players online

a /tp apt command


Level 19

I see this suggestion with good intent, but unfortunately, nothing good will come out of this except for convenience.

FAILRP/AVOIDRP: /spawn is bad enough, but /tp apt is something that sounds much more enticing in my opinion due to the fact that I'd be at my house within an instant and I could lock myself away. This is going to cause a sprout of players avoiding others VIA teleporting to their apartment.

IMMERSION: At this point, add a warp to every single major location while ya' add it. As said previously, this is a RP server.

One of the main reasons this is available is because players end up stuck in certain spots. If you remove /spawn, then they have to go to staff. Staff obviously do not want lines and lines of dms asking "Hey, I got stuck in this spot. Can you TP me out?" especially when staff aren't available due to time zones. I mention this because it happens to me as well.
Im just using the persons logic against them, plus im not gonna lie but the server isnt entirely realistic now. It's not even a schoolRP it's more of a lifeRP if u think about it


Level 100
Community Team
Lore Team
Im just using the persons logic against them, plus im not gonna lie but the server isnt entirely realistic now. It's not even a schoolRP it's more of a lifeRP if u think about it
The server has never been entirely realistic because if it were, then I'd argue that not a lot of us would enjoy playing


Level 42
If that's the case then /spawn should be removed then ;)
So what happens if a player gets locked in somewhere, or glitched? Spawn is there for a reason. /tp would be just for convenience so, not needed.


Level 200
This has been suggested, and it will never be implemented. There are far too many potential downsides such as failrp, and avoidrp.



Level 4
Thread starter
Im just using the persons logic against them, plus im not gonna lie but the server isnt entirely realistic now. It's not even a schoolRP it's more of a lifeRP if u think about it
why dont they change the name to liferp? it would get more people to play

The FJ

Level 97
why dont they change the name to liferp? it would get more people to play
Probably, most likely, because their branding is already schoolrp! If they changed it, they would probably have to change the forums to LifeRP, as well! Nobody would be able to access the forums! The IP is schoolrp, currently, so that'd have to change, onrain is schoolrp, so that'd have to change, there would just be too much, and it'd be too much of a hassle!


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

- Whilst it's possible, we have a subway system and public vehicles to fast travel which can all be roleplayed.​

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