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Denied 80sFluccss || Psychiatrist Application


Level 4

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):

80sFluccss (Applying on)
Fluccssaawa (Alt)

What is your discord username?

Describe your activity on the server:
If I had to put my activity on a scale of 1-10, I’d put it at a solid 7.5 to 8. Despite not being actively a part of my faction or community teams, I do my best to maintain a consistent schedule on SRP.
Within my time on SRP, I have got the opportunity to explore different aspects of the server- most notably in the crime/gang scene.

What is your timezone?:

List your current and past applications:
JSL Language Application (Accepted)
Romanian Language Application (Accepted)
Latin Language Application (Accepted)

Korean Language Application (Accepted)
Third Language Application (Accepted)
Professor Application (Accepted)

Romanian Language Application (Denied)
Councillor Application (Denied)
KPD Application (Denied)
Staff Application (Denied)
Caretaker Application (Not reviewed at this time and for alt account)

List your current roles on the server:
[Grade-12] Katerina Kostov
[Cat] Caramel Higasa
[College-B] Kaede Minori-Hinemiya
[Grade-12] Emilian Mera
[Grade-12] Giovanni A. Ishikawa
[Dolphin] Flappers

What experiences do you have with roleplay?:
I’ve been on this server for a while now. My experience with roleplay extends as far back as five years ago on FiveM - which is a modification for GTA V, which is what I mainly used as a platform for roleplay. I’d say that I have made a decent standing within the community. Prior to this application, I have experienced different roleplaying scenes in different factions: faculty, high-school, college and gangs. I’m not quite fond of DetailRP yet - mainly because I’m working on the quality of my writing but I’m taking this as an opportunity to improve as I believe detailing is one of the most importing aspects of being involved in DoctorRP.

What is your motivation for applying?
After being factionless for a while, I started scouring the forums to look for my next place to settle. I have been eyeing the EMS faction for quite some time now and although it’s a faction way out of my typical routine, I admire the faction workers endlessly.

The EMS faction is undoubtedly one of the most important factions on SRP, having to essentially be the ‘cure’ to all problems physically and sometimes mentally and seeing as the faction applications only open once every once in a while, I decided to take a leap of faith and attempt to apply! Regardless of everything I said previously, I’m certain of this application and genuinely have an interest in the medical field. My knowledge in said field is very limited but I believe that I’m able to learn something valuable from being a part of the faction.

Which role are you applying for?
(Doctor or Psychiatrist)
I’m looking to apply for the Psychiatrist role.

What knowledge do you have of the roles within the Hospital Faction?
(This is to gauge at your current understanding of the faction prior to acceptance)

HOSPITAL DIRECTOR | Rokku Heddo himself, the director, basically oversees and represents the faction.

CHIEF AND SUPERVISORS | People in charge of managing their respective departments.

ATTENDING | A professional in their respective fields.

DOCTORS | Trained professionals who are taught to aid patients with physical injuries. Stab wounds and all.

PSYCHIATRISTS | Trained professionals who are taught to aid patients who have mental illnesses!

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are expected to attend or you will be punished?
Yes! I fully understand.

In-Character (IC) Section

Character’s Full Name:

Kostov stepped into the interview room, peeking in,

“Oh- hello there,”

She glanced around the room, unsure if she was directed to the right place…

“I hope I’m not interrupting anything here, it was far too quiet in here.”

She added before making her way to the empty seat placed in front of the director’s desk.
Kostov’s face was tinted with a faint hue of pink, her cheeks were plumper than before — her due date was closing in, most likely.

“My name is Katerina Kostov.”

Character’s Gender and Pronouns:
Female, she/her

Character’s Age (if accepted):
Kostov’s face brightened,

“I’m only 27, I get mistaken for being slightly older than I actually am at times- probably because of this little guy in here!”

She patted her stomach. She was #pregnant!

Character’s Academic Background:
Kostov bent over slightly, reaching for her handbag that was way too large and way too heavy for her. Inside carried a file containing all of her certificates, and a freshly made resume.

“Woo-wee… Let’s have a look here.”

She shuffled through the file,
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology​
“Ah. Interesting fact is that I conducted a thesis on the impact of scent associations on memory recall. Very fun times.”
  • Master’s in Clinical Psychology​
“I tried specialising in narrative therapy… Unfortunately, it just isn’t something I excel at. Had to drop it.”
  • Doctorate in Psychiatry​
  • Research Contribution​
“I won’t give out too many details but I assisted in publishing a paper on the correlation between expression and anxiety reduction.”

Character’s Nationality:
Kostov’s face lit up! It had been a while since she last spoke about her hometown.

“Oh! I’m Romanian. I moved here solely for work purposes.”

Character’s Marital Status:
Bling! An unmistakable ring could be seen on Kostov’s finger- not on her ring finger though.

“I’m unmarried. Work is way too important.”

Character’s Religious Denomination:
“I don’t actively participate in religion.”

Character’s Spoken Languages:
Romanian | Latin

Character Backstory (Optional):

Katerina Kostov, the only Kostov child, grew up in a small coastal town in Bulgaria, where life moved at a slower pace than the rest of the world and everyone seemed to know everyone, whether they wanted to or not. Her father owned a modest flower shop that always smelled of daffodils and fresh soil, while her mother was a schoolteacher who brought home stacks of papers to grade at the kitchen table but there was a tenderness to her when she looked at Katerina, like she saw a whole world of possibility in her. Their home was small and weathered but humble, filled with laughter, the hum of an old radio and the occasional scent of baking bread. Her home was the epitome of a home.

From a young age, Katerina was always the one to notice the small things- how someone’s shoulders would slump when they thought no one was watching, or the way their smile would falter, just a little, when they said they were fine. She didn’t know why it stood out to her so much. Maybe it was because she had always been the one to listen. People would open up to her in the oddest ways, like a stranger at the shop or a classmate on the bus and Katerina had always known the value of just being there, of listening, of giving someone space to breathe. She took after her father, just a little. I guess his choice to abandon his aspiration of becoming a state-of-the-art politician worked out for the better, being a florist and all.

Katerina decided to pursue Psychology. Her thesis, inspired by the flowers that filled her home, scouted how scent could trigger emotion. She went on to earn a Master’s in Clinical Psychology and later a Doctorate in Psychiatry, specializing in trauma and anxiety. Although Katerina wasn’t an overachiever, she knew that this was a calling she couldn’t ignore. Her education was not cheap, she was a med student after all. Not wanting to burden her parents, she had picked up many late-night shifts at her local internet cafe and even had to apply to a couple of day-time jobs just to get by. Her intelligence wasn’t up to par with those she went to school with, neither was she an athlete. She couldn’t and wouldn’t qualify for a scholarship even if she tried her hardest- even now, she’s still buried in student debt.

Now, as she steps into her career as a psychiatrist, Katerina aims to find a new sense of purpose, as she always does. She is pregnant and though it was unexpected, it feels like a natural extension of everything she’s learned so far.


What is your character’s medical speciality? Why did they choose this focus?

(Ensure this is appropriate to the position you have chosen. Some examples can be found here)
Kostov sat with her hands gently folded in her lap,

“My specialty is trauma and anxiety disorders. I chose this path because… well, I think pain- emotional pain- often feels like it exists in isolation.”

Her lips curved into a bittersweet smile

Does your character have any work experience in medical positions?
Kostov adjusted the sleeves on her blouse as she considered the question she was asked

“Yes, I’ve accumulated quite a bit of experience over the years. During my Master’s program, I volunteered at a community mental health clinic. It was small, often underfunded, but… it was where I learned the most about patience, listening without rushing to fix things.”


Describe your character; how do they look, what makes them unique? How would they be perceived by others?
Katerina Kostov, known for her outspoken energy - standing at 5’6” with a slender, graceful frame, she embodies someone with confidence of someone at peace with who they are. Long, wavy blonde locks fall just below her shoulders, often catching the warm evening sunlight - stunning. Her pale blue eyes are striking, but gentle.

Her style? It’s classic accompanied with soft, neutral tones - it matches her gentle disposition. She often wears light, flowing fabrics, she was never fond of cotton. Her perfume notes usually consisted of florally notes - daffodils in specific, reminiscent of her father’s flower shop.

How she makes others feel is what makes Kostov unique. Although she’s soft-spoken, she’s still able to draw people in - an aura that makes the people around her feel safe, like they can open up to her about the wildest things without the fear of judgement. Her ability to listen and pick up on subtle details allows her to connect with others. She’s intuitive and compassionate, shaping her into the mould of a psychiatrist.

To most people, Kostov comes across as approachable - kind-hearted, perhaps even a little mysterious. Maybe it’s the pregnancy making her appear as such.. Her anticipation of becoming a mother has affected her quite a bit, appearing more on edge than usual, but not letting that fact get in the way of her work.

How does your character act around the hospital?
Kostov moves slowly, as if she has all the time in the world, even if she doesn’t. When she talks to patients, it’s as if she’s genuinely listening to their every word, never looking at the clock or shifting her focus elsewhere. She has a calm voice that makes even the most anxious patient feel like they’re being taken seriously. There’s no rush, no urgency in her manner. She’s patient, kind and really does take the time to understand what someone is going through, never brushing off their struggles, no matter how small they might seem.

Does your character function better on their own or with others?
Kostov seems to function better alone. Could it be because of the child in her belly? Possibly! Growing up as an only child has taught her independence and maybe she took it way too seriously. She finds it hard to rely on others, so she does everything by herself! Her social battery too poses as a factor to why she enjoys spending all her time by herself - she can’t imagine holding a conversation in a large group of people for more than 30 minutes… Overkill. However, despite having a mediocre social life, she excels at her work! Listening to patients, giving them the advice they need and redirecting them towards the right direction has been something she’s good at. Seriously, put her in a room with a patient and no matter how long the session is, she will stay for all of it.​
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Level 277
Hospital Lead
Model Coordinator
Firstly, thank you for applying to the Hospital Faction, and we appreciate your interest. However, after discussing your application with the higher-ups, we have unfortunately decided to deny your application this time around.

This decision was made based upon the following reasons:

- Unfortunately, due to the volume of applications and little amount of slots, we are not able to accept your application at this time.

Nonetheless, we encourage you to keep an eye on the Karakura Emergency #announcements channel for future application waves, and to re-apply at a later date if you're still interested.

This decision was made as a collective among a group of individuals. rather than a single individual. Any DMs to members of the faction and/or higher-ups will be ignored and referred to this response.

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