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A Fresh Start - Chapter Thirteen (Non-Canon Story)

Ender Maximi

Level 8
(Was waiting in traffic for 2 hours worth a 10-minute consultation? Not really, but it kept me off school, so fine with me :P Enjoy!)
A few hours after she left the nurse's office sporting a bandage around her calf, she was just packing up her bag after last period when she was approached by Skye, the girl she had made friends with in the nurse's office, "Heya Ender, heya Emilie!" She smiled at the pair, and the two other girls grinned back, before Ender had a bright idea, "Hey you two wanna walk home to my place for a while? My sister won't mind, I'm pretty sure." Skye and Emilie thought for a second, before grins lit up their faces and they nodded enthusiastically, "Well then, let's go!" As they left the school grounds, they saw no sign of Daniel as they walked towards Ender's house, which was just down the street, "Hey Ender, do you have any idea why Daniel isn't being an asshole today?" Emilie asked in a questioning tone, "I może mieć coś z tym zrobić," the girl in question answered cryptically. Emilie just laughed, but Skye looked thoroughly confused, "What language's that?"
"Polish; I'm half Canadian, half Polish, it's kinda cool."
The trio said little more as Ender saw her beloved home in sight, just across the street, "There it is, c'mon!" As they reached the front door, Ender pulled the keyring off of her backpack and used one of the keys to open the door, "Nethe, jestem w domu, plus kupiłem dwóch moich przyjaciół!" Nethe came racing through from the living room, her maroon hair flailing out behind her, "Hey Ender and Emilie, how're you?" She greeted the pair of them, before turning toward Skye, "What's your name? I'm oNethe, Ender's twin,"
"I'm Skye, nice to meet ya Nethe," Skye stuck out her hand and Nethe shook it gladly, "So who wants to hear the story of why Nethe's never at Taketatsu?" Ender questioned, before leading them all into the living room and crashing on one of the couches.

"Mkay, so here we go. So me and Nethe are at our old school in Canada, and when a kid reached 6th grade you had to do an IQ test, right? So me and her are at home, going through our results. She opens the folder it's in, and on the part where it says IQ Level, the number next to it is 126, which is the highest any 6th grader ever got at that school. Therefore, said smartass got to jump high-school and now goes to - take it away sis, I can't pronounce the name." Ender pointed her fingers at her twin, who cleared her throat, "Shinotaketatsu College, a few blocks away from Taketatsu High!"
Ender, Skye and Emilie clapped as Nethe tried - and failed - at a bow from her seat on the couch, "That was a great story Endii and Nethe. So, what are we gonna do now?" Skye asked, almost at the same time as Emilie.
"Pillow fight and films?" Ender suggested, "You too sis!" Ender, Nethe, Emilie and Skye all grinned evily, before racing upstairs for pillows, or grabbing them off the couch.
Hope ya all enjoyed! Ender's coming outta her shell now kinda, although I be planning a major catastrophe in chapter 14! Stay tuned! -dun dun duuuuuun-
Polish 1: I may have had something to do with it.
Polish 2: Nethe, I'm home, plus I bought two of my friends!
Chapter 14:
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Level 9

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