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A new weapon, ranged weapon

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Level 10
What's your Minecraft Username?: Stylishcamo
What's the title of your suggestion?: A new weapon, ranged weapon

What's your suggestion?:
This idea came when i was wondering, why dont we have any ranged weapon that gangrpers or criminals can use, so i thought of a short idea that isn't well thought of but it was worth a shot.

RANGE: 4 block
- The weapon can stun people for 5 seconds, meaning they can't act, run, use the phone.
- The weapon can negate the effects of the bali
- If in combat range, the weapon can't fired
- If fired and the user was unmasked, the victim will gain minors but if hit 3 times in a row, it will be majors
- Illegal weapon
- Ammo for the weapon will be bought for 50k each
K.O. (HOW MANY HITS?): 3 hits

( I might have missed some stuff but this isn't a well thought of idea )

How will this benefit the server and community?:
  1. Well.. another weapon that can be used to escape in a situation, depending if its a chase, kpd, or someone trying to mug you-

"Always aim for the nuts, mikey"
Y[GRADE-12] Nazuna Kou (1).gif


Level 95
+1/-1, I see how this could be implemented and would be a good idea, However I personally do not know if it will be added. I personally believe the only ranged weapon being accessible in Katakura should be the KPD tranq rifle. Just personal opinion though.


Level 1
-1 I don’t like the idea of shooting weapons for non-KPD, the fact that you need minors to use it is also a bit… just no.


Level 115
big -1

allow me to elaborate:

- 1: This is WAYYYY to OP. And I'm talking incredibly. Having essentially a taser-like item that immobilizes players for 5 whole seconds, unlimited ammo if you have enough money, and something that negates the perks of a Bali? At that point, you're just asking for a KPD taser without the range. Or just a longer-ranged pepper spray. Both faction exclusive items.

- 2: That's also point 2, the range. Ranged weapons of any kind have always been a stigma. And this is very comparable to the many suggestions of adding Glocks and Tasers to the purchasable weapon roster. So allow me to use the Yonio Copy Pasta:

Guns have never / will (probably) never be added to SchoolRP as purchasable items. Here are the reasons why
- Community Behavior: Weapons that rely on server plugins and not roleplay can result in trolling and unmonitored misuse of the plugin. If we were to give players access to these, there is nothing preventing them from shooting at everyone in a public area or misusing it in any other way
- Realism: SchoolRP's map is set in Japan, one of the countries where finding an useable gun is virtually impossible. I'd suggest doing some more research on this, as there are a lot of sources that can back this up
- Perms: We would need to categorize how guns could be used and moderate the actions that people do to shoot, which is already relatively hard for officers and staff membe

Now, of course, this is for guns. Whilst the community behavior still stands, the other two points don't hold up but they can still be applied.
> Getting a crossbow is an ... interesting purchase. It's not almost impossible but for sure is it not needed and this is most likely just a way to get around the TOS and mc EULA going against guns
> The perms for it simply hang around minors and majors, and only need minors to use it is not a good idea seeing as they're still fairly easy to obtain. So then you can add in the section Yonio wrote of having to categorize and create new perms for the usage of the weapon which will be a pain in everyone's butt to monitor

- 3: It promotes the usage of keybinds. Much like Tasers and KPD tranqs people will most likely just make keybinds for it if they're in a chase or something like that so then it's kind of iffy to go against.

- 4: Also relating to point 3. You state it cannot be used whilst in combat. This means it's only usable before any other combat actions (which yes, /grab is instigating combat). That limits its usability so much that if these were to be a good idea, it's practically useless.

- 5: And the biggest reason is just Yonio's reason as to why Glocks were never added. The community behavior. This simply will just result in misuse and trolling with the plugin. And weapons become more server plugin dependant rather than creative roleplay.


Level 7
make the ammo like 250k each and majors to use it will become a +1 and rn its a -1 and up the price to around 750k cause guns type of weapons arent cheap

sir meow

Level 45
Community Team
-1 if your this scared you'll lose a fight maybe crimerp and gangrp isn't for you


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion! After discussing this with the team we have decided to decline it.
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