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Official 2021 Screenshots


Level 355
HS Sports Lead

As 2021 is coming to a close, share screenshots you've taken this year on SchoolRP with the community! Anything from funny moments to event screenshots — post your own screenshots below!

A huge thank you to all of the Staff Members, Community Teams, and the players that joined & made 2021 on SchoolRP so special.

12th of June 2021 (Career's Day)

13th of June 2021 (Watergun Fight)

19th of June 2021 (Water Wonderland)

27th of June 2021 (Maze Runner Event)

9th of July 2021 (Summer Basketball Tournaments)

10th of July 2021 (Summer Football Tournaments)

16th of July 2021 (Beach Updated)

31st of July 2021 (Summer School Dance)

7th of August 2021 (Outdoor Retreat)

28th of August 2021 (Exams & Graduation)
26th of September 2021 (Akihito Clan vs Kishi Divison)

30th of October 2021 (Autumn School Dance)

19th of November 2021 (Exams)

6th of December 2021 (Snowfall & Christmas Spawn)

17th of December 2021 (Winter Basketball Tournaments)

18th of December 2021 (Winter Volleyball Tournaments)

28th of December 2021 (Winter School Dance)




Level 172
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator

vb-team (01-24)

glasses guy (01-25)

gangrp event? (02-02)

(learnean?) with weapon (02-12)

gardening club thingie (02-13)

fotobooth at event (02-15)

first spray paint of my failed gangrp attempt (02-18)

photo booth at event (02-20)

girl in throne at event (02-20)

toshi vibes (02-24)

osinner with villagers outside the map (02-27)

swim tryout (03-01)

toshi on fire (03-02)

kpd tasing swen in col class (03-05)

leprechaun event (03-09)

cat person (03-09)

cece and fuyuki @Mariav (04-30)

then I figured out how to enable puddles (05-02)

new council room (05-19)

graduation (05-22)

gangrp screenshots (05-25)

rain month teaser (05-31)

somehow I managed to take a screenshot of the entire map at once (06-02)

kpd/ems event (06-04)

random screenies( 06-10)

pep rally (07-02)

trip to France (07-04)

la casa nostra's moving!!! (renovating) (07-14)

cultural day teaser (07-22)

someone's sus (09-20)

summer dance event (07-31)

bobcats doing bad stuff (09-17)

me trying to build a TNT cannon on creative (09-15)

sadao looking a lot like joe biden (09-20)

me testing phone gui's (12-04)

col FB team playing beerpong (12-31)

halloween event with la casa (10-31)

event photos:


Level 272
field trip event (2/1)1640950817992.png
Myeong started to meow- 1/9
Basketball captain 1/9
Animals + Myeong 13/1
Buff Ryo 19/1

Filled Music's shop with ice cream 1/20

Jocks.. .

Darkin is having a good time

M-Mookie. . ? 21/1
HS basketball teams event

Fire! 24/1

Because I didn't bully enough x_z 25/1

Buff Myeong. .

My birthday, and what I did? bullied a shopkeeper 30/1

The day I met Ch3n and User_67. amazing people FROM MY COUNTRY!!!

Tippie made me cry, I was working alone and he gave me to keep 50%. I got like 400k. . 31/1

I have no explain 1/2

How Myeong and the former photography club leader met
Shrek joined to the swim team guys! 2/2

The beginning of Fridman family- the family didn't survive for a long time 2/3

I liked the hs male basketball team
Football tryouts 7/2

Flowers event or something, tippie asked me to take photos 13/2

Cosplay event 15/2

Me and Jeemay :D

Iris going crazy. and got rage on Zhang 22/2

love myeong
College class


No tips she said?

Basketball practice 27/2

I love Dark

Bullying tippie + bible 28/2

People loves me 3/1

Zhang is old LOL 2/3

Annie wanted to be a grandma. . 3/3

Kyle is a bully. 5/3

Annie found her lost kids!

Annie's kid trying to. . bribe an ems!

The day Annie almost married Troy 6/3


Viktor jumping over a girl

first FEMALE FB tryouts 13/3

Stared at my soul 15/3

A guest joined basketball practice 20/3

Queen Myeong Popovich

Epic picture with someone I know for almost 2 years 22/3

Vibing in class 24/3

I cant to take him serious and I know him since when I was a teacher 29/3

vibing 2# 1/4

1st April prank, the nurse turned to be a duck

vibing 3# 2/4

La Casa normal day 4/4

I feels like I bullied 2 much employees

Bullying Kyle over again

VB people scares me

Lee Alstrom. 5/4

Having fun with Kaser Baker-man

Freaked out from that all my IC kids in the same place

I have no idea from what I need to be scared from that Gigi is running after me or that the rat is throwing oranges one me 6/4

I don't know what myeong said in this time but yeah

Im the new lee alstrom 8/4
Zhang and Annie moments 9/4

POV: Zhang is romantic

1s after that:

People loves me 2# 11/4

Tippie said sing? lets go

tippie moment

Zhang turned into a pillow 16/4

Lee and Myeong moments 17/4

Club activity!

Calling the principal daddy 18/4

Whos the imposter 22/4

Important questions 24/4

A god

Got promoted to QT teacher

P.A event went amazing 25/4

The dean looks amazing

The fight of the year teacher vs teacher inside the teacher launge (it was a joke ofc) 28/4

Myeong made an old man running away 29/4

Send help 30/4

Guess about what the teachers stare at 5/1

a dog


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Level 3
- Takeback to when I used to do photography last year and managed to get a cute photo of the Spartan House.
- I stg this player was so friendly.

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