players online



Level 3
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your Discord username?):

Do you have a microphone?:
Yes, I have a microphone.

What is your time zone?:
My timezone is AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time)

Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:
Yes, I acknowledge and fully understand this.

Describe your activity on the server:
Since I started playing on SchoolRP almost two years ago, I have kept up a mostly consistent routine of joining the server and RPing with friends, there are times however when I can be very unmotivated, which can affect the amount of time I play SRP for the maximum time of a week. On a scale from 1 - 10, I'd rate my average activity to be a 7 as it ranges every week depending on whether I'm up for it, or if I have the time.

Link(s) to any previous applications on the server:


What are your current roles on the server? (If you're in college, specify your degree level):
Felix M. Drakos Takada | Grade 12
David M. Drakos Takada | Grade 12


What subject are you applying to teach?:

Art Teacher

What is your motivation for becoming a teacher?:
For the almost two years I have played SRP, I haven’t ever applied for a faction or anything other than languages and a very undetailed BMD application, I decided that applying for a teacher position would be the best option for the character I’ll have as the teacher. I want to give teaching on SRP a go, especially an art teacher position because of its detailrp based lessons and the potential it has to help people further and myself get better with detailing environments and situations. Not only that but I want to have the ability to have different kinds of RP I couldn’t have just as a student, and it’d be fun to see what I had been missing out on. I’ve also heard the teacher/professor factions are just great places to ‘start’ which makes sense. It’s a SchoolRP server, you’d want teachers to be pretty plentiful.

Do you understand that you are applying for the teacher role of UT?
I understand what I am applying for.

Do you understand if your application is accepted, you will have to undergo teacher training?:
I understand that I will have training if I get accepted.

What are the teacher class logs and why are they important?:

The class logs are a way of ensuring all lessons and activities done as a teacher in the school are noted for the most accurate paycheck. These logs are important as they keep track of what a teacher does and doesn’t do, they identify who has and hasn’t worked and how much each teacher will receive as their pay.

As a teacher, what are the strict rules when being in a class?:
No.1 - No fighting (Physical and/or verbal) that includes threats. In my experience, grabbing a student is not an assault per se, but teachers have a big say and could remove students for breaching a ‘hands-off’ policy. It’s usually hair-pulling and junk from what I’ve seen.
No.2 - Food and/or drink should not be brought into the class or consumed in the class, that’s what Lunchtime and Breakfast are for!
No.3 - If you have a question, ask a peer first before going to the teacher: though I suppose this depends on what the question is. If it’s about classwork, try a friend first but if it’s about Little Timmy bringing a Katana to school maybe let the teacher know about that.
No.4 - Always ask the teacher before leaving. This is usually done for bathroom breaks. Teachers should always let students go for bathroom breaks when requested instead of holding students inside. A friend of mine told me they got in trouble for doing that once.
No.5 - Phones should be off and away during class time unless given permission from the teacher. Nobody wants to listen to Mariah Carey when they’re trying to learn. TURN THAT OFF. Many teachers often just ask for this courtesy at the beginning of class.
No.6 - Try your best even if you haven’t done something before. Let there be an attempt!
No.7 - No sleeping in class, it’s disrespectful to the teacher at the front and to your peers. The amount of students I’ve seen in classes put ‘Zzzz’ in chat- like, you’re not funny, no, you’re suffering from narcolepsy or bad sleeping habits. The teacher is probably going to send you to the nurse and kick you out of the class after a kindly worded (if you’re lucky) warning unless you stay awake. You’re here to learn, not daydream. Nap club is down the hall, to the left. Goodbye.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:
On top of the two years I have played SRP, I have had experience roleplaying on different platforms. The most prominent platform I had roleplayed on was a Roblox school game I had played for at least three years before I got Minecraft. Over the years where I had played roleplay games, I learned how to talk to people, create specific roleplay situations, and act as my character whenever I am in one of these roleplay situations.

It’s been very enjoyable, my character being involved in the gang-rp scene, lots of long-winded conversations and encounters during the school day… after-school recruitment in the greenhouse and so on and so forth: but I’d like to try teaching now.

In detail, describe the ranking system of teachers:
- HD
↳ Meaning: Head of department.
↳ Description: The department head is the lead teacher of the specific course/subject they have chosen. The department head is one of the most experienced in their course and stands as the leader due to their dedication to their subject.

- QT
↳ Meaning: Qualified teacher.
↳ Description: A qualified teacher is considered the most experienced teacher just under the department head. These teachers have been trained and have had multiple classes to broaden their knowledge and widen their experience in the forms of teaching their students.

↳ Meaning: Newly qualified teacher.
↳ Description: A teacher who has been through training after having their application accepted and is a new teacher at Karakura High ready to teach. They are encouraged to ask more experienced teachers if they need clarification using the radio.

- UT
↳ Meaning: Unqualified teacher.
↳ Description: Your application has just been accepted and your role assigned: but you have yet to receive training and should refrain from teaching classes until explicitly told you can (usually upon promotion after training).

Teacher Knowledge

Present to us your knowledge about Teachers in-game and out-of-game, what purpose do teachers serve. What salary do they get? Include a paragraph about the way teachers teach, what they do in their spare time in general.

Teaching is a noble profession that sees knowledge transmitted to young people through the process of education. Education itself can be varied and there have been many treatises on education about how it is best done… but, if you’re asking me what I know about it? Teachers tend to be underpaid desk jockeys bound by a curriculum and style of teaching that has not changed much, at least where I’m from, since like- the Victorian Era. It’s very dull, depressing, and you’d just be lucky to have a teacher that is still actually passionate about their job.

As for SRP teachers though, it’s much the same except teachers here actually get paid pretty decently (and can make up to half a million yen a month). Teachers are expected to call classes with a command and start them at a designated period in the SRP school day. Their classes should be interactive and engaging: something that is more challenging than it sounds. Teachers are, much like real teachers, encouraged to give their class a little thought before hosting it and be prepared to engage the people who turn up.

Why are teachers important to a SchoolRP server?:
You need only join during a school day where there ARE NO teachers to see why this is the case. You’ll have people complain! They will ask why the Professors can’t just let High School students in the class. In short, teachers give you the opportunity to actually RP on the roleplay server… based on a school environment. They are essential and very sought after for this reason. They also rarely experience a shortage of students because not only are there just times (especially in my AU timezone) where you’ll just not have many teachers on (leading to classes being more full when one is) but there are always comparatively more HS students than college students. I was very drawn to that, and it’s why I don’t want to be a Professor and came here instead.

What lesson planning system does the school work on?:
It works on the MoSCoW system!
Let me break it down:
Must have: Before planning a lesson, it is important to prioritise or consider what it is the lesson requires. The fundamental building blocks. For example: Do you have questions or an activity prepared and all the necessary equipment?

Should have: Is there anything else that could make the class more interactive, but is not strictly speaking necessary?
Could have: Things you could tinker or adjust in the lesson to perhaps give it a different flavour. I.e. the ‘must have’ stuff are still present (e.g. teaching about topic X) but the delivery is different.

Won’t have: Those things that should not make up part of the lesson due to being irrelevant or unhelpful. Usually important to consider to make sure the class is consistent and students don’t get lost/overwhelmed with info/tasks: consider what is being taught and decide what should be cut/not be included to make the lesson interactive, helpful/informative, and most of all enjoyable given it is an RP server we are talking about here.

Character Information

Describe the character: How do they look and act? What makes them unique and different?

Cassian was a servant to a very ethically questionable group of people: and comes across as guarded, formal, and unnecessarily blunt. He has used his fortune from past encounters to turn a new leaf and enter the teaching profession in the hopes that he might instil wonder, creativity, and passion for the Arts in students so that they, in his words, ‘do not become philistines who care about nothing but their own selfish wants and money, money, money: that creates bad people, and bad art’.

He wears black most of the time, though his clothes seem suspiciously extravagant upon closer inspection with fine embroidery. During classes, he has a tendency to act overly suspicious of the work his students produce, psycho****ysing their creative pieces to the point it’d be comical if it weren’t so bizarre. He genuinely wants to expand the artistic repertoire of their students because he has developed an intense appreciation of the arts.

What is their outlook on students and their co-workers?

He adores teaching, and his usually cautious and guarded demeanour instantly drops whenever the topic turns to art which he speaks about passionately. He’s written extensively about the beautiful potential of art to change both people and the world. He views himself and like-minded artists as people that bring a healthy dose of danger into the world, being pretty well-read, and speaking to students after-class about how Plato wanted to ban poets from the republic and Queen Victoria admonished artists as dangerous because they rubbed shoulders with all different social classes. Clearly, this is a man with his own views on what art is supposed to do.

What are their plans for the future?

Cassian plans on documenting street art in Karakura and writing academic papers on it. Moreover, he would actively seek permission from his superiors to take students on field trips to investigate the graffiti-scene in Karakura, as well as other areas of artistic significance. He sees the actual architectural and urban planning decisions of Town Hall to be worthy of public comment, and wants to actively encourage his students to interrogate any Karakura News article that would dare touch upon ‘the arts’ in any way, be it fashion, visual arts, comments about graffiti and the tone set by discussions of vandalism in Karakura. Cassian hopes by encouraging his students to think deeply about creative expressions in public spaces, they might go on to express themselves through whatever art form they think is appropriate. If this leads to an uptick in vandalism and street art, he would never condone it out of fear of being fired: but he’d also never condemn it either! Instead, he’d simply offer high praise where appropriate in his eyes, based on the quality.

/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/
You find a gang of delinquents in the hallway cursing and swearing, what do you do?:
Though somewhat patronising, Peter would likely call out the swearing as ‘signs of the philistine’ and encourage the delinquents to try yoga, finger painting or deep breathing exercises instead! Otherwise, he would make his displeasure clear and politely insist the gang stop what they’re doing and obey the school rules.
No one in your class is listening to a word you say, what do you do?:
He’d take inspiration from his former fatherly disciplinary methods, grabbing the nearest blank canvas, and smashing it loudly over his desk to get everyone’s attention to express his discomfort with the current situation. Considering the tone other teachers have set at Karakura High, such an approach would be comparatively tame and not at all novel or particularly new. Peter would then call for silence in the most calm, rational, and down-to-earth way possible, and at no stage make any threats towards any student.
When in the teacher's lounge, how does your character act?:
Cassian would, for the benefit of his mind, body, and soul, spend most of his time in this space with airpods in his ears. He’d be listening not to music, but instead to the Fitness Gram Pacer Test and other high capacity multistage aerobic capacity tests that challenge his physical fitness. He would be highly animated at all times, choosing to do this in the lounge and NOT the public gym because he is a faculty member, and there is no policy in place to stop him from doing this: in fact, he makes a point out of using this space, instead of the nearby Public Gym, because he wants to encourage other faculty members to get involved, to stay fit, and raise the next generation to get out there and make something of themselves.

Provide at least 4 detailed /me's of your character inside a classroom:

/me He’d appear to glide around the class as he placed paint buckets at the desks of each individual student, containing only primary colours. “Very good students, now… we’ve learned all about what pop art is.” - “It’s time to make art. You have the canvas in front of you. You have ONLY your fingers. Please look inside of yourselves and draw upon some sort of deep primal psychic force and just… just let it out onto the canvas. Let no one stop you.”
/me He’d frantically switch the lights in the classroom on and off repeatedly, almost short-circuiting them. “Ok students… TODAY we will learn about the ENLIGHTENMENT. Specifically how it influenced art at the time. I’ve also gone ahead and brought in little leaflets containing a replication of ‘An Experiment on a Bird in the Air Pump’, a painting we will also be chatting about together!”
/me Groaned and bellowed in pain as he entered the classroom with a massive box simply labelled ‘clay’, as he slammed it on the teacher’s desk. “AN OLD ART-TEACHER RELIABLE: Clay..” - “Alrighty students, consider this free counselling. Today we’re going to be using the clay to express how we’re feeling today, in groups! So group up, and I’ll hand you your activity booklets to guide you.”
/me He’d draw a large brainstorm cloud on the chalkboard, writing the words ‘ART STYLES/ART PERIOD’ in it. “Okay gremlins, today we’re going to be learning together, while also testing your ability to speak full sentences. DARING, I know.” – “I’ll be having you all come up, one by one, to present your favourite art style or art period. But first, can we just think of some examples? If so, raise your hand!”


Cassian is the product of a widely known family throughout Berlin, mostly for its wealth and powerful ties to the German and Croatian governments. As Cassian grew older he became more inclined to his family's ways, eventually beginning the tradition of massive yearly parties and masquerades for only Berlin’s richest and highest class of people. Cassian was put into an arranged marriage at seventeen with a woman named Angelica, though he did not like this and would constantly berate and make himself out to be an evil man in the years they’d been married. Once the two of them had turned twenty, it was time for them to begin working towards having kids of their own, as it was vital to keeping the family bloodline alive for centuries to come.

Cassian’s life would soon take a turn for the worse as his schizophrenia and anger issues slowly began getting worse after his medication getting cut off by the doctors who believed he was cured. These factors along with his already profound alcoholism, resulted in Cassian to make very poor choices, this would later lead to his kids migrating and Cassian finding himself in jail for these poor choices. It would take years for Cassian to be rehabilitated, and once he was released in late 2023 he would go on to a path of teaching to show his clear ability to have reformed because of the German judicial system.

After his release, Cassian ended up following his family to Karakura, applying for an art teacher position at Karakura high to show his kids that he has changed and how he does want to be a father to them again. While he waited for the response from the deans of the school, he would spend hours each day going over how he wanted his teaching style to be, going over various ways that he could be a favourable and ‘fun’ teacher in the eyes of the students, while also figuring out what he is to say to his kids when he finally sees them again.

In-Character Information
(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)
SECTION #1 - Personal Details

Full Name (First & Last only): Cassian Knight
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.
Given Name(s): Cassian
Preferred Name: Cassian, Cass

Age (Minimum is 25): 39
Gender: Male
Religious Denomination: Orthodox
Marital Status: Widowed (Single)

Nationality: German, Croatian
Current Location: Karakura, Japan.

SECTION #2 - Academic Details

Working Experience (# of years): 2

Academic Degree: Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art)/Bachelor of Education
Year of Graduation: Graduated in 2018
Major(s): Visual Culture
Minors: Art History

Native Languages: German, Croatian
Other Languages: Japanese

Do you have a TEFL/TESOL/CELTA Certificate?: Yes

/*You may leave this blank*/
Additional notes about your application:

Do you have any questions?:


Level 109
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Welcome to the Teacher Faction! You will begin as an Unqualified teacher (UT)

You will be given your roles in the Academics Discord and afterward will be pinged regarding teacher training. Once your training is complete, you will be allowed to start your own classes!

If you have any questions, please DM me or contact me through the teacher channels in the Academics Discord.​

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