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A Fresh Start - Chapter Nine (Non-Canon Story)

Ender Maximi

Level 8
(Apologies in advance if there are any spelling errors, I usually write fanfics on my tablet but it's hating the WiFi rn so I gotta use my phone -.- sorry!)
As Ender and Emilie headed towards the library after they had left class, they were casually discussing that day's French assignment and the fact that Ender was more than happy to help a struggling Emilie with her project, when Ender suddenly tripped and groaned, as she lay on the floor gingerly rubbing her bruised elbow, "Fuj, co to do cholery było?" She snarled to the tall boy who had purposely stuck his foot out from his seat against one of the rows of lockers for the sole purpose to trip Ender up, "Oh shut your trap, you Polish weirdo," He answered coolly, before proceeding to flirt with Emilie, "Hey, wanna go buy a coffee?" He suggested, completely ignoring a now-incredibly-pissed Ender, who was currently giving her a piece of her mind, in the form of Polish swears, but all Emilie did was step closer to the lad, before whispering menacingly, "If you ever try and hurt my friends again, and then proceed to miserably flirt with me, you'll be paying for a detention, not a coffee," Emilie stepped back and helped a now-hysterical Ender to her feet, and together, they continued on their way.

Once the pair got to the library, Emilie sat down, followed by Ender, who instead of sitting on the seat next to her best friend, slumped to floor at the foot of said chairs, her knees pressed tightly to her chest, "Hey, you okay?" Emilie asked gently, and watched Ender nod her purple-clad head silently, before swearing as the bell rang for 4th period, "You wanna come to class?" This time, Ender replied audibly, as she stood up, "Y-yeah, what c-class?" She stammered, before running after Emilie, as they ran toward their next subject, which was Art. As they jumped into the room in the nick of time, they were greeted by the groan-worthy sight of the kid who had offended the purple-haired girl not twenty minutes prior to their arrival. Ender and Emilie just scowled at the kid, before heading to their seats; Ender's by the door, and Emilie's the row behind. As they drew a character of their own design, Emilie noted just how good her new friend was at the subject, twisting her paper and pencil as she saw fit, all the while sketching lightly. At the end of the lesson, the teacher congratulated Ender and Emilie on their drawings, seeing as they appeared to have been the most eager throughout the lesson. While Ender and Emilie sat on the bus listening to their music, they both wondered why so many people chose to hassle the pair of them so much.
Hope you liked it! Again, sorry for any spelling errors!
Polish 1: Ugh, what the hell was that for?
Chapter 10:
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