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+50 quirk points for being depressed


Level 25
IGN: xansder
DATE: March 4th, 2021.
WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: Bring back disease/illness whitelists.
I cannot comprehend why they were removed in the first place. Since then being removed, we've had a problem with players misrepresenting mental illnesses nearly as bad as SIA's misrepresentation of autism. Because of all these problems with people wanting to roleplay out situations of self harm in all sorts of ways because they spontaneously give their characters clinical depression, roleplay has been suppressed in all the wrong ways.
With the whitelist applications, EMS was able to keep track of players validly retrieving medications for their characters because they would present the whitelist that was approved of by staff instead of having to worry about them making it up on the spot for the sake of getting IC medication. To say that staff had to keep track of the whitelists is absolute bullshit, as all staff had to do was approve of or deny of the applications. EMS took care of the rest.

In conclusion, it benefits us more if we bring back disease/illness whitelists to reduce the amount of misrepresentation and romanticizing of mental/physical illnesses within the community.

Thank you for reading my suggestion.


Level 183

I do agree, but as a person that already has character with diseases I don't think I'd want them removed and have to apply. Maybe unallowing players to do this certain RP for their lack of knowledge, like unwhitlisting GangRPers. Or the characters with diseases currently can keep their diseases. However, for further characters with diseases you have to apply, and for the people with current diseases to be unwhitlisted if they do not know how to RP it.

I don't know. . . Basically, characters cannot be revived just because of the new rule. For example, I've started a RP with my friends that I have certain disease and all of us RP'd based on it such as depression, and then my character turns all happy and smiley because of the rule. It wouldn't make sense. . .You'd want to treat that character like how it is.

I don't have depression in my character, but this is an example. However, his diseases might lead to depression.

I hope you do understand what I mean. Other than that, I think there can be found people abusing the ability of having diseases, and not RP'ing them correctly. And it can create struggle on the EMS.

I have suggested a way above for that. I've tried to come up with a way, but how it really goes should be for the staff to figure out. . .



Level 25
Thread starter
I do agree, but as a person that already has character with diseases I don't think I'd want them removed and have to apply. Maybe unallowing players to do this certain RP for their lack of knowledge, like unwhitlisting GangRPers. Or the characters with diseases currently can keep their diseases.

Firstly, I have no idea how or why GangRP got brought up or what it has to do with any of this-- but moving on.

If you, or anyone else that this may apply to, understands the full extent of the disease that you have applied to your character, then there should be no problem applying to have that sort of thing locked into place with a whitelist. There should be no worry in having to not play your character the way you intended to if you did all the proper research needed beforehand for you to even consider roleplaying with some sort of disability/illness/disease.

If you are confident in the way that you are playing your character is correct, then you should be confident in getting your whitelist application accepted for said disability/illness/disease.


Level 100
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To say that staff had to keep track of the whitelists is absolute bullshit, as all staff had to do was approve of or deny of the applications.
+0.10 / -1
I see where you're coming from with the rest of the information but I don't think that it'll be a good idea.

I do agree that it should be something you need to apply for because there were players that pick out random disorders/disabilities then proceed to use them incorrectly. I saw another player incorrectly using bipolar disorder and although I don't personally have it, I still felt as if it wasn't right.

I disagree though because most of the players who applied for the said disability either end up voiding it or forgetting to role play with it. On the plus side, staff didn't only apply/deny applications. There were multiple occasions where a player knew or didn't know they had to apply and said that their character had the disorder/disability. Of course, staff would have to deal with this and the confusion. The confusion was over and beyond as well due to the fact that most players don't even use forums. In MY own opinion, it should stay the way it is now. Maybe they could implement failrp in your favor when someone was to use a disorder/disability incorrectly though.


Level 25
Thread starter
I disagree though because most of the players who applied for the said disability either end up voiding it or forgetting to role play with it.

This... Is a rather absurd statement.
With the way I see it, why would someone take the time to research and apply for a disability/illness/disorder if they’re just going to void it? That makes no sense to me in the slightest, nor have I ever seen or heard of this happening. Ever.

There were multiple occasions where a player knew or didn't know they had to apply and said that their character had the disorder/disability. Of course, staff would have to deal with this and the confusion.

Yes and no.
There was a list on the forums that stated everything that you needed to apply for and the extent of more generalized disorders that you would need to apply for.
Depression? No you didn’t have to apply for that. Suicidal depression? Yes, you did.
I’ll admit, I did come off strong saying that it was bullshit that staff had to do most of the monitoring, but in reality— they didn’t. The main issue was people trying to get medication for their characters that they didn’t need.

The confusion was over and beyond as well due to the fact that most players don't even use forums.

If a player doesn’t have a forums account— then damn, sucks for them. Register for one. It’s not that hard, and you need it to apply for basically every tag on SRP. This should not and should never be an excuse to try and be able to get away with something like this.

Maybe they could implement failrp in your favor when someone was to use a disorder/disability incorrectly though.

To imply that someone incorrectly playing a disability should be used in your favor in any sort of situation sounds wrong on it’s own.

The pros of this suggestion will always outweigh the cons, especially now that SRP seems to be trying to focus on being more player-friendly than anything else. I’m sure many can agree when I say the misrepresentation, over dramatization, and romanticizing of an array of disabilities/illnesses/disorders has increased significantly since the removal of this category of character applications.
If you want to roleplay out a disability/illness/disorder so bad because you think it fits your character that much, then just take some time out of your day to research and apply for it. It’s not difficult.


Level 56
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I agree. Simple as that, to be honest. Oh and the extra point was because of the SIA thing.


Level 100
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If a player doesn’t have a forums account— then damn, sucks for them. Register for one. It’s not that hard, and you need it to apply for basically every tag on SRP. This should not and should never be an excuse to try and be able to get away with something like this.
I see where you're coming from but this is the main reason they're probably not bringing it back.


Level 77
I possess the role of Psychiatrist and I have sat through a few of therapy sessions. It is quite frustrating when you are trying to treat the patient and they do not have a proper reasoning or backstory for why their character may be "depressed". Mental health is so much more than feeling sad because your significant other broke up with you, or getting nervous before doing a class presentation. Yes, there are a small percentage of people that do roleplay out mental illnesses properly. However, the mass majority do not roleplay it out properly. This means it is quite frustrating for me, when I am trying to ICly diagnose someone with a disorder such as depression or anxiety without any proper reasoning. I feel like it would be more beneficial for roleplay situations as well as OOCly reasoning. Simply, mental illness is belittled as players seem to think that feeling sad over a breakup is depression. Obviously, it's so much more than that. Most people go through periods of feeling down, but when you're depressed you feel persistently sad for weeks or months, rather than just a few days.


Level 35
I see where you're coming from but this is the main reason they're probably not bringing it back.
To get any sort of- responsibility on the server you're typically to require a discord account, as well as a forums account to prove you are responsible enough to possess the role. Players also oftentimes have to deal with glitched items, which requires applying to get said items back on the forums.

It's the same sort of situation here. Make sure someone is responsible enough to portray a character without disrespectfully misrepresenting a mental illness or using it simply for quirk points on a character. Same situation as applying for a language on a character to ensure it makes sense.

If SchoolRP once played with the idea of having players apply to play foreign characters, they can bring back the mental/physical illness and disorder whitelists, especially considering that they worked.


Level 143
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I slightly disagree with this suggestion, but only over one main aspect. Illnesses and Disabilities of course should be respected, though Staff who will read those applications will have to trust that the Players did the CORRECT research. Someone could apply for being partily blind but their application shows research that could make it seem they are applying for a different type of blindness. If that made no sense I am not surprised. We basically already have to put trust in Players to do the correct type of research in when they RP these illnesses so making an application system seems like more effort and having Staff have to just trust the Player will RP this illness correctly as I am sure we're not going to go into huge detail and research the illness to make sure they have it all correct


Level 231
The real issue is that players almost all refuse to play your 'average every day teen', everybody wants their character to be so insanely (pun not intended) unique or flawless that they've since moved away from realism in character design all together, instead of what your proposing (Although I do agree with you, players cant rp this stuff for shit), we should instead try to make players take a better approach to overall realism when constructing a character who could feasibly exist in the real world and fit in.

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