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0nnsetted Police Application


Level 51
IGN (In Game Name): 0nnsetted

Previous bans: “Lying to staff | Helping a player bypass,” which was a month or so ago, and “ERP” around a year and a half ago.

Describe your activity on the server: I’m usually on all day from 2pm to 2am or so. However, due to school coming up, I’ll be a little less active on the server, possibly from 5pm to 10pm. I check the forums twice a week or so.

Do you have Discord? Yes, my discord is 0nnsetted#8992.

Do you have a microphone? Yes, and I’m usually in calls all day. Due to this, I can ensure the quality of my microphone is good.

List your current and past applications:





(Accepted) Police Application #2

(Accepted) Delivery Application #2

(Accepted) Delivery Application

(Accepted) College Application

(Denied) Police Application


What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying again to become a police officer in Karakura, Japan is to regain my previous position of patrol officer as well as climb to a higher role in the Karakura Police Department. I would like to grow my character along with my knowledge on what police do to help the community. In addition to this, I believe the Police Department allows for one to deepen their character’s personality and their overall experience with life. You pay more attention to the sweet things in life when all you’re around is death and major crimes. I’ve also seen a few cops being demoted from the Police Force, so I would like to join back to help fill in their places. As well as keep the town of Karakura, Japan safe from gangs and criminals who live inside it.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct? Yes, I do. I’ve done the proper amount of research to ensure I can successfully do my job as a police officer.

What are the Police ranks?

- Commissioner

- Captain

- Lieutenant

- Sergeant

- Corporal

- Patrol Officer

- Cadet

What knowledge do you have of Police Work.
I believe I have a lot of knowledge of the Police Force due to me once being apart of it. I even passed the Cadet test, meaning I must know what I’m talking about. Police keep the streets safe from violence caused by gangs and criminals. They also help people file their reports, and make cases around the reports. Police officers also help players bail other players by telling them the prices and actually letting the jailed player out. Another thing they do is respond to calls and basically clear up all the confusion, or arrest someone due to someone calling the police lines. Moreover, Corporals and above train the new cadets that join the force.

Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are important to SchoolRP due to the many gangs being created on the server. The gangs and organizations threaten the peace and security of the town. They also threaten the citizens, and make people paranoid while walking the streets or even in their own homes. Police allow people to feel safe, and they close in on the gangs and/or organizations. Due to this, the citizens have given their respect to the Police Force and so have I.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time? Yes, I do acknowledge and accept that I can be demoted at any given time.

In-Character (IC) Section

Tell us about your character, how he looks, what makes him unique?
Naski Akira would be a male standing at roughly 6’3, as well as weigh 187lbs. His build would be good, as he’s trained for years. He would have black eyes with blonde-dyed hair. The sides of his head would be shaved while the rest on top is pushed to his right. If not on duty, he would wear a black suit. Naski is unique due to his huge determination. He’s never given up when it comes to becoming a cop. Yes, he has thought about quitting, but who doesn’t? He’s worked so hard for this, and it took so long.

What he's like on and off the job? He’s extremely serious on the job, of course, and whenever he’s off duty, he can be goofy. However, whenever there’s something serious going on, he’ll refrain from acting stupid and would act serious.

Outlook on his co-workers? Plans for the future? He looks at his co-workers as, well co-workers. Someone you don’t really know well, however you respect them. His plans for the future are to slowly climb the ranks of the Karakura Police Force. He would like to stay as a Police Officer until he resigns or dies. He does know the risk of this job, however he continues to push on.


Naski Akira would be born to an abusive father and a loving mother. How those two got together? They met on the job and fell in love at first sight. Her first mistake was falling for his looks, not his personality. At first, he looks like someone you can talk to without it feeling awkward, but there’s something she didn’t know about him. She didn’t know how he treated his family. You find out how a guy might treat you by looking at how he treats his mother, or his sister, or someone extremely close to him. Anyway, they got close, very close. Soon, they bought a house together located in Hiraizumi, Japan. Naski Akira was later conceived in that house, and nine months later born in Iwatebyoinkokuritsu Hospital.


He had a pretty normal upbringing, until his father left. Naski doesn’t remember what his father looks like, nor what happened to make him leave. All Naski knows is that his diaper is full. Mind you, he’s only one at this time.


Due to the lack of fatherly presence, Naski thought it was pretty normal to have your dad leave. I mean, all the other kids were saying it too. He felt like he fit in because of that, and soon started to make jokes about it. It’s like he doesn’t even care about not having a father. Or maybe he’s just hiding the fact that he’s sad? After finding out it wasn’t normal, it didn’t really phase him. He continued to make jokes, as well as hide from the fact that he’s scared. Mind you, he’s only seven at this time.


Around the same time, Naski found out he needed glasses. In third grade he would notice the board looked a bit blurry, and it would start to get worse over time. Sense Naski didn’t know it wasn’t normal, he didn’t say anything to his Mother about it. He finally got some glasses in 5th grade, and honestly it changed his view of the world - literally. He was amazed at how the leaves on the trees looked. He looked like a hungry dog being forced to stare at food. Mind you, he’s only ten at this time.


A few years later, his Mother loses her job. The company she was working for purged most of the staff team. Now that his Mother had no job, and they had little money, she started to pawn off some of their furniture to get some money, which was probably the worst decision she made in her life. It didn’t seem so bad at the time, but they’d have to keep selling off their furniture. Instead, Naski had an idea. Sense he’s allowed to work, and he has two years of senior high school left, he decided to get a job. This’ll at least help his mother with the rent, as well as allow her to relax a bit more. Mind you, he’s only sixteen at this time.


After High School, Naski Akira would go to college to study Criminal Justice as his major, and Police Science and Political Science as his minors. Due to the lack of colleges in Hiraizumi, Naski decided to move to Karakura, Japan. There, he studied for four years to get a Bachelor’s Degree in the major and minors stated above. His college-life was pretty normal, just like most people’s. Sleepless nights, hills of work, etc. were frequent. He finally finished his studies in 2013. Mind you, he’s only twenty-three at this time.


After Naski finished up his studies, he trained to become a cop for four years. This may seem like a lot, but Naski thought it was well worth it. Sense there’s a Police Department in Karakura, Japan, the town where his college is, he decided to join that Police Department. Another reason for this was because he saw there was crime everywhere in Karakura. Despite it looking like a beautiful, modern town, the savage gangs made it look like an ancient caveman hut. That’s when, then and there, Naski decided to work for the Police Force of Karakura. Mind you, he’s only twenty-seven at this time.

2019 - Before Police Officer

For two years, he’s been living in Karakura, Japan. He decided to wait before he applied to understand the town and what it has to offer. Despite being there for college, Naski didn’t look into the town much, nor did he leave the college much. He rarely left just to get boxes of instant ramen cup noodles. Once Naski noticed the town and it’s citizens, and even got to know a lot of people, he finally decided he should apply. Mind you, he’s only twenty-nine at this time.

During Police Officer - After Police Officer

After being hired as a police officer, Naski spent almost every waking moment in the Police Station. He loved working as a Cadet, being at front desk for nearly a month. He finally became a Patrol Officer. This meant so much to him, however he screwed up and last it a few days later. He decided to wait a while before re-applying to become a police officer again. While he waited, he decided to study again. He went through his memory and just tried to keep it in place while he waited. After he was done waiting, he finally re-applied. Mind you, he’s only twenty-nine at this time.​

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Full Name: Naski Akira
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr
Given Name(s): Naski
Preferred Name: Naski

Age: 29
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Christian
Marital Status: Single
Nationality: Japanese
Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training: Four and a half years.
Working Experience: Work relating to the Police Force as well as shops and restaurants.

Academic Degree: Bachelor’s Degree

Year of Graduation: 2016
Major(s): Criminal Justice
Minor(s): Police Science and Political Science

Native Languages: Japanese
Other Languages: French and German


Level 185
News Lead
After a vote with all officers, it has been decided that you aren't ready to come back to the Force. You applying and the hard-work you put into your application is appreciated non the less.

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