desire (of course under reasonable guidelines), in return they would cooperate with him during his classes. However, if students take his leniency and benevolence for granted, he would not relent in warranting immediate disciplinary action on the spot. His sudden transition from being a conceding and benevolent teacher into an extreme hardliner would ensure that he is someone not to be reckoned with. He believes that compromise is the way to go, but one should not and never relent in using absolute decisive force when compromise becomes implausible.
✯ Academic Degrees ✯
Bachelor of Economics (Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation)
✯ Respective Years of Graduations ✯
-Karakura Highschool - 2010
-Karakura College - 2014
-Higher School of Economics (University) - 2018
✯ Hobbies ✯
During his free time, Daniil would usually return doing his childhood hobby of playing chess. He is an avid chess player, who retains his keen interest in the game itself and the development of the chess world, such as remaining updated with the developments of the World Chess Federation (FIDE). He would usually play online, but he would most assuredly take the opportunity to play chess with a person over the board. Sometimes, in his classroom, a knight chess piece ♞ could be seen on his table.
Otherwise, he would devote his free time into playing games online with his childhood friend, Dmitry Sergeyevich Yakolev, who is back home in the Russian Federation. They would play a variety of games, with particular preference to grand strategy games such as Europa Universalis 4 and Second World War-themed first-person shooter games such as the Red Orchestra 2 : Heroes of Stalingrad. While playing, it appears that he would almost always side with the Russian/Soviet state or its variants in some form.
Occasionally, he would take his time to sing several Russian songs. He would naturally almost always only sing in private, but he would sometimes, albeit extremely rarely, sing in public. Regardless, it is indeed something he enjoys doing when there is no other alternative. He has sang several Russian folk songs such as 'Song of the Volga Boatmen' and 'Kalinka' and occasionally militaristic songs such as 'March of the Soviet Tankists'.
In certain circumstances, he would enjoy some time with his friends who are also working as teachers in Karakura, namely Matthew J. Hamilton and Daiisshi Hiroki Okamoto. In these hangouts, they would sometimes moonwalk to school. The reason why they do the aforementioned is still subject to debate up to this day.
✯ Preferred Music Genre(s) ✯
Militaristic (i.e 'We are the Army of the People')
Patriotic (i.e 'Forward, Russia')
Folk (i.e 'Song of the Volga Boatmen')
✯ Favourite Song(s) ✯
Oleg Gazmanov - Born in the USSR (2005)
Iliya Reznik - To Serve Russia (2013)
Aleksandr Aleksandrov - The Sacred War (1941)
✯ Favourite Music Artist ✯
Oleg Mikhaylovich Gazmanov (1951-)
✯ Favourite Singer/Soloist ✯
Leonid Mikhailovich Kharitonov (1933-2017)
✯ Favourite Food(s) ✯
'No particular favourite food, to be completely honest.
A simple burger in itself would make me pretty happy.'
✯ Favourite Beverage(s) ✯
Vodka and Kvass
✯ Abnormalities ✯
-Arbitrary Mood Variances
'His kind personality has been drastically impeded by severe mood swings several times in the past few months. While its occurrence is illustrated to be significantly rare, it has manifested itself several times during class, in which his recognized concessionist stance to pacify students would sharply change to an extreme hardline and strict stance in the pacification of delinquency.'

'We do not want a single foot of foreign territory; but of our territory we shall not surrender a single inch to anyone!'
-Joseph Stalin, General Secretary of the Soviet Union (1930)

✯ Height ✯
He would have the particular height of 188 cm (6'2).
✯ Weight ✯
He'd be weighing a 82.6kg (182.1 lbs).
✯ Build ✯
He would seem to have a decent and upright build. His posture in itself would reinforce the perception of his aforementioned build, with several occasions of a walking posture similar to a parade posture.
✯ Skin Color ✯
Just the regular Caucasian skin tone, there’s not much to it.
✯ Eye Color ✯
He would simply have light blue eyes, not much to it either.
✯ Hair Style ✯
He would generally have a slick back hair, not too thick nor thin, and once more, there’s not much to it.
✯ Hair Color ✯
He would simply have black hair, which implies the fourth time where there’s not much to it. Yet it just so happens that four is also the amount of the years the Great Patriotic War lasted.
✯ Clothes/Outfits ✯
During work, he would usually wear a formal uniform, the colours appearing to be dark throughout. In a complementary manner to his outfit, he would as well be wearing black formal shoes.
Occasionally, during autumn and winters, he would wear a comfortable traditional Cossack outfit in order to keep his warmth while honouring Cossack tradition despite not being a Cossack himself (possibly as a symbol of Russian unity). It compromises of a cherkeska (a traditional woolen coat), a papakha (a wool hat, not usually worn however) and a red inner shirt.

✯ Equipment ✯

One of the 'Hero of the Soviet Union' medals he inherited from his great grandfather, Konstantin Konstantinovich Rokossovsky.

An ushanka made in the Russian Federation. It is marked with the year '1992' in a fashion that indicates its year of production. Interestingly, it was manufactured a year after the collapse of the Soviet Union.
✯ Voice ✯
47:24 to 47:53
✯ Peculiarities ✯
He seems to have a tattoo of a Soviet infantryman under his upper arm, usually hidden by his sleeves. The tattoo shows the infantryman being in a winter uniform, holding a rifle that appears to be a 'Mosin Nagant 1891'. It is modeled after the Order of the Red Star, a military decoration of the Soviet Union.
✯ Diseases/Illness ✯
Fortunately, he would have none.

'Even 50 years ago, the streets of Leningrad taught me one thing: if a fight is inevitable, go and fight first.'
-Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, President of the Russian Federation (2015)

✯ Backstory ✯

It was the 1st of August, 1994, three years after the catastrophic collapse of the Soviet Union. The Russian state was facing its darkest of times, indulged in the looming crises in the Caucasus and the economic suffering unintentionally imposed by Yeltsin’s shock therapy. The Russian Federation held, with bloodied hands, onto its few vestiges of international prestige, one being the intervention in Tajikistan. Ivan Mikhailovich Rokossovsky was one of the veterans of the war, having served as a Spetsnaz frontline operative ever since the onset of Russian intervention. News came to him on the in the evening of the day, where he was told that his wife, Natalia Konstantinovna Federov, was not far from giving birth. His reaction was immediate, rushing to board a transport plane headed for Moscow, after permitted temporary military leave. Landing on the capital on the 8th of August, he wasted no time in rushing towards the Central Clinical Hospital in Kuntsevo District of Moscow, darting towards the receptionist counter. Greeted and informed by the receptionist, a doctor arrived and escorted him to the room his wife was in. He walked into the room, to see his beloved wife smiling at him, carrying a baby. The head doctor was present and he congratulated the couple. Ivan wasted no time in taking the opportunity to carry the child. The head doctor said that they had a son, to which subsequently, he asked, ‘What will you name of him?’. The couple considered for a time, yet without hesitation the couple named him, ‘Daniil’ (Russified ‘Daniel’), meaning, ‘God is my judge’.
Four years later, the 1998 Russian financial crisis would strike, causing crippled incomes and financial pressure. Dan was merely four years old old, completely incapable of comprehending the disasterous state of affairs. Yet, he would feel the effects of the crisis long after thereof. His enrolment into kindergarten and subsequently primary was smooth. He began to read much about history and geopolitics, to which he was completely disappointed in the position the Russian state was. He witnessed Western interest groups and domestic oligarchies expand and exploit their influence within the Russian economy. He witnessed corrupt bureaucracies cripple the political system. He witnessed the rampant gangs and crimes that plagued the country. Nevertheless, he continued his early education with dedication and determination, advancing onto secondary education four years after the dawn of a new millennium.

As the only child of the family, he often hung with his neighbour Dmitry, who was around the same age as him. He spent a lot of time reading history books, something he enjoys after learning that he was the third descendant of Konstantin Rokossovsky, a Polish-born Marshal of the Soviet Union. He almost never mentions it to anyone, preferring to keep it a secret after being once ridiculed as delusional for mentioning it to his friends. He also began to play chess, after finding out that the Soviet school of chess once dominated the entirety of the chess world, with Garry Kasparov as his role model in this matter. There were almost no one interested in chess in his elementary school, therefore he had really limited opportunities to play with others. Fortunately for Dan, his math teacher, Boris Voronov, was an Russian FIDE international master of chess and they were able to play many games of chess during their spare time. Boris taught Dan many aspects of chess, ranging from simple knight forking to complex mid-game positions.
Coincided with this, Dan appeared to mature far quicker than his contemporaries. The combination of these two caused him to become increasingly socially isolated, though he would always have those few close friends who he can spend time with. It became even more evident during his secondary years, when a teacher asked the entire class about their music preferences. Among all the various types of music preferences, Dan was the only one to have the preference for military and national music, such as ‘If Tomorrow Brings War’ (1938), ‘The Sacred War’ (1941) and ‘Victory Day’ (1975). He was occasionally called as someone who ‘lives under a rock’, as when his friends converse about anything trendy, he is usually unable to participate much in such a conversation.
As a result of his enjoyment with consorting with the older generation and his inward-looking personality, his social life continuously went downwards. He rapidly became isolated in school, occasionally being bullied. Fighting back was of little use, based on physical and moral reasons. This only exacerbated his alignment with the older generation, which clearly worsened his social life furthermore. The practical consequences were most clear during a brief time when a classmate of his caught his eye. There was a particular female named Natalia, a smart one she was, pretty as well. He attempted to woo her, indeed, he had already considered what to do, how to do and when to do it. He took every opportunity to talk to her, see her, spend time with her, it appeared as if all would be well. However, Dan failed to pay cognizance to the obvious. Did he truly believe no one would notice that he behaved differently when around her? Did he truly believe that he was in any way special to her? Did he truly believe that it will end up well for him?
In one particular day, the entire class sprung up into action. Completely caught-off guard, he was suddenly publicly teased by almost the entire class for his actions in trying to woo her. They said how they knew about his petty actions. It was humiliating, Dan barely said a word to defend himself. The damage was twofold. Natalia herself ever since felt ashamed to be near him, which in turn caused all her friends to turn against Dan. The anxiety from social gossip was exemplified. There was no escape.

Indeed, the isolation took a significant toll on him. But allow us to look at the light, as in contrast, Dan continued to do exceptionally well in his studies, especially in the fields of economics, business studies and mathematics, albeit lacking in the fields of the sciences. He excelled so well in economics that he was on par and capable of contesting the economic knowledge of other students who were significantly older and top of their own respective classes. Side by side with his strong capacity in mathematics, he aspired to go further into econometrics. Attention of his performance did come into the attention of the regional educational authority of Moscow and he was offered to be part of a student exchange program between the Russian Federation, the People’s Republic of China, the Republic of Korea and the State of Japan. He gladly accepted, with complete approval from his parents. He was chosen to be bound for Karakura in the State of Japan. Within half a year, the exchange was complete.
When he first arrived, Karakura instantly made a strong impression on him, as it was a beautiful place. He was somewhat concerned he would be socially isolated again, but he was confident that all will be well. One of the things about the school in Karakura that was really amazing was that it had many students with different and unique backgrounds, people from every corner of the world. In terms of his academics, while he was somewhat upset that economics was not an available subject, he excelled in econometrics’ second half, mathematics. He also managed to do relatively well in geography and history. He did lag somewhat behind in drama and, just as it was back home in Russia, science. While he studied further on in Karakura, he did notice the 'gangster' side of Karakura, which was concerning, but he remained vigilant. He continued to work hard, hoping for the best.
By the end of 2012, he decisively graduated from Karakura's high school. Back in the Russian Federation, Dmitry, Dan's childhood friend, heard of the news from Dan's parents and congratulated him. Dan immediately enrolled in Karakura's college, with little intention to delay his journey into further education. He took up all the available subjects during the time. He had his first classes in the dawn of 2012 and in a similar fashion to how he studied back in high school, he worked hard and did exceptionally well in practically all the subjects he had taken, albeit he found the bookkeeping and account-checking fields of finance to be relatively irritating. Nevertheless, in a mere two years, he graduated on the end of 2014. Eventually, after approximately half a decade ever since he was sent to Karakura under the program, the regional educational authority of Moscow contacted him once again. They recommended to him that he should return back to the Russian Federation to study in the Higher School of Economics which was located in the city of his birthplace, Moscow. Subsequent to discussions on regards to scholarships, he gladly accepted the recommendation, in the exact same manner in which he accepted the offer to join the student exchange program approximately half a decade ago. Within half a year, he completed his return to his Motherland. It was a joy to see his country again, but he wasted little time. He enrolled in the Higher School of Economics and decided to time with his parents while waiting for the next academic year to begin. He managed to get a part-time job as a firm's junior executive in early-2016.
In midst of his studies and part-time occupation, however, his obligations to the Russian Federation were still in force. In such a crucial time when NATO encroachment towards Russian borders persists while Russian ambitions in the Arctic continue to amplify, he was soon conscripted into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

He found himself based in a barracks in the outskirts of Moscow, part of the Western Military District of the Russian Armed Forces. He was assigned to the 3rd Motor Rifle Division of the Russian Ground Forces.
For the first few days of his conscription, it was entirely about getting used to the new military life. It was a life of patriotism, discipline, militarism, obedience, learning and training. Even as of today, he still recalls his memories with his former squad members. Not only as close friends, he considered them as brothers, family.
The following is a description of his squad and a list of members thereof :
3-й мотострелковый орден Суворова 2-го класса, 20-я гвардейская объединенная армия, Западный военный округ
(3rd Motor Rifle Order of Suvorov 2nd Class, 20th Guards Combined Arms Army, Western Military District)
Прапорщик (Praporshchik)
Aleksandr D. Sorokin
Лидер команды (Squad Leader)
Dmitri P. Sorokin
Помощник командира отряда (Assistant Squad Leader)
Vladimir A. Yakovlev
Пулеметчик (Machine Gunner)
Igor D. Plotnikov
гренадер (Grenadier)
Evgeni M. Bulganin
Помощник гренадера (Assistant Grenadiers)
Daniil I. Rokossovsky & Vladimir K. Malinovsky
медик (Medic)
Konstantin I. Vasilevsky & Motya P. Nikolaev
стрелки (Riflemen)
Maksim A. Laveykin, Pyotr M. Poleshchuk & Ruslan I. Rozhdestvensky
Водитель БТР (BTR Driver)
Nikolai R. Feoktistov
Пулеметчик БТР (BTR Machine Gunner)
Mikhail N. Ivanchenkov
As the 2017’s 9th of May closed in, his division was given the opportunity to participate in the Victory Day Parade held in Moscow, in celebration of the 72th anniversary of the victory of the Soviet Union over Nazi Germany. Being able to personally march on the Red Square, it was an unforgettable moment.

2017 came to an end, so did his conscription. Nevertheless, his conscription did not appear to have impeded his studies, as he continued on with his studies, subsequently graduated from the university at the end of 2018.
Dan was still retained under the student exchange program, hence he was allowed to choose between returning back to the State of Japan or to remain in the Russian Federation, in which he chose the former. He chose to return to the State of Japan because he is very interested in observing the economic state of Japan by remaining. The State of Japan is simultaneously facing significant population drops while having a growing economy and he is curious to see whether it is a protracted economic issue or not. Indeed, he does plan to keep the option of returning back to the Russian Federation again open, but for the time being, he plans to teach in the exact same high school that he graduated from. He planned to work as a teacher, with a note in his mind. It was that he wished to see if it is possible to open up the subject of economics in the school of Karakura. He believed that economics was an increasingly important subject for students across the world to learn, as the economy is the foundation in which people build careers, conduct trade, open businesses and so forth. Had he succeeded in achieving the latter note, he would have aimed to become its Head of Department, so that not only he would be able to be the forefront in teaching economics in Karakura, but he would also be able to be financially capable to further his education in economics, where he aimed, and still aims for, for the highest level, to achieve a Doctorate of Economics or a PhD of Economics, both simultaneously the highest ranking degrees of economics in the entirety of the world.
After months of teaching mathematics, it appears that an opportunity to switch onto teaching history has presented itself. A performance report was released by the administration of the high school recently, in which it forecasts several members of the school teaching staff being possibly dismissed due to incapability of reaching expected quotas and thresholds. ****yzing the report, it appears that two particular history teachers may possibly lose their positions, in which Dan has no intention of ignoring the opportunity to capitalize on this fact. He has contacted one of the Vice Principals of the school on regards to switching subject department, to which the prospects of the switch succeeding appear to be in the positive. Under the assumption that the switch succeeds, he plans to climb up the ladders and may potentially contest to be the Head of Department for History depending on the circumstances. Regardless of any potential changes that may occur, he wholeheartedly retains his childhood dream of becoming a Doctorate or PhD of Economics, in which from there he shall press forward into climbing up the ladders in the world of economics, from the national to the international, being the forefront of pushing the world into economic prosperity.
It is not just for the Russian Federation, it is not just for the State of Japan, it is for the world.

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