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A few suggestions related to the school! Self defense and Detention ideas!!

The CatHater_10

Level 12
What's your Minecraft Username?: CATLOVER_10
What's the title of your suggestion?: A few suggestions related to the school! Self defense and Detention ideas!!

What's your suggestion?:
Anyways! To start it off, I've been given detentions multiple times for defending myself in a fight, apparently you still get a detention even if you win the fight even though you try to defend yourself. Also as a teacher myself, I've seen by fellow colleagues hand out detention for people that have defending there selves.

Second! Going to detention now is just getting more boring especially since task 2 doesn't work. I've also done task #3 about 50 times now, and to say for myself, its gotten really boring to do that one task. One of my ideas is to make these people who get detention either help the caretakers sweep the floor or clean the toilets with the teachers or whoever is available, or help them make lesson plans. I'm pretty creative when making assignment, but I'd rather see what students would prefer during my classes therefore seeing them make lesson plans for me would teach me what they would want to see in a normal class!

Well, that's basically it, other than some other goofy suggestions for the faculty all around. Like a school vehicle to be driven outside of school, basically so we can transport people that knocked out by a mini vehicle, or get to fight easier and faster. Just one of my goofy ideas that wont probably get implemented though.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
How does these suggestions benefit the community? Hmmmm, well I've been hearing a lot of things with the detention and the tasks around the community. One of the things is they would rather do work around the school like DetailRP-ing cleaning toilets and sweeping floors around the school rather than write a 5 page book that is creative. I also heard people saying detention tasks should become more creative with more options. For the first suggestion, it'll just make people more happier with the detention punishment list. Lemme know what you think though!


Level 29
I've been a caretaker and a professor before, though that was genuinely like a year ago so I'm not sure how much the factions have changed since.

In my opinion fighting should always result in a detention, and that's how we were instructed back when I was in the faction. Physical assault = instant detention. Even if it's self defense. Sucks, but just let your character get beat or suffer the consequences. It's roleplay either way - some people seem too adverse to letting their characters lose a fight.

It might just be the wording but
apparently you still get a detention even if you win the fight even though you try to defend yourself.
is a very funny way to put it. Implying that you shouldn't get detention since you won the fight?
I understand that's probably not what you meant but I digress.

I do agree that detention is boring. I haven't been there myself since several months ago, so I'm not sure what "task 2 doesn't work" means, but back when I was in the faction we were allowed to give more creative punishments, such as helping caretakers like you mentioned. I don't see why they would've forbidden that since then, it's just entirely up to the employees to decide if they want to give different punishments to students. If unsure, ask your faction lead. Try things yourself. Not everything needs to be a rule or guideline (though mentioning somewhere that such a thing is allowed would probably help too).

I feel like I was gonna say something else too but I forgor so uhhhhh


Level 201
Community Team
Lore Team
You don't get detention if it was self-defense. That has been told to us several times. Self defence is not needed to be taught at a SCHOOL unless in a PE class then that is up to the teacher, otherwise go to shrine.

Detention is MEANT to be boring, you aren't suppose to be going to detention


Level 41
Community Team
Event Team
You don't get detention if it was self-defense.

That has not been my experience, but yes, that is how it should be.
But I'm not going to doubt you, merely point out it may not be very well known across all the varying people who can give detentions
I mean, you say it has been told to you several times. No idea in what context (just teachers?) but more reminders/clarification couldn't hurt.

With that in mind,
+1 to measures being taken to clarify/remind the relevant parties if it is or can be the case that:
If a student defends themselves against an assault with reasonable force, and there is evidence of this, no disciplinary action is taken against them.​
Teachers should be given discretion in this area, and not be forced to take a magnifying glass and study every student-victim's response to see if they responded with anything other than absolute pacifism. Punishing students for choosing 'fight' over 'flight', and having a 0 tolerance policy against any form of force just seems a tad twisted. Particularly when one of the detention tasks asks students to explain why what they did was wrong.​


Level 29
I feel like I was gonna say something else too but I forgor so uhhhhh
Right what I was gonna say, that's already been pointed out, is that detention isn't meant to be particularly interesting. I still think that punishments that involve a bit more roleplay like cleaning would be nice to see, but the point is, in the end, to deter people from getting into trouble, especially on purpose.

In case the rule is actually that self defense shouldn't result in detention, it should probably actually be communicated to faculty. Also, in my personal opinion, not giving detention when it's deserved is a better evil if the alternative is giving detention when it's not deserved. A wrongful detention for self defense brings a student closer to the possibility of suspension, but if you're not sure if you should give detention and no one is available to help you in any reasonable time, there's no real harm in just letting them off with a warning.

If you or a loved one has ever received a detention wrongfully, you can and should always contact the faction lead (employee, teacher or professor) with evidence of your detention circumstances, and it can be removed from your record if it was actually an undeserved detention. If you don't get a response from the faction lead before detention time, I'd recommend either just toughing it out and going, or explaining to a detention supervisor that your detention was given to you wrongfully. Obviously your success rate depends on how rational the faculty member in question is, so when in doubt, contact staff.

I feel like I still had something to say but I'm writing actual essays so I'll stfu

+1 for the no detention for self defense suggestion, -1 for more interesting detention tasks. Don't get detention. Don't try to get detention. Just don't.


Level 45

ive gone -1 on this because, we had a thing about a month and a bit ago about introducing new tasks like a science task a new maths task etc we are just waiting for it to be implemented. Now these tasks were actually made however they came out wrong and glitched so we should already have them however due to the glitch we didn't get them, so new tasks are on the way its just taking a minute.

Furthermore we can already have people clean toilets or sweep the halls etc that im afraid is nothing new, being able to detailer cleaning toilets or the halls has been a thing for a long time it's just not many people have been told to do it etc, as we usually threaten it to people who refuse to do tasks or if we run out of tasks/seats within detention.

Furthermore for the self defence thing, its very varied, ive been told by some SLT a fight is still a fight even if self defence has occurred.


Level 146
This is more of an issue with how faculty handles situations. What usually seems to be the case is faculty / council will make assumptions based on what they initially see, then side with whichever party brought the fight to their attention (or just assume both parties are equally at fault if they just happen to notice the fight themselves). Rather than taking the time to roleplay out figuring out what happened, many scenarios end with both parties getting detention (even if one isn't at fault).

Personally I think discipline as a whole should get an overhaul, but to fix this specific issue all you'd need to do is really hammer in on the fact that faculty needs to properly roleplay with students in delinquent positions, and maybe clarify the rules in a faculty announcement or something.


Level 7
I mean, self-defense isn't detention worthy from what I've experienced back in my faculty time? So +1 on that fact just think it needs to be communicated more clearly! And the detention tasks aren't really needed, especially since knowing the player base people would practically flood to try and see what the new punishments are, would rather stick with good ol' reliable 10 page sci-fi story!

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