Kelly D.
Level 2
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In Game Name): My IGN is _Kelli.
Previous bans:
I have not yet been banned from SRP.
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity check is 54 days, 22 hours, and counting. Generally, I do hop on SRP for the experience of it. I admit taking a minimal break from it. Normally, I would be on all day, but due to school, it cut down. Now, I would be on a couple times a week sparring a few hours to play on SRP.
Do you have Discord?
I do have Discord. It is Kelly#8379.
Do you have a microphone?
I do have a microphone that is capable of using if needed.
List your current and past applications:
What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying is the fact where it is a whole new experience within the community. It's a whole different concept. I'd like to apply as it is a way to roleplay within a group and it contributes to everyone. The role is unique itself and it caught my interest as how other formal or current police rp. I want to be able to at least be in their shoes and see the perspective of rping as a police in a force.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
I understand the concept of Japanese Laws as well as the Basic Conduct. I do wish to research more thoroughly to understand the sections more.
What are the Police ranks?
Police Commissioner
Police Vice Head Lieutenant
Police Lieutenant
Police Sergeant
Police Captain
Police Officer
Police Test Invigilator
Police Cadet
What knowledge do you have of Police Work.
As a Police, you are required to recognize who are breaking the law or conduct. They must know how to be able to deal something minor, such as j-walking. They warn them first if they continue it would be a fine. If the lawbreaker have insufficient funds, they fail to pay the fine and must go to jail to make up for it. They will be free once their time in jail is up.
For something major, such as a murder, they must rely on the investigator to dig deeper on who murder the victim. Once they collected their data and sent to the force, their job is to find that specific person. They will interrogate people who are possibly an acquaintance of theirs. Once they found them, they would serve a long sentence or a life sentence depends on how severe it is. Their bail is higher compare to minors.
Generally, the police must record data on who been jailed and for what reason. They also have to list if it's bailable or not. They put the price of the bail to record it. If someone has been bailed out, it must be recorded as they have been bailed so the rest of the force knows.
Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
Police have a huge role in SchoolRP. I mentioned this before, they contribute to the community no matter the sections to it. They have a role where the community relies on them for being a Police in RP.
A police in SchoolRP makes the community safe and balanced. They put their time and dedication into their role in SRP as people need police in certain situations such as scams, assault, and murder. For criminals or gangs, the police adds the security where the criminals have to deal with and think of a way to get away from them. It adds a spice to criminals as well.
Despite the Police being strict in certain cases, it benefits for every role that exist in SchoolRP. They put realism in SchoolRP to real life.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?
I acknowledge that I am a subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time. I will not lash nor hate towards others. If I was demoted, I was demoted for a good reason. I will respect the decision within the higher-ups.
In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how (s)he looks, what makes him unique?
My character is a Japanese female who goes by Chiaki Ohta Natsumi.
She is 5'3 and weighs around 115 lbs. Her body shape would be slim yet curvy, shaped as an hourglass. Her hair was naturally brown, but she decides to dye it pastel pink as she prefers a cute outlook. Her fashion taste is simple, casual, and cute.
She has a sweet and funny personality. She wants to get along with everyone. She is a diligent, hardworking type of person if it comes to a job or a task. She isn't the typical girl. She can be blunt and gullible at times, but that makes her unique. As well as how she can make a situation more timid or more cheerful.
What (s)he's like on the and off the job?
Chi will behave throughout her shift. She will be mature and show a role model vibe as she perform her task. At times, she will act gullible and clumsy, but that would leave a good impression on co-workers and she is happy with that.
As she is off of job, she recognize that everyone sees her as a police, she knows that she can't do anything inappropriate that would affect her reputation as well as the force itself. She will be more loose with herself, being cheery and all. Making a smile on everyone's faces. Due to the fact she's in the police, she can not do anything that would oppose the law or conduct as it would have severe consequences.
Outlook on his/her co-workers? Plans for the future?
Chi would see her co-workers reliable. She knows that she can count on her fellow co-workers. Despite some can be possibly cold, she would try her best to warm up to them. She wants to bond with her co-workers as the force needs to put trust into each other and rely on each other to protect their community.
Her plans for the future is continue to protect the community along with others. She wants a loving husband who would understand her plans. She wants to give her best to contribute to her hometown.
Chi lives in Japan all her life with her mother and father. Due to her mother, neglecting the family, the father stepped up and kicked her out. It leaves Chi and her father alone. Her father was a police man. Chi was depressed due to her mother being gone. Her father was his role model. She wants to become like him. She also met a boy, Oliver, a friend of her father child. They grew fond over each other. Attend the same school. She accompanied Oliver as he wasn't much of a talker. She witness her father drinking after 3 months of her mother being gone. She went through hard times, but she have the determination to make her dream happen, being part of something that would make her father proud.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name:
Her full name is Chiaki Ohta Natsumi.
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
She goes by "Miss" as she isn't yet married.
Given Name(s):
Her friends and family call her 'Chi' Ohta Natsumi.
Preferred Name:
She prefers 'Chi' O. Natsumi as it is much more convenient to say.
Her age is 25.
Her gender is female
Religious Denomination:
She has no part in any religion.
Marital Status:
Her marital status is taken.
Her nationality is Japanese as she was born and raised in Japan.
Current Location:
Her current location is Karakura, Japan.
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training:
She went through four years of training provided by her trainer who was at the Police Force before. He trained Chi as Chi dreamed of partaking something that would benefit the community.
Working Experience:
Currently a bartender at La Casa Nostra.
Academic Degree:
She possess a Bachelor Degree.
Year of Graduation:
The year of her graduation is May 22, 2018.
Her major study is Law Enforcement as she wants to take the proper action as a police.
She also took Investigator to expand the knowledge on how to investigate a crime scene and collect evidence and data for a case.
Native Languages:
Her native language is Japanese.
Other Languages:
She does not speak any other language as she never stepped out of Japan to learn it or learn it in general.
IGN (In Game Name): My IGN is _Kelli.
Previous bans:
I have not yet been banned from SRP.
Describe your activity on the server:
My activity check is 54 days, 22 hours, and counting. Generally, I do hop on SRP for the experience of it. I admit taking a minimal break from it. Normally, I would be on all day, but due to school, it cut down. Now, I would be on a couple times a week sparring a few hours to play on SRP.
Do you have Discord?
I do have Discord. It is Kelly#8379.
Do you have a microphone?
I do have a microphone that is capable of using if needed.
List your current and past applications:
What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation for applying is the fact where it is a whole new experience within the community. It's a whole different concept. I'd like to apply as it is a way to roleplay within a group and it contributes to everyone. The role is unique itself and it caught my interest as how other formal or current police rp. I want to be able to at least be in their shoes and see the perspective of rping as a police in a force.
Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct?
I understand the concept of Japanese Laws as well as the Basic Conduct. I do wish to research more thoroughly to understand the sections more.
What are the Police ranks?
Police Commissioner
Police Vice Head Lieutenant
Police Lieutenant
Police Sergeant
Police Captain
Police Officer
Police Test Invigilator
Police Cadet
What knowledge do you have of Police Work.
As a Police, you are required to recognize who are breaking the law or conduct. They must know how to be able to deal something minor, such as j-walking. They warn them first if they continue it would be a fine. If the lawbreaker have insufficient funds, they fail to pay the fine and must go to jail to make up for it. They will be free once their time in jail is up.
For something major, such as a murder, they must rely on the investigator to dig deeper on who murder the victim. Once they collected their data and sent to the force, their job is to find that specific person. They will interrogate people who are possibly an acquaintance of theirs. Once they found them, they would serve a long sentence or a life sentence depends on how severe it is. Their bail is higher compare to minors.
Generally, the police must record data on who been jailed and for what reason. They also have to list if it's bailable or not. They put the price of the bail to record it. If someone has been bailed out, it must be recorded as they have been bailed so the rest of the force knows.
Why are Police important to SchoolRP?
Police have a huge role in SchoolRP. I mentioned this before, they contribute to the community no matter the sections to it. They have a role where the community relies on them for being a Police in RP.
A police in SchoolRP makes the community safe and balanced. They put their time and dedication into their role in SRP as people need police in certain situations such as scams, assault, and murder. For criminals or gangs, the police adds the security where the criminals have to deal with and think of a way to get away from them. It adds a spice to criminals as well.
Despite the Police being strict in certain cases, it benefits for every role that exist in SchoolRP. They put realism in SchoolRP to real life.
Do you acknowledge that you're subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time?
I acknowledge that I am a subject of being demoted if accepted at any given time. I will not lash nor hate towards others. If I was demoted, I was demoted for a good reason. I will respect the decision within the higher-ups.

In-Character (IC) Section
Tell us about your character, how (s)he looks, what makes him unique?
My character is a Japanese female who goes by Chiaki Ohta Natsumi.
She is 5'3 and weighs around 115 lbs. Her body shape would be slim yet curvy, shaped as an hourglass. Her hair was naturally brown, but she decides to dye it pastel pink as she prefers a cute outlook. Her fashion taste is simple, casual, and cute.
She has a sweet and funny personality. She wants to get along with everyone. She is a diligent, hardworking type of person if it comes to a job or a task. She isn't the typical girl. She can be blunt and gullible at times, but that makes her unique. As well as how she can make a situation more timid or more cheerful.
What (s)he's like on the and off the job?
Chi will behave throughout her shift. She will be mature and show a role model vibe as she perform her task. At times, she will act gullible and clumsy, but that would leave a good impression on co-workers and she is happy with that.
As she is off of job, she recognize that everyone sees her as a police, she knows that she can't do anything inappropriate that would affect her reputation as well as the force itself. She will be more loose with herself, being cheery and all. Making a smile on everyone's faces. Due to the fact she's in the police, she can not do anything that would oppose the law or conduct as it would have severe consequences.
Outlook on his/her co-workers? Plans for the future?
Chi would see her co-workers reliable. She knows that she can count on her fellow co-workers. Despite some can be possibly cold, she would try her best to warm up to them. She wants to bond with her co-workers as the force needs to put trust into each other and rely on each other to protect their community.
Her plans for the future is continue to protect the community along with others. She wants a loving husband who would understand her plans. She wants to give her best to contribute to her hometown.
Chi lives in Japan all her life with her mother and father. Due to her mother, neglecting the family, the father stepped up and kicked her out. It leaves Chi and her father alone. Her father was a police man. Chi was depressed due to her mother being gone. Her father was his role model. She wants to become like him. She also met a boy, Oliver, a friend of her father child. They grew fond over each other. Attend the same school. She accompanied Oliver as he wasn't much of a talker. She witness her father drinking after 3 months of her mother being gone. She went through hard times, but she have the determination to make her dream happen, being part of something that would make her father proud.
SECTION 1: Personal Details
Full Name:
Her full name is Chiaki Ohta Natsumi.
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):
She goes by "Miss" as she isn't yet married.
Given Name(s):
Her friends and family call her 'Chi' Ohta Natsumi.
Preferred Name:
She prefers 'Chi' O. Natsumi as it is much more convenient to say.
Her age is 25.
Her gender is female
Religious Denomination:
She has no part in any religion.
Marital Status:
Her marital status is taken.
Her nationality is Japanese as she was born and raised in Japan.
Current Location:
Her current location is Karakura, Japan.
SECTION 2: Academic Details
Years of training:
She went through four years of training provided by her trainer who was at the Police Force before. He trained Chi as Chi dreamed of partaking something that would benefit the community.
Working Experience:
Currently a bartender at La Casa Nostra.
Academic Degree:
She possess a Bachelor Degree.
Year of Graduation:
The year of her graduation is May 22, 2018.
Her major study is Law Enforcement as she wants to take the proper action as a police.
She also took Investigator to expand the knowledge on how to investigate a crime scene and collect evidence and data for a case.
Native Languages:
Her native language is Japanese.
Other Languages:
She does not speak any other language as she never stepped out of Japan to learn it or learn it in general.

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