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❀Hanai A. Munakata's Biography❀


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Hanai A. Munakata's Biography:

(Note: Not final, Still looking for the perfect reference for Hanai!)
Basic Information

First Name:
Preferred Name:
Hanai or Mrs. Munakata (at school)
5’5” or 165.1 cm
127 lbs or 57.6 kg
Fit Hourglass
Skin Color:
Rosey - Pale
Eye Color:
Washed Blue
Hair Style:
3ft hair let down, resting against her back
Hair Color:
Light Sky Blue
Mostly casual, Work attire during school
Date of Birth:
August 1, 1995
Place of Birth:
Tokyo, Japan
Sexual Orientation:
Religious Beliefs:
Believes in a higher power, unsure of which religion
Political Beliefs:
General Appearance

A semi-pale woman stood at a solid 5'5" and weighed 127 lbs. Her light sky blue colored hair would shine, standing out in a crowd as her hair rests on her back and both sides of her chest.. Hanai gleamed with kindness and her inviting smile would capture your gaze. A scent of blue orchid perfume followed her, leaving a pleasant sensation in your nose.
Hanai A. Munakata is the type of person you can rely on to have your back, someone to care about you, and someone to make you smile. Hanai is a kind woman who constantly only wants the best for the people she cares about, whether this is her blood family or the recent family she’s become a part of officially with her husband and even her best friends. She always tries her best in every scenario, trying to meet everyone's expectations of someone who is independent, reliable, and strong.
Character Voice:
Hanai carries around her ‘White Stallion Purse’ with her at all times but sometimes alternates to a plaid backpack which consists of the colors beige, brown and light brown. Hanai also wears her White ‘Visage Sunglasses’ everywhere she goes as it rests on her head.
Hanai wears calming colors and sometimes a skin tight blue dress. She often is seen wearing a beige top that exposes the bottom of her stomach with pastel blue colored jeans. For formal events, she changes to her black and gold dress with black heels and a gold necklace.
In Hanai’s free time, she often is seen doing extra work for the library, whether it’s organizing the spreadsheet filled with student library card information or reading through student submitted books. Other fun things she does are mostly watching movies or going shopping whenever an accessory store opens up. Other times she’s seen hanging out with her husband or any of her best friends.
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities:

[Father] Kurosaki Seiko [Alive]
“You chose the company over me, yet you wonder why I left? How about you go sober up and then come talk to me.”

[Mother] Sayaka Seiko [Alive]
“Leaving motherhood to your own daughter sure is a good look for the family and company. Takeshi is my child, not yours.”

[Brother] Takeshi Seiko [Alive]
“My baby brother, who I raised from birth, did I do a good job?”

[Current Husband]
Yutaro Munakata [Alive]
“Yu, I never thought I’d find someone who could relate to me on so many levels. Your life was so hard yet you held your head up so high. I hope I can help you find the time we both lost and we can live it together. Marrying you was the best decision I've ever made, I'm so glad I built the courage to tell you how I felt that day. You've brought me happiness and you've shown me I can love again. I love you, Yutaro Munakata, so damn much.”

[Ex-Boyfriend] Kenji Tanaka [Alive]
“We didn’t last long but that’s okay. I didn’t mind you until you turned so controlling and gave me ick. I hope you’re better now.”

[Best Friend] Murakami Makoto [Alive]
“Thank you for being one of my first friends when I arrived in Karakura. I really needed a friend but instead I got two and my life got so much easier here.”

[Best Friend] Yae ‘Sakura’ Makoto [Alive]
“Along with Murakami, I can’t thank you two enough for the friendship you’ve shown me and the way you brought me into Karakura. Life wouldn’t be the same without you two.”

[Best Friend] Misaki Suzuki [Alive]
“Even though we’re newer best friends, we’re already so close and I appreciate the kindness you’ve shown me. I question some of the kids you have though-.”

[Best Friend] Lily C. Kuznetsova-Solas [Deceased]

“. . . I don't know how to express the loss of someone I loved so damn much. You brought my time in Karakura so much joy, you brightened my day with the stupid things you'd say. My heart hurts, Lily. I'm gonna miss you so much, I love you so much please watch down on me with Washu. I'll keep going and keep every single memory we shared together close to my heart.”

[Friend] Washu D. Kuznetsov [Deceased]
“I’ll never forget when I first met you, seeking kids during hide and seek was a highlight in our time spent together. Lily and I miss you so much, I hope you’re watching over us.

[Best Friend] Maribelle Sanbuono [Alive]
“The most southern but best nurse you can find. Thank you for letting me be the maid of honor at your wedding, it was one of the most touching questions someone has ever asked me. Sorry Lola snitched on you for climbing…”

[Best Friend] Charlotte Munakata [Alive]
“You always got my back and you best believe I’m catching those earrings! You screaming at those kids always is music to my ears. Good thing I am never going to do anything to get on your bad side!”

[Best Friend] Kinoko T. Yokuna [Alive]
"Kinoko, y'know what you EAT. Go get what's yours, you know what I am talkin' bout! If you want what's yours then go get it. Except my husband, I won. I still love you though."

[Best Friend] Shigeru Yokuna-Sendo [Alive]
“You’ve only recently moved here but you are one of the kindest and genuine souls I’ve met in a really long time (besides my husband hehe!). I hope things go smoothly with Kai! I’m always team Shigeru though!”

[Friend] Eito Tomohiro [Alive]
"Eito! Thank you for marrying my husband and I. I'm so grateful to have made a such a great friend and to have met you! You make Charlotte happy and I can't help but jump in excitement for your future with her. Our families will soon get along, I know they will. If they don't, they'll have another thing coming."

[Friend] Daichi Matsumoto-Solas [Alive]
“You’re a lot more quirky than Lily, though I still don’t mind it! You do you though, always rooting for you!”

[Friend] Nova Cynosa [Alive]
“We haven’t known each other as long as my other friends, but you’re a bright individual, I can’t wait to see you grow more!”

[Friend] Dallia M. Minaki [Alive]
“You and Nova are too cute together! I can’t wait for the wedding! You’re such a genuine person, I’m almost jealous. Keep on going, you have a great thing going!”

[Friend] Andrew Revanche [Alive]
“You’re a COOL dude. Heh.”

[Friend] Asuka Minaki [Alive]
“ASUKA! You’re so pretty I can’t comprehend it! We need to hang more girl! You seem like a lot of fun.”

[Close Friend] Komatsuna T. Minaki [Alive]
"Oh Koma, I hope your day gets brighter as mine does when I see your beautiful face that has gone through the worst. I see you as one of my own like a Munakata, except you're a Minaki. Whatever troubles you, I'll always be here to talk, never be afraid to ask."

[Friend] Ash M. Sanbuono [Alive]
“Congrats on your recent marriage to Lorenzo! We haven’t known each other that long, however I feel like we can be great friends through time. You seem like a smart girl, I hope you recognize that in yourself the way others do.”

[Daughter] Lola Munakata [Alive]
“Lola, I think so highly of you. You came to Japan hoping for a better life, yet you seem like you’re lost. Stop taking care of these kids and let me take over, you need to find yourself and also let me in. You’re one of Yutaro’s funniest, kindest, caring and brilliant kids, yet you fail to recognize it. I hope you do soon, I want nothing but the best for you.”

[Daughter] Zoe Munakata [Alive]
“Zoe, you seem like you’ve got it all figured out. I wish nothing but the best for you and I’m so happy you’ve gotten so far in life. Keep going Zoe, you’re going to be successful, I just know it.”
[Daughter] Liana Munakata [Alive]
"Liana, you're such a beautiful individual, I hope you see that in yourself the way I see it! I hope things with your boyfriend go well! I wanna hang more though, let me know whenever sweetie!"
[Best Pet] Ahri Munakata [Alive]

"Ahri! You little cutie, you have to be my favorite pet in all of Karakura. Don't tell anyone... you're my favorite Munakata. I'll give you headpats the next time I see you!"
[Sons, Daughters, Nieces and Nephews]
“You’re all smart kids. Stop messing around, you make Yutaro and Charlotte angry when you do! You can all achieve so much in life, you just have to reach your full potential.
*jokingly side eyes at the ones who got in trouble recently*”

Growing up:

Hanai A. Seiko grew up in Tokyo, Japan. Under her parents financial support, by the age of ten, Hanai grew up without a single parent figure to help her guide her way through life. She taught herself everything she knew, Japanese, Spanish, Math, Science, History, any type of subject for school or life. When Hanai was eleven years old, her younger brother, Takeshi, was born. This baby was treated worse than Hanai. Her parents decided it was time Hanai understood how life worked and how to take care of something, so they left Hanai to do any kind of work by herself. The only thing she was provided was money which allowed her to take care of him. Hanai worked endlessly day and night for school while also taking care of Takeshi. She would immediately get home, start homework, practice Kanji, do math and every other subject she was taking but soon after she would tend to Takeshi. She would make him dinner, his breakfast for tomorrow and his lunch for school. Hanai taught everything she knew to him, allowing Takeshi to become enlightened and given the childhood he deserved. Hanai lived at home with her brother, her dad an alcoholic and her mother who was distant and almost like she wasn’t there. It wasn’t always like this as Hanai was taken care of when she was a kid, given everything she wanted. Then one day, poof. Her parents just gave up and didn’t care anymore. Something happened that changed this… Right after Takeshi was born. The Seiko family owns a huge import and exporting business which mostly went back and forth with Mexico.
When Hanai turned fifteen, her parents only cared about their company. Hanai thought to herself, what better way to gain her parents attention than becoming more involved with the company that they care about. Hanai threw herself into the work, learning Spanish as a way to communicate with one of the most prominent countries involved in the family company.
By the time she turned eighteen, she was off to college, which she then only bid herself farewell from home. No parents, no nothing. In college, she met her first boyfriend Kenji Tanaka. Hanai first met Kenji in a class they shared about criminology. He was late and needed a seat, which Hanai gladly offered the one next to her. Kenji and Hanai talked for hours after class, talking about their pasts and disappointments. They bonded over it, leading Kenji to walk Hanai to her dorm every night, eventually leading Hanai to ‘fall for him’. Quickly after Hanai and Kenji started dating, things were smooth until Hanai was hit on by a male about the same age as Kenji. Nothing came out of the flirting, yet Kenji couldn’t handle the thought of having Hanai leave him. He controlled every aspect of her life, what she did, who she saw, where she was going, and so much more. Hanai left him and blamed him for being so controlling when she was so supportive of him and his career in criminology.
Traveling to Karakura:
By the time Hanai graduated with her bachelors in Japanese, she returned home at twenty-two years old. She struggled to find work and ended up being at home taking care of Takeshi again under her family's financial support and working for the company. At twenty-seven, she decided she needed change. Takeshi was finally old enough for him to take care of himself, so Hanai left. She fled to Karakura. From there, she found herself two friends Yae and Murakami who were married, librarians and would end up becoming her closest best friends. Murakami was the head of the department at the time and he encouraged Hanai to apply for a librarian position as one had just opened up. She gleamed with joy after she had written a long application and was accepted after a few days of waiting. A few months later, she meets one of her best friends, Lily and her brother Washu. Washu sadly passed away but Lily and Hanai remain best friends currently.Her friend Lily only wanted what she thought was best for Hanai, leading her to introduce a few men to Hanai. None of them clicked.
Yutaro Arc to the Present time:
Eventually, Lily introduced Yutaro Munakata to Hanai. Yutaro was a tutor at Karakura high. He’s a quiet and reserved type of guy but Hanai found a friend in him early on into their meeting. They would hang out and talk for hours. But it was just that, friends. Later on in their friendship, Hanai had become closer to some of Yutaro’s kids. Hanai had a habit of trying to scare Yutaro, she did it often everytime they hung out. One time, she snuck up to the park next to the plaza, only to find that Yutaro was kissing a professor, right in front of everyone. Hanai didn’t realize it yet, but she was deeply jealous inside. She had always insisted that her and Yutaro are strictly friends, just that. However, one night she found one of the kids sitting in the waiting room of the Karakura hospital. That night she found out one of the kids had shattered their leg, with Yutaro basically missing for the past few hours. No calls, no texts. Hanai finally got a hold of Yutaro, yelling over the phone about what happened. He rushed over and apologized to his kid over and over, feeling horrible about what happened. Afterwards, Hanai was furious. She made him take time aside to talk about what happened, leading into a big argument between the two only to find out Yutaro was on a date. Parental abandonment hit Hanai hard, as she knew exactly what that felt like. She lost her temper and started yelling again, telling him he needs to be more careful. The argument abruptly ended with Hanai blurting out that she was into Yutaro. Not in a friendly way. Hanai and Yutaro had to attend work soon after, leading them to speak over text the entire time. Hanai confessed that she couldn’t handle the thought of Yutaro with another woman, it was too much. She was hurt but was extremely disappointed in herself for not realizing how she felt early on. The whole situation turned from sour to sweet, ending in Yutaro and Hanai realizing they’re right for each other. They were officially dating. After a year of being in a relationship, Hanai had grown to be a part of the Munakata family. Yutaro's kids all called her mom or mama, any kind of word that was mother. All except Lola. Lola had been very closed off to Hanai even though they were already close. After a year with Yutaro, he had gone on a trip that lead to him being gone for a month. That month was a great but horrible one for Hanai. She had grown close to more of the kids, getting even closer to Lola and Zoe Munakata. One thing she hated was the time apart from Yutaro. She hated being apart from him, that feeling never left her after their first official date, she never wanted to part with him. After the month finished, he returned. Her and Yutaro spent a ton of time together, getting even closer and expanding their feelings for each other. Finally, it happened. Yutaro had proposed to Hanai. A few weeks later, Hanai and Yutaro were offically married by their friend Eito Tomohiro who was currently a governor in Karakura. He was the current boyfriend of Charlotte Munakata, Yutaro's sister and one of Hanai's closest best friends. Hanai was now Hanai A. Munakata. Soon after them getting married, Yutaro and Hanai had their wedding in Spain leading up to their honeymoon which was in Hawaii. They stayed for approximately a month in Hawaii. After so, Hanai and Yutaro had moved in together into Hanai's house. Currently, they live together in their home, happy as ever.

Additional Notes:
Still a work in progress! :D If I missed a character in the relationships area and want to be included (If Hanai knows you of course) let me know!
Last edited:


Level 24
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Updated Biography 7/23/23

-Added Liana Munakata and quote
-Added Komatsuna Minaki and quote
-Added Yutaro's time away from Hanai leading to their engagement


Level 24
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Updated Biography 8/27/23:

-Added Yutaro Munakata's tag to Husband and updated the quote.
-Added Eito Tomohiro and a quote.
-Updated tags of Daughters, Sons, Nieces, and Nephews.
-Updated the Yutaro Arc to show their marriage.
-Updated all Hanai A. Seiko names to Hanai A. Munakata.


Level 24
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Updated Biography: 9/7/23:
-Added Kinoko T. Yokuna and a quote

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