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A prom suggestion


Level 6
DATE: 21/5/2021
WHAT YOU NEED TO SUGGEST OR MENTION: I think that should host a prom event for every student to attend to. I believe this is a good idea because it would be very fun and this event might attract new players or maybe bring back players who quit SRP. But there is some flaws with this event potentially that players might not be doing anything or want to do anything at this event but if we spice it up a little players might want to attend the event and do some fun things :D
A idea that might drag players to participate in this event is a king and Queen vote. When a King and Queen get voted on they do a slow dance and both get a certain prize etc. THANKS FOR READING


Level 343
HS Sports Lead
It's been a little while since we've had a school dance due to the overuse of the event format over the past two years. However, dances and seasonal events will come back soon after this In-Character semester is finished (This Saturday after graduation). Expect to see more events in the coming months during Summer.

An Event calendar for the Highschool & Community College will be released within a week or so including rough dates for school dances, blood drives, large school trips, etc.
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