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Pending ➥ X4ER0'S Highschool Student Councilor Application


Level 3

➩ What is your Minecraft Username?:
➩ What is your time-zone?:
➩ Please provide your Discord tag:
➩ Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server (Approved, Denied & Pending):
Korean Language Application [ACCEPTED]
Italian Language Application #1 [DENIED]
Italian Language Application #2 [ACCEPTED]
Character Height Exception Application [ACCEPTED]
EMS Psychiatrist Application (The contents of this one were removed by me) [DENIED]
JSL Language Application [ACCEPTED]
French Language Application [ACCEPTED]
➩ Describe your activity on the server:

If I had to right off the bat assign a rating to my activity, it would probably be a 8.5-9/10. During evening-nighttime is when I would say I am most active, being on for a few solid hours every day. I have characters which engage in various different types of roleplay that take up my time, and having a role that has expectations to fulfill such as this one I will make sure I can stay on for at least a few hours each time. As of right now I have no commitments that change this schedule, but incase you need it, I've made note of my availability below for future coordinated events.
Mon - Thu
Sat - Sun
Available after 5 PM MST
Available after 3 PM MST
Available all day (unless stated exception)

➩ List your accounts and roles on this server:

[Grade-12] Seul-Ki E. Choi
[Cat] 'Mandu'
[Grade-12] Azure D.A. Kojima
[Grade-12] Francis L. Etienne
➩ Are you aware that inactivity can result in removal from the council?:
Yes, I am well aware.

➩ What is the student council and what do they do?:
A student council is consisted of a few select students who have chosen and been chosen to take on the responsibility to serve as a student body voice to administration. Apart from being tasked as a representative, a student council is whom is seen responsible for the organization of or have a say in dances, bake sales, fundraisers, off-campus career field trips, career professional visitors, pep-rallies and more. They make attempts to initiate what will encourage and maintain the school spirit, and to help ensure that a sense of community and belonging remains amongst the schools students. They do relay feedback from students to higher-ups in the building, yet they also take on the role of advocating for and keeping constant update on the changes that are requested by students. The student council is also expected to sport a positive attitude amongst the rest of the council, and willing to be supportive and accommodative to each other and the students they interact with on a daily basis. A student councilor will expect to act themselves as a role model for other students, by making sure themselves and other students are to properly adhere to the rules set by higher-ups to keep the environment a safe place. A student councilor is to make rules clear by warning/providing a detention to students if rule-breaking behavior should persist, and to inform SLT of the situation when appropriate.
➩ What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):
The current council members have demonstrated that the authoritative side to it would not be the only one. There are lots of fun interactions which are associated with the role, and it specifically piqued my interest as someone who actively looks for a diverse range of roleplays to build my different characters and to enjoy engaging in myself.
➩ Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):
Yes, I am fully aware. Infact, this becomes one of the things I am most excited to work with the school council for. I've listed just a few ideas for events with my own creative twists in them, and I hope they can come to suffice to show my creative ability I am willing to offer to council.
➩ Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:
President (College/Highschool):
They are able to coordinate/direct the council's attention to certain things within the school, as they are expected to uphold outstanding leadership within the Council. Because they are to make the final decisions, they act as a guide for the council members, and can approve or disapprove of the ideas they are to present. They are the ones whom initiate the ideas alongside faculty, and keep their members in check whilst doing so.
Vice-president (College/Highschool):
Vice presidents serve as successors to the president of the Council, supporting and or overseeing decisions when the president isn't available. They also share the same responsibilities amongst the students that the regular councilors do, however they are more set to respond to what the councilors have conveyed, being the voice of the student body. They can be a next step to making projects that Councilors have suggested set-in-stone.
Councilor (College/Highschool):
Councilors have the job of representing their student body through their voice, working with them to ensure their concerns with the school admin and how things are generally run are met. They are also responsible for working with their higher ups, faculty and presidents to talk over rules and expectations they hold themselves and students up to. They are to be insightful with their words, as they play a big role in keeping student behaviour and activity in order yet also assisting around the school where its needed besides being a representative.

➩ While students gather for a school assembly, one student behaves disruptively, causing a disturbance. How would you manage the situation to restore order effectively while minimizing any additional disruptions to the assembly?
Francis believes there is no need for an immediate fuss. Pulling the student aside will draw eyes in their direction, and she wishes not to further agitate or embarass them. Walking up and giving them a warning, it serves as a reminder for the expectancy of behaviour for those around them at the same time. Should a significant disrupt from them continue, Francis will issue a stricter warning which threatens detention. If a detention follow up must be made, she ultimately will provide one in order to straighten their behaviour and minimize their disruption to their surroundings.
➩ A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?
Francis is not to grab the student, and she is insistent with herself of this rule. She truthfully is not athletic, nor fast, however she may chase down the student for information of their precise location. Before she does, she would radio other councilors or faculty on duty to assist her in solving the situation without infringing on the students safety they are guaranteed at school or making it absolutely necessary for her to stop them in physical accounts if another student is threatened by it. She takes mental note of the students appearance when warning others over radio, and alternately should they run away and not be spotted in a mask again then the issue resolves itself.
➩ A teacher observes concerning behavior from a student, including the creation of disturbing artwork and verbal threats toward peers. How would you collaborate with the teacher to evaluate the situation and intervene appropriately to address potential safety concerns?
If it is violence which is non physicals, Francis sees it appropriate to approach the situation mindfully and with consideration to the students feelings. She will still attempt her best ability to handle the situation adequately, however being responsible for her peers she feels as if she must hold a better understanding towards them then say faculty would. Typically threatening detention right away will escalate the situation, and she is able to communicate with them if they are regularly rebellious to adult figures of authority. This does not waiver her determination to ensure the wellness of other students that receive their verbal harassment, though.
➩ A group of students asks for your permission to stage a protest on school grounds. Would you allow them to protest? If so, how do you ensure that the protest does not disrupt the school environment while upholding their freedom of expression?
Francis would suggest to the group if they see fit to submit what they are protesting about as a complaint or a suggestion to the school, seeing it be related. She will promise them to do her best to bring their worries and concerns to SLT, and attempt to ensure there are proper accommodations to them. She respects their freedom of expression greatly, however is aware of the dangers of protesting and the verbal or physical violence that has a chance to occur on campus. If students refuse her compromise, if it appears already like it will result in a negative consequence she will deny for their and other students safety. Otherwise, she will see it fit to speak to a higher-up about it, who will monitor the protest alongside her if they agree to allow the students to do so.
➩ A teacher/receptionist has told you that you are doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?
Francis would certainly feel a great deal of guilt for her mistakes, her intention being never to mislead her peers as someone in a position of authority. She would take accountability and approach the faculty member to discuss further where her error had been. Once established, she would formally apologize insuring no re-occurence of the situation, and make it a goal to improve in that area whilst remembering that she is able to and should ask for help from her higher ups when needed.
➩ Please provide at least one detailed event that the council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more for one event):
Winter Equinox Celebration:
Japanese winters are renowned the scenery created once the blanket of powdered snow falls upon your surroundings. Blue hour sets upon the sky, and the neon light signs of every convenience store shine through twice as bright, bestowing the streets with the nostalgia buried within your heart. Even for those who don't particularly enjoy the cold, the festive gatherings and the memorable experiences strike a contrasting warmth that becomes incomparable to any other time of year. The landscape that holds the frosted trees and the condensated air becomes the perfect backdrop for fashionable polaroids to hang on rope once your hands warm up. When the winter and school spirit mingle - born is a celebration that brings even the students who don't participate in christmas to the table. Embrace your creativity outside of art class, sculpting snow and ice sculptures along your friends to win the contest! Frigid fingertips yet warm bellies, enjoying winter delicacies like hot savoury squid (ikayaki), sukiyaki wagyu stew, Miso soup, and green tea or matcha drinks. Twirl around or stumble on your feet - all level of ice skating skill is welcome for participation as the once warm waters freeze up. Not your cup of tea? hopefully you've got good aim, competitive snowball fights are back in season!

Cultural Celebration Day:
School diversity is very important, and it is one of the ways student councilors can fulfill their duty of making the space a welcoming one, and creating a community where students feel they belong in. Cultural celebrations are encouraged in modern day school settings, and allow students to experience something new outside of their own tradition. Organizing events that highlight cultural diversity through food, performances and presentations is a much more interactive way to educate students about their own and others culture(s).
School Organized Shrine visit:
This is a history and culture based field trip activity for students. The beautiful millenia old shrine constructed in the heart of the forest offers its own activities too. There are things like fortune telling, tea time, blessing rituals, and much more. Students can also learn about the religion of shintoism itself in an interactive way, and about those who contributed towards building the shrine up on the mountains. An optional trip to the nearby hot springs can also be made, with an advisory to bring swimming attire a few days in advance. During the shrine visit, there can also be small hosts of Japanese cultural activities such as Kanji calligraphy, Origami, or making custom Lanterns! After the visit, there could be discussion seminars, drawing activities, or oral presentations to demonstrate what the students have learned either about the history or Shinto culture at time of the shrine visit that was facilitated.
Health and Wellness Fair:
Keeping up with your studies is important, but so is your health. Even teachers - with their workload have neglected their mental and physical health and their wellness wheel within their highschool careers at least once, as students have. This fair is created with the purpose of getting students and faculty members who wish to participate back on track with their health plans. The fair will include pamphlets on recommended daily health guidances, nutritional intake and value, the importance of exercise to your body biologically, and resources students can access within the Karakura hospital and the school regarding mental or physical health concerns. The fair would provide complimentary water bottles and physical activity gear, and sit-down sessions with an advisor for school athletes about customized meal plans depending on the sport they play and the physical capacity goals they wish to accomplish. Optionally, those who volunteer to run the fair can have a few opportunities during breakfast, lunch, or afterschool to host small interactive classes on how to perform warm up stretches and or play a sport with those interested in the fair.

Secret Santa / Valentines day Admirer
Secret Santa Instructions: Teachers are to gather student councilors in the classroom that secret santa is to be hosted in (can be College or HS). After everyone has settled, explain to the class the activity of the gift exchange, and set down rules for what is an appropriate gift and what isn't for their partners. Next, teachers are urge students not to expose whom they have chosen and proceed to log class attendance in a book and call students up individually to pick the partner they wish to be the Santa for. One person can only have one secret santa and vice versa, to ensure that everyone involved has the opportunity to receive a gift! Gifts are not required to be expensive, and it is merely meant to be a fun festive activity between students. Teachers will pick another day within a weeks time to host the class at the same hour to exchange the gifts, and check that the names of the persons they have logged prior are present. They are also allowed to spice things up by including other festive activities within their classroom to encourage students to participate in it, and to have fun. Student council would be responsible for holding extra gifts for students who's Santa does not attend that day, and ultimately don't receive a gift from them. This activity is also welcome to occur between faculty and student Council themselves!

Valentines day admirer: This is a passing notes activity! First, an icebreaker is to be done. This is so students learn each others name, as it is essential for the activity. After, students are to receive 2 slips of paper (can and encouraged to ask for more) which they will write a compliment sentence on about someone of their choice within the classroom and action folding it up. They are to include the persons name for later identification, but not their own. After everyone is finished, they will throw all notes either in a big pile or around the room for everyone else to pick up, and students are instructed to pass around the notes until they have reached the correct person mentioned within the paper. The student council's role is to write multiple more notes which are much more detailed and flattering to the person, to add to the fun. Afterwards if time is left, teachers can hand out chocolates and or cinnamon hearts, candies typically suited for valentines day celebrations. There can also be a face painting event within this one, which everyone in the class can participate in by asking someone to draw on their face with skin-safe pastels provided by teachers or council.

➩ Name:
She sat maintaining an upright posture in her chair, hands laid one on top of the other in her lap. She was a student with a classy appearance, sporting lace-up velvety brown boots and clear manicured fingernails.
"My government name is Francis L. Etienne."

➩ Gender:
she smiled politely towards the interviewer, her voice a little meek yet still as sweet and as thick as honey.
"I Identify as female. you may choose between she/her, they/them or a mix of both when addressing me."

➩ Age:
It had been no surprise the dates she provided. She appeared - as if she was made of a winter sky. Her skin was fair, cool toned, freckles dabbled across the bridge of her nose and her cheeks. Her face and arms had been adorned with a few beauty marks, and her attire remained of a light blue, white, brown, or deep green color.
"I am eighteen years old, my birthday is in January."

➩ Phone number:
Her eyes would shift momentarily to her left, recalling her phone number and repeating it clearly.

➩ How would you describe your personality?:
She smiled warmly at the question. It was truthfully not a common one you're asked, to reflect on yourself as the days have gone by. Though, she would make her attempt to speak clearly as she would share the lessons she had learned from her precious personal experience.
"I find myself to be.. very adventurous. Specifically during winter time, I like setting up camp on the Japanese mountains or visiting far away Onsens. I haven't thought much about the topic, as they say a butterfly cannot see its own wings. But I enjoy pastimes like baking.. I am truly not very high maintenance. When it comes to my friends, I rather keep close relationships and hang out with them often. Some who are younger have described me in the past as a big sister, and I think it has said a lot about me."

"My personal interests have - inherently allowed me to grow the trait of being open minded. I am passionate about my beliefs, and what I represent. I like engaging in peaceful debate, in ways where I respect the values of the opposing side. I would say I am fairly proper, even more so upon moving to Japan from my hometown in France and experiencing the culture shock. Peace is something commonly maintained in Japanese culture, which is praised in other countries. Despite it, being around the set of friends I've accumulated has given me a more encouraging quality. Lots of them had big dreams to travel, start their own family name, get jobs within the town. I felt it was important for me to be their backbone, whilst self-reassurance cannot be enough sometimes."
➩ Appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):
She would stand up from her chair, neatly dusting off her knee length skirt. The heels of her books would clack against the hardwood floor, as she would give an elegant spin to the interviewer to show off her rather eccentric appearance. A timid giggle would lace the quieted air.
Untitled230_20241020202759 (1).png
➩ Francis was born amongst the population of 15.38% with poliosis circumscripta. This would indicate as her hair grew throughout her years of life that some strands of it would lack melanin, causing them to appear blonde or white in colour.
➩ She does use makeup, but the condition makes things like her eyelashes and her eyebrows two-toned. She also has a prominent scattering of freckles, which looks awkward and hard to cover using things like foundation. Therefore, the common products found in her small makeup bag are around three shades of lipgloss, an eyelash curler, a tube of clear eyebrow gel, and a clear mascara.
➩ She has 2 lobe piercings on either ear, and a daith piercing on her right ear. While it looks out of place, this was acquired by a desperate attempt to test the common belief that this piercing helps with occurring migraine pain. It did not end up being true, however many today claim it compliments her appearance.
➩ Francis measures to six foot, roughly one-hundred and eighty-three centimeters.
➩ she is French, with a french native tongue, however her Idiosyncratic appearance roots back to family from Scotland.

➩ What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
clasping her hands together, she would let them rest in her lap. One of them would raise to her shoulder, tucking a strand of milky blonde hair behind her as she spoke.
"I wish not to put myself - at a much more knowledgeable position than what I truthfully am. But I believe that I hold strengthened communication skills among my peers who are seeking such a position. Being part of student council is not another role with the same authority as a teacher, but it rather requires someone in-between that who can ration with students and understand their point of view. Taking criticism about bad behaviour from someone who you are aware actively represents the student body and looks out for you and other students comes much easier than to be lectured by faculty, and this can make a faculties job much easier in the first place. I believe I can keep order maintained within the building between students and faculty. I also have a few stickers on my book, - I make a good attempt to set examples for my classmates in classes that required a skill I have previous experience with. The thing I most anticipate is helping out with organizing school events, as I have found myself in the recent years to be a quite creative person who can also lead the process for those struggling with ideas or resolutions to conflicts between their plans and an external source that would force a compromise. I also very much prefer to work with other people rather than by myself. After a while experiencing simply my own perspective, I feel as if - my thought process is not broadened enough. I believe interacting with students would be beneficial towards helping build the skills I initially applied to council with. I also hope to make good friendships within the council, and become someone they see fit to rely on."
➩ Why do you want this position?:
It appeared she needed no time to think the question over. Upon the announcement for the opening of a few Councilors positions, Francis had thought her interest in it over many times. She maintained eye-contact with the interviewer, speaking passionately.
"Typically it's encouraged to take on club positions or afterschool activities in highschool- things such as that help you discover yourself and what you like outside of regular classes. So far, I haven't taken up an opportunity such as that, and I found a student council position to be the most accommodating to the skills I currently hold. I want to see myself becoming an influence on those around me in the future, or just be able to create a safe school environment for my peers, my friends, and my favorite teachers."

➩ What interests you the most about student council?:
She would concoct a response based off of her own experience with them at Karakura high, and the research she had curiously done about their position at home. Her hands were expressive as she spoke, her mood seeming to grow more light-hearted as the interview progressed.
"the initial offer to join was something very exciting for me - to me it would mean I get chances that did not commonly occur in my life, to be social, plan fun events for others, to educate. And I would not like to wait to grow older to do so, if I take a position such as a school teacher. As I have mentioned before, I heavily believe these skills will contribute to my later life. Also the chance to help my school and its faculty by keeping things in order, in a disciplinary sense is a responsibility I would like to improve my skill in."

➩ What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
Her expression would look focused on presenting her skills through a verbal approach. She had ****yzed them thoughtfully before choosing to apply, an inquiry to if they had sufficed her for this role. and now came the opportunity to endorse them in a proper manner.
"I hope that there is a lot for students to learn from me. About manners and disciplinary skills. And I will my best attempts to keep them in order, to teach my own friends, my younger siblings alongside the other students about responsibility. I want to make healthy approaches to addressing student behaviour on campus, and to make sure that it isn't a common occurrence. Though I know the Council will face a lot of challenges of this instance in varying difficulty, I believe myself to be ready to take on the responsibility of handling it to ensure the addressed students and the remaining students safety. I also believe I have enough ideas and will to contribute to nourish the fun environment that I hope for the school to keep on being, whilst still maintaining the safety of it within honoring the responsibilities of my position as a school Councilor"
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Level 229
Council Lead
HS Council is full, we'll review this application once there are more slots.
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