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❈ THE DETONATION OF THE THIRD BUILDING | Excerpt from the 'Zianabaki' Lore.


Level 11
Keep in mind all events that are depicted in this post are FICTIONAL.
One of the main things you need to know before reading this article would be of the (at the time) ongoing crisis of the Salvadorian Civil War.​

El Diario de Hoy - El 22 de Septiembre, 1985.

Translated to Japanese.


At 3:19 PM on the twenty-second of September, clouds of smoke emerged from a collapsing building as crimson fireworks were ignited into the air from an unknown location in the vicinity of the aforementioned building. Little is known about what could have caused the destruction of the building, however our news station has received information on the motive of the action.

Trivia (1).png
Photo of the collapsed building.

'' Throughout the course of two years, two rivaling street organizations, also known as 'SCILA' and 'DE LA SOL', have had a plethora of different brawls and incidents against each other, most of them only extending to your typical fist fight, however as of recent, they have gradually increased into assaults with various deadly weapons such as Pipes, Metal Baseball Bats, and machete's. One of the main motivations on why the two groups started fighting would be in order to decide who could gain absolute control over one of the busiest districts in San Miguel, El Salvador. While our police force has made their best attempt to halt these actions, outside forces, such as civilians and the FMLN have proved to make this before simple problem much more difficult to resolve. One day however, there was a brawl going on in three buildings located in the surrounding area of the city, many units from both sides seemed to have gathered in order to fight out their disputes. As one of our reporters that were around the scene said; ''The entire thing. . It was all Savagery, Pure hatred. There was no respect for either side, when one fell they didn't relent.''. Needless to say, many people were reported to either be injured or deceased after our paramedics went through the area after the fight, as well as some of our own Paramedics being reported gravely injured. Ignoring the previous statements, at one point of the brawl, there was a sudden shift of location; Some of the 'SCILA' members seemed to scatter across all three of the buildings, causing all three of the sites to be filled with a fluctuating number of people. This simple action however, managed to increase the severity of this situation ten fold. Three individuals, all bearing a Teal stripe in their hair, seemed to rush away from the scene and over to a Black van with the picture of a Volcano, a slight text on it reading ' SALVADORIAN INVESTIGATION BUREAU ' (Which. . by the way I don't think we have one that looks like that. .) before reportedly taking out some sort of control panel. After this reported action, it wasn't long until a firework ignited into the air, it was of a crimson and white pattern, nothing too out of the ordinary, but what followed this firework explosion was a complete detonation of the second floor of the third building, keep in mind that there were around 10 stories in this building. This, obviously caused the structure to weaken and eventually collapse, leading to the death of at the very least 200~ members on both sides. The explosion seemed to halt the ongoing conflict, fireworks still going off in the background as the Salvadorian Police Force arrived at the scene, immediately arresting one of the three individuals that were in the van. After the sound of the blasting sirens of the nearly 40 police, many of the gang members fled the scene, around 10% of them getting arrested and 50 being shot to the ground. This event will go down in history, not only as a large-scale explosion, but as the first declaration of what seems to be war against the opposing gang. ''

Unfortunately, as of right now, the interviews cannot be made public due to numerous different factors, however we will try our absolute hardest in order to notify you all when we can inform you about the interview(s).

This information may be taken ICly via online resources if you so wish to gain it. A little sneak peak on the meaning of the teal stripe on my baby Katakuri Zianabaki's hair :3

If enough traction is gained, I'll defo continue this but it took a bittt too long to create that ruined building.​

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