playιng: [Koi Sang-eo Mulgogi - [Sharktism]
* +《Koi Sang-eo Mulgogi》+ *
"In a world full of fish, Be a Koi."
Full-name: Koi Sang-eo Mulgogi
Aliases: "Gogi"
Gender: Male
Sexuality: N/A
Birthdate: July 7, 1999
Nationality: Korean
Languages: Korean, Russian, Japanese, JSL

"Your gaze slowly shifted to a 5'8, 130lbs Korean male. His oceanic blue eyes staring into your soul, He had a calming father figure aspect about him. His eye color was unnaturally blue, Matching that of the ocean. You could almost tell it was contacts, His scattered dyed hair bringing to light his beautiful clear skin, He'd have a noticeable birthmark on his right eye that trickled down to his neck. He'd speak in a calm yet high-pitched tone of voice for his age, As if he was just going through puberty at the mere age of 25. The young male would also seem to walk with a slight limp in his right leg, He appeared noticeably clumsy."
Hair: A nice broad mixture of orange, black, and an off-white
Eyes: A very deep oceanic blue, A little too blue. . Almost as if contacts.
Height: A pitiful height of 5'8
Weight: 130lbs
Skin tone: He'd have very pale skin with a pinkish undertone
Birthmarks: A very clear and present birthmark would be on his face, surrounding his right eye.
Personality: An extremely peaceful, and friendly person. Often being very affectionate and loving.
Voice claim:
Medical History: He has a listed diagnosis of PTSD and suspected Autism. He can go mute at times. He's allergic to some animal fur, Such as dog fur and cat fur. Hence his preferred interest in scaly creatures.
Past Arrests: There are no past arrests on his record, Currently.
Younger years: Growing up, Koi participated in many school activities such as his local swim team in Korea, He had won many awards and medals for such. Koi's grades were always in top-notch condition and never stooped below a failing grade. He never acted out and was known as a goody two shoes for most of his life.
Summarized Backstory:
Born in South Korea to a lovely individual, Ahnjong Sang-eo. Koi being the middle child of five siblings and their father not mostly present he was expected to accomplish much at a young age. He was an extremely polite and quiet kid, Being taught how to respect each and every individual. His mother taught him many things, such as how to cook, How to clean, and How to fold clothes. He was truly a golden child throughout his entire life, His grades in school always remained consistent and good and overall he was a pretty popular kid although having problems with speaking correctly he made up for it. He always had a specific obsession with the ocean and marine life to a certain degree. He was in various swim teams growing up in Korea, He never had any specific dreams growing up. The ones he did have would occasionally switch and change their pace. He would always keep to himself and put others before him, Koi had a laid-back and calm personality. And his mother was a pretty easy-going and caring woman, As for his father not being present deeply affected Koi. He’s grown to not trust most people, Although still extremely gullible at times. Koi being an excellent swimmer, his way of swimming was elegant and new. He had won various trophies and completed many races throughout his life-time, Usually scoring between 1-3rd place. He was also made swim team captain at one point, The other members of the swim team adored him. Most looking up to him, Although at the time he was only 14, His skills were immaculate. And inspired many his age, older, and younger. At the age of fifteen, he was in an astounding accident which had left him scarred both emotionally and physically.* +《Koi Sang-eo Mulgogi》+ *
"In a world full of fish, Be a Koi."
Full-name: Koi Sang-eo Mulgogi
Aliases: "Gogi"
Gender: Male
Sexuality: N/A
Birthdate: July 7, 1999
Nationality: Korean
Languages: Korean, Russian, Japanese, JSL

"Your gaze slowly shifted to a 5'8, 130lbs Korean male. His oceanic blue eyes staring into your soul, He had a calming father figure aspect about him. His eye color was unnaturally blue, Matching that of the ocean. You could almost tell it was contacts, His scattered dyed hair bringing to light his beautiful clear skin, He'd have a noticeable birthmark on his right eye that trickled down to his neck. He'd speak in a calm yet high-pitched tone of voice for his age, As if he was just going through puberty at the mere age of 25. The young male would also seem to walk with a slight limp in his right leg, He appeared noticeably clumsy."
Hair: A nice broad mixture of orange, black, and an off-white
Eyes: A very deep oceanic blue, A little too blue. . Almost as if contacts.
Height: A pitiful height of 5'8
Weight: 130lbs
Skin tone: He'd have very pale skin with a pinkish undertone
Birthmarks: A very clear and present birthmark would be on his face, surrounding his right eye.
Personality: An extremely peaceful, and friendly person. Often being very affectionate and loving.
Voice claim:
Medical History: He has a listed diagnosis of PTSD and suspected Autism. He can go mute at times. He's allergic to some animal fur, Such as dog fur and cat fur. Hence his preferred interest in scaly creatures.
Past Arrests: There are no past arrests on his record, Currently.
Younger years: Growing up, Koi participated in many school activities such as his local swim team in Korea, He had won many awards and medals for such. Koi's grades were always in top-notch condition and never stooped below a failing grade. He never acted out and was known as a goody two shoes for most of his life.
Summarized Backstory:
After the accident, he became more cautious and developed severe PTSD from it, At times disassociating from the world. Years of going through various therapy sessions and medication managed to worsen him as his personality with these medications would differ daily and cause him to act completely different some days rather than others. He wouldn’t really take notice of his intense personality differences with these medications, And still doesn’t. Koi was made swim team captain. But shortly after the accident he was made to quit the swim team entirely.
This had caused Koi an abundance of emotional and even physical distress, The one thing he loved was gone. And at the time the only things that would help him were being in the water, Which he couldn’t. The accident had left him with a small limp in his right leg, Leaving him without the full usage of it. Though, The limb wasn’t noticeable at all. Just occasionally, Would cause him to lose balance in his walk. So on his eighteenth birthday, he was encouraged to move out and rent a place on his own, which he did. A small apartment located on the far end of Moscow, Russia. Why did he move so far away from his beloved hometown in South Korea? Who knows. Koi was relatively quiet when it came between him and his past, But luckily he managed to land a job at a small gifted school as a caretaker. The school consisted of around twenty to fifty students with little to no activities so he didn’t work much but when he did he certainly did enjoy it and knew he wanted children of his own some day. He had made friends with many of the other faculty. He had a kind hearted soul, At times being a bit sensitive. After a couple years of working there and finding nothing significant in his life, he decided he wanted to travel the world he started his journey at the age of twenty and began taking various job opportunities in many cities and making millions of different memories and meeting plenty of new people. He had many problems with staying in one place at the time as He was a young man with broad aspirations. During this time is when Koi began to discover a lot about himself in many ways, He had grown so fond of traveling but knew he desired more in life and during this time he began to figure out many things about himself. He wanted to settle somewhere and meet someone new, Start his own little family, and make a household full of happiness. Koi then came across Karakura Japan where he was convinced it was a loving and quiet place. His mind was filled with great things about Karakura and he was certain this was the path to greatness. So, At the ripe age of twenty-three he had decided to go through with moving to Karakura, Japan. It was a long journey, With many ups and downs. A huge decision that he was almost certain was going to turn out incredible.
Likes: The beauty of nature, Music, Well-made food, Alluring colors, Jewelry.
Dislikes: Disruptive people, Some forms of confrontation, Ducks.
Hobbies: Swimming, Writing, Sewing, Painting.
Favorite Food(s): Cereal, Shrimp, Rice, Watermelon, Fu.
Favorite Drink(s): Green tea, Water, Any type of juice.
Favorite Animal(s): Koi Fish, Sharks, Foxes.
Equipment: Carries around a Koinobori, As well as the “Blue Wave” glasses. Inside of his Shark phone case would be a small baggy of fish food for some odd reason.

《 BONUS: 》
Halfway upstream, they came to a large waterfall, an impossible height that is too high to traverse. This waterfall is known as the “Dragon’s Gate” in Hunan province. Most of the koi turned back, going with the current to safer ground. However, some koi stayed and attempted to jump and surpass the waterfall. Some of them got halfway, but then pummeled back downstream after they’ve lost momentum and energy.
The spirits of the river watched the koi try over and over again, making fun of them as they found it amusing.
This went on for one hundred years, the group of koi continued to try and swim up the waterfall but always stopped at exactly that waterfall. At each attempt the koi made it slightly further, gaining technique and strength as they practiced that waterfall.
The spirits continued to make fun of the koi, knowing that it’s such an impossible feat to make it past the waterfall.
One koi tried a different strategy. It went down to the bottom of the river, built up as much speed as it could, and leaped out of the water. It swam as hard as it could up the walls. Somehow, it reached the top of the waterfall, and continued to swim upstream.
The spirits were silenced watching that scene - how the koi succeeded in the impossible. Knowing the multiple attempts that the koi have tried over the years,
The spirits transformed the koi into a golden dragon as a reward for its achievement. In the Chinese culture, a golden dragon is the ultimate symbol of power and strength. That is also how the waterfall is known to be Dragon’s Gate - through this popular fable.
In Japanese culture and myth, the koi fish is associated with a few different myths and legends. The most notable is its association with Samurai Warriors. Samurai Warriors are known for their loyalty, strength and bravery. The koi’s migration upstream in rivers through waterfalls is not an easy one, as they swim with such strength and ferocity that they are compared to samurais.
Interestingly as well, when a koi fish is caught, it does not wriggle and bounce about, instead it stoically stays still. Even as a fisherman’s knife descends on them, the koi stays still - accepting its fate just like how a samurai would in honor.
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