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❤ - HIGHSCHOOL COUNCILOR | Kisshōten Iwabūchi -


Level 1



What is your Minecraft Username?:

“Pirrouttee” - The account I’m applying on.
“HedeonRP”, Is my main account.

What is your timezone?:

GMT (Greenwich Mean Time) & BST (British Summer Time)

Please provide your Discord tag:

You can contact me on discord via this username

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):

Describe your activity on the server:

Having to put my time on a scale, It would be a scatter graph - though with a positive correlation throughout the week. Currently I’m most active on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays; consisting of when I’m not in college. Though to simplify this I’m going to put it on a table, Monday - Sunday. (GMT) You’ll notice I’m free the majority of the week - however some days I won’t be as willing to sacrifice my sleep, such as exam days.

Monday TuesdayWednesdayThursdayFridaySaturdaySunday
Very Active

Six or more hours

11 am - 12 am

Somewhat Active

Four or more hours

4 pm - 12 am

Somewhat Active

Four or more hours

4 pm -12 am

Very Active

Six or more hours

1 pm - 2 am

Very active

Six or more hours

11 am - 2 am

Very Active

Six or more hours

11 am - 10 pm

11 pm - 2 am

Very Active

Six or more hours

11 am - 10 pm

11 pm - 2 am

List your accounts and roles on this server:

“HedeonRP” - [College][B][Cheerleader] “Miwa Ishii” & [Grade-12] “Tabitha Westwood”
“Pirrouttee” - [Grade-12] "Kisshōten Iwabūchi" & [Bear] “Mordu”

Brief Introduction.
The character I’m using in my application.

Kisshōten Iwabūchi.
吉祥天 岩渕
Named after a Bhuddist Goddess, Kisshoutennyo / Kichijōten - The Goddess of Fertility and Beauty. Kisshōten Iwabuchi descends from a long line of devout Shinto Maidens and Priests. Thusly cast into the embrace of her mother, Neitsu Kamufuchi and her father, Teiko Iwabuchi. Overall Kisshōten is a relatively new character to myself - having created her for the very purpose of becoming a council member. If you’re interested I’ll include some of her personality traits below.

Kisshōten; Devout and fervent in her faith. Iwabūchi’s hymns cascade in synonyms and values she includes in mundane longevity - Kisshōten was uniquely in favor of punishment & consequence. Despite her heavy-handed etiquette Iwabūchi was a courteous woman often leaning towards more reformatory and discouraging punishments. Kisshōten was a lavish fountain of wisdom and knowledge and more often than not she enjoyed long-winded and engaging conversations.

Overall, Kisshōten Iwabūchi is designed to be near-perfect.

Though what is a woman without faults?

Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:
Yes, I’m aware. I acknowledge the fact I’m subject to demotion If I fail to warn about intense periods of Inactivity and or become inactive completely.


What is the student council and what do they do?:


In Japan the “Student Representative,” is one person per class, ‘Student Representatives’ - Usually the “Class President” They report back to the actual School Council. Unfortunately this is not ideal or relevant to School-RP, one representative per classroom would require assigned classes for player-groups which overall would be completely useless to implement other than for roleplay related purposes.


Typically a Student Council is a form of government designed for the students - usually established of groups no more than 5-9 However the vast size of Karakura High School & College having a collective of well over 600 Students makes the low-number unreasonable thus it can change with school systems and sizes. Student Council Members are usually elected by their peers for their quality of leadership skills and innate knowledge of how to make inconcise information into a clear and well formatted suggestion or complaint.
The Student Council has a duty to the students without a voice - inclusion and prosperity is what they strive for. Following on from this, a student council representative has a myriad of controlled-actions they must perform to the best of their ability. Such tasks are; Planning school-wide events such as themed dances - sports festivals - culture festivals alongside smaller in-school events like information booths and club fairs.
Teamwork in collaboration with the High School & College rules in accordance to what the School Employees have or have not said to another student and or council member. The reinforcement of the rules with action and consequence is important for any form of government - even the student body government. Adjoining to the previous point it’s imperative to reward those who do good with goods - depending on the councilors preference this may be anything from a sticker to a reward token.


This information may not be relevant to the subject matter - however I thought it would be rather neat to include it.

The conventional standard School Council is more of a recent concept 1980’s through modern day society. The first student council that was established in Japan, after World War II. However the system was nothing compared to what it is now, alumni associations with the school would use social presence and monetary aspects to have their own children elected. Overall the system was unfair and abused by those in power - however through present day innovations and the lack of influx money had on the economy has allowed students with genuine qualifications to take up the mantle of ‘Student Council Representative’.


Preparation is a key factor in the Student Council - needing to be ready for meetings with a list of notes and student opinions in time for briefing the faculty alongside your fellow council members, collaboration on points and ideas to create the most concise and easy-to-implement Idea is a requirement for being on the council. Sharing Ideas and listening to others opinions - despite the fact you may agree is another factor of the council. Overall the council is for the many - not the few and must do what they deem fit to potentially benefit the school.

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):

Council was recommended to me by several friends, who are on council. Both of them experience in-depth roleplay on council, some more than others - but I’m not here to name names. Overall the experience seems niche, fun and curiosity killed the cat, so here I am. On another positive note, I enjoy the idea of enforcing the school rules to a more definite point - the majority of the time they’re ignored, I think it would be interesting to throw a reverent and rule-conservative councilor into the mix.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):
I’ve been made aware of this, and I eagerly wait for my chance to participate within the creative aspect of the student council. Teamwork ethic won’t be an issue, as I’ve been on several teams before, & Employee & EMS. It’s all rather exciting actually - I look forward to being put to the test with my roleplay capabilities and challenges we may have to face as a whole on the council.

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:
There are several key roles in the council, The President & Vice-President alongside the regular council members. Their primary role & Duties are as follows;

Student Council President.

The President is the largest overseer of decisions alongside being the face of the Student Council. Generally the President has final say on any and all decisions should they believe it’s in the best interest of the council to pursue another point of interest. Becoming the student council president requires strength and patience when dealing with less than ideal situations - you’d never find a president without good leadership capabilities. The student council president also oversees the rest of the council members - from the vice-president to treasurer and secretary. Managing these roles is time-consuming and requires dedication.

Student Council Vice-President

Second only to the President - providing aid in what the President cannot cover or cannot attend to in the current moment. The Vice-President may take on roles such as being the direct connection between general council members to the president and thus the faculty during meetings - speaking on behalf of the council. A Vice-President is expected to manage the menial tasks alongside the president, allowing them to focus on things such as paperwork, planning, emails, ect.

Council Secretary

They are essentially an assistant to the Vice-President & President - more often than not they will occupy menial duties such as handling minor complaints and filing them - preparing notes for the President & Vice President. Alongside this they are expected to work in tandem with their senior officers to provide a clear understanding of the outcome of meetings - notes and accounting for presence during the meetings.


The Treasurer is in charge of the general monetary aspect of the Council - essentially acting as an accountant. Keeping a close relationship with the school administration they deliver reports on the council budget and work out the cost effectiveness of any events that have been planned and subtract that from the standard funding they receive. Reporting secondly to the President they provide financial advice on what to pursue in future events to conserve the most money while being able to purchase the needed luxuries.




While students gather for a school assembly, one student behaves disruptively, causing a disturbance. How would you manage the situation to restore order effectively while minimizing any additional disruptions to the assembly?

In an attempt to dissuade any further disruptions Kisshōten let herself slip from her position aside the student council - this was not a massive affair but a situation that needed to be nipped in the bud before causing wide-spread chaos within the assembly. "It's is in your best interest to quieten down - this is not an issue. However If I find myself or another student council member needing to re-approach the situations the consequences will be far more dire." If the disruption continues Iwabūchi re-approaches the situation with another member of the student body - either to decipher what the need of the student is or to have them reported to faculty. If the severity extends to faculty - Kisshōten will promptly have the student removed from the assembly hall. After the ordeal has been dealt with she returns to her seat with fingers interlaced, resting on her skirt.

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?

Reasonably Iwabūchi moved to take note of the persons physical description in tandem with their attire and mask - the brand and label could easily be obtained due to a low-commercial sale of wide-spread masks in Karakura. Secondly she'd approach the front desk and queue for her turn - order was necessary. Then she'd pass the note with the description of the masked student - She was insistent on an intercom to warm those at risk. "Please announce the following - Take caution. There is an unnamed and unidentifiable person in a mask on the premises, if you happen to encounter this student please alert a member of faculty immediately - Do not interact." Once found or notified of the masked students appearance Kisshōten would approach the area with a member of faculty to assist. Finally - she'd ensure punishment is carried out.

A teacher observes concerning behavior from a student, including the creation of disturbing artwork and verbal threats toward peers. How would you collaborate with the teacher to evaluate the situation and intervene appropriately to address potential safety concerns?

Kisshōten Naturally seated herself next to this student - to avoid suspicion and prevent the embarrassment of a class-call-out. Respect, is what she'd treat the student with. "This Conversation is unavoidable, however I will spare you the expense of humility. We need to discuss this behaviour, It's a concern of myself, as someone who's duty it is to care and protect the students, that we find an outlet for this behaviour in a less destructive way. The teacher and myself have decided it would be beneficial for you to have a session with the school counsellor, whether it be for art therapy - so you can find someone to confide in." After a brief discussion with the teacher - they'd become aware where the situation stemmed from, they could nip it in the bud. The punishment in place would be for the threats the student made to their peers, she would add "Please re-evaluate the way you speak to your peers, it is seen as threatening and the school is not above measures such as detention, or suspension." She'd tied it up neatly returning to her own seat on the other side of class.

A group of students asks for your permission to stage a protest on school grounds. Would you allow them to protest? If so, how do you ensure that the protest does not disrupt the school environment while upholding their freedom of expression?

Iwabūchi had a response that was less than desirable, however kept her station professional - she was a council representative. "Please take your queries to a member of faculty or a member of the senior leadership team, it is not my place to hand out permission for a protest." Kisshōten would not provide explicit permission for a protest to happen under her watch, it wasn't her place.
However, if she were to allow this - it would be strictly monitored by several members of the Council not only to ensure student safety - but to make sure they're representing the wants and needs of the protesters correctly. Aside from the members of the student body she would prefer a member of SLT be present, to ensure any and all rules are followed within the duration of the protest. With any hint of disobedience or the protest becoming non-peaceful, she and the council accompanied by the employees would shut down the event early.

A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?

Kisshōten went into such immaculate definition of her specified method of work. However should this be dismissed with evidence and or a reasonable excuse from the employee at hand Iwabūchi would bend to the opinion of the teacher - to return at the end of the day with a formal apology "Pardon for any inconvenience I've cause, it was a slip of the mind, and I'll do well to listen more clearly in the future, thank you for your patience." She'd always end with a bow - they were her seniors after all.

However in the case that she was in the correct - she would not pursue the situation further. Kisshōten held her point on an open sleeve and was more than flattered that her preparation and research had paid off into the correct answer. Iwabūchi saw no reason to brag and gloat, it was a menial part of her day and she handled it well.

Please provide at least one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):

Swan Lake.

SRP | School Dance

Theme; Swan Lake.

The White Swan aspect; Icey-colors decorate a winter-wonderland - Blues, Whites and Greys. Winter is IN. Delicate & Refined ornaments and decorations for the main aspect. The White Swan is the MAIN Character - so the lead theme has to be the one that’s noticed the most. Keep the majority of it Classy & Neat. The winter season is rather dry when it comes to creativity for balls and dances due to Christmas and new year around the corner - so This is a proposal for a completely unique idea. A dance with two aspects - one chaotic and dark the other angelic and light. I Believe it to be the perfect balance between boredom and uniqueness.

The Black Swan aspect; Deep-colors to compliment the charm and delicate nature of the White Swan - Black & Dark Grey. The Black swan was always a sub-female lead so naturally the Black Swan theme is secondary to the White Swan. This can be a tad-more chaotic in much smaller doses.

Dress code.

Cold & Dead colours - Blues, Whites and Greys. & Black & Dark Grey Dependant on the aspect they follow. The “Swan Lake Ball,” Is intended to be held in winter so Gowns & Suits should be worn. The “Ball-Room” Is to be VERY.. Cold.. So - warmer-wear and floor-length Gowns are recommended. Overall any sort of winter-esque dress will do - layers are preferred but not required, personal preference will vary.

Further annotations can be made for dress code and thus the kind of standard the event-runners expect players to comply to.

Date & Time.

Date & Time - Winter. Preferably the “Swan Lake Ball,” Would be hosted in December - or late November;
whenever the snow starts to fall. Time-wise This should occur on a Friday or a Saturday at Four PM Est or Five PM Est. There is no set date & or time this should occur - this is up to the discretion of the council. The variation of time isn't an issue as long as it never crashes with another event.



Decorated with white streamers we'd have our centre piece atop the snowy wood - A Ballet backdrop of the forest (2-D) And a miniature white set of stairs that lead into a tiny castle - purely for decorative purposes. Atop one of the towers would be the DJ's Booth. Overall it should be overgrown and look to be in ruins.

Outfit Contest Stage

Towards the back left entrance of the gymnasium a booth should be set up infront of a miniature runway - to the side a queue box that extends length ways up the hall to provide the most room for further decorations. The overall appearance of the Contest stage should be neat - a clear line of white with an underbelly of black and gold.

Dance Floor

Pale-Blue Glass surrounded with small mounds of snow & the occasional wispy - snow covered tree to add to the aesthetic. Circular in resemblance to the actual lake in the play. The coordination of how small it will be can be left to debate. The Dance floor could also contain ice-snow parts that are kind of slippery (maybe just the inner circle). The colours on this build are to corrolate with the White Swan aspect of the ball - a classical and neat aesthetic - akin to the play.

Photo Booth

I have a perfect vision for this. Swan Lake is a romantic Ballet and swans themselves create an arch in the form of a heart when they put their beaks to each other. I find that to be incredibly cute - Maybe a backdrop of dark blue to resemble the night. Overall Behind the swans should be whisps of blue white and black. in front we’d have an arch like this - > As if two swans were a couple their heads arch into a heart.

Confectionary Booths
These booths are to be run by the council and faculty if they wish to participate

“Black-Swan Bento.” - This booth should be run towards the back-side of the Gymnasium. The theme of colours is Black & Dark Grey because it adheres to one of the Black-Swan aspects of our Ball. The Outer decoration should be similar to a witches hut - or more specifically wizards hut / tower. Rothbart, who cursed Odette & all the other women to turn to swans was a sorcerer - they can sell “Black-Swan Bento,” If you eat it then you’re doomed to be a swan (metaphorically of course).

"Sweet n' Savoury" - This booth should have a similar theme to the white swan aspect of whites & cold colours with the interior a beautiful mix of black and red - The Black swan aspect. The food they can serve will be; Spicy chicken ramen, blue ice pops, watermelon ice, ice-cream sundaes, beef curry box, and fried chicken. Overall there's no aspect to the play that includes fire or the spice that this booth has but what's life without spice!

"Fleur's Flowers," - Preferably the Build would be a small house - covered in flowers and vines. They'd stock an array of flowers; Daisies, Lily of the Valley - Blue Orchids, Cornflowers to even withered roses if possible. The theme ties in with the ballroom from the play - decorated in hundreds of thousands of flowers and candles a symphony of luxurious nature. Overall a delicate aspect - the person who runs the stall will take over the temporary name "First Name 'Fleur' Last name" for the duration of their duty at the stall - and when the next person takes over they'll take the name too. To stay on theme they'll sell actual bouquet's if the council can get their hands on enough of them.

Personal Information
(in character)


Bowed. Kisshōten's traditional values proven with the respectful move.
"You may refer to me as, Kisshōten Iwabūchi."
Her tone was utterly melancholy - Kisshōten Iwabūchi. What a particular name.

Iwabūchi's tone faltered for a moment - this was a question she had to consider. Never had she put a label on herself.
"I'm Female. I Tend to use the pronouns She / Her the most."

Blunt and directly to the point. Gender had no play on her character - she noted that it was a question frequently asked.

Ah? Kisshōten appeared quite reluctant to answer - you never ask a woman how old she is.

"I'm 18 My birthday is on the 14th of February."
Her response was unique? 14th of February - Valentines day... Kiss-hōten? Heh.

Phone number:
Kisshōten reached across as she passed them her card.

| (+81) (030)-068-8106 |
Her demeanour relaxed - finally they were on to the impersonal questions.

How would you describe your personality?:

Iwabūchi Shifted - she had presumed this would purely be based on her academic background and reputation.

"Personally? I'd describe myself as a respectable woman, an easy temper and calm demeanour - so I've been told. I'm also incredibly aware of my passionate side - faith is important to me, and I wont compromise on my beliefs, If I want to do something - I'll do it. I'm a very determined woman."
Kisshōten seemed somewhat satisfied with her answer.
Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):
Ah. Kisshōten let her hand slip an envelope across the table - her portfolio. She was a part-time Kimono Model.

"I'm more than open to a more formal set of clothes - or openly I'd much prefer a Kimono."


What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:

Kisshōten appeared nearly melancholy at the sound of this question. It wasn't hard to answer.
"Dedication. It's as simple as that, other candidates lack the tenacity to enforce the rules. I've spent years as a devout follower of the Shinto Gods and Goddesses - It's easy to obey a set of rules when you're entire life you've abided by another set - Hn? Oh - Qualifications? I was previously Student Council President of my Middle-School in Fukuoka. If it's of any question at all - I'm an enforcer and plan to have a strict compass on how I will enforce the rules - to the best of my ability and limitations."
Short and sweet.

Why do you want this position?:

Iwabūchi let her tongue click to the roof of her mouth - briefly to relieve the tension of the room.

"This is a potential opportunity for me to lead on to a further career - after I advance into the ranks; hopefully one day I'll take upon a role such as Secretary of the Student Council. However past education I desire to work at the shrine - The ability to work under pressure and calm mannerisms will allow me to advance into the career I want. Reputation is another factor - the student council has only a few select enforcers, I desire to make the High School and College a more rule-prevalent place. It's a not so easy path to be where I want to be but if you work tirelessly and place effort and respect in yourself, you can end up most places."

A Unique take from Kisshōten.
What interests you the most about student council?:
Hnmp. Would Kisshōten formulate a unique answer? Obviously.

"Overall the perks of this position are attractive to the person. Cooperation with faculty would be wonderful, instead of underneath their opinions - mine would be on the same level; to be considered by them as equal - or just less than. Not to mention the multitude of Job opportunities this role opens up. As stated in my previous answer - I want to become a Shrine Maiden and the skills I will enhance within the council will provide me with a more than full portfolio of skills and achievements. The capability to handle wide-scale events with a set of people with me would be a major skill to obtain. The future is near, I'm just preparing for it."

One arm hooks under the other - acrylic nails intertwine on her lap - a lax tone in her voice indicated she wasn't stressed at all.

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
The final question - and the test of time was up. Kisshōten was perfectly happy with how she did in this interview.
"To touch on the safety aspect - when I enforce the rules and deter people from tearing down what the Council has worked so hard to build, what the School has worked so hard to Build. It becomes a safer environment for everyone. The rules are implemented to benefit the students and their welfare. What can I do to make the school a more fun environment? Sports seem to be a hit within the community in Karakura, So I suppose I'd advocate for people to play more - It's healthy and fun to enjoy sport from time to time. Healthy competition is wonderful to nurture the youths minds. It's found that even 10 minutes of exercise a day can help improve your mood and overall health - Have fun and stay healthy; Play Sports."
Kisshōten Iwabūchi Had finally completed the final part of her interview and her take on the matter was stimulating. Iwabūchi was a perfect conversationalist.


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