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A view through fractured glass


Level 12
We build our lives around perspectives, our own ways of seeing things. A reality personification that we create through experience, knowledge and emotions. Much like how each reality can change depending on the outcome of events and their effects on us. The way we view ourselves and our connections to others. If you think of yourself as different aspects of one greater being.

Just as easily as we can carefully create this world around us, we can destroy it and so can others. We build bridges between worlds, making connections, friends. We find love and form new worlds and beings within it. We cry and flood rivers in the world we build or we become destructive and turn all our work into ashes. Some times we become a void, our world just becomes nothing, it stops existing in one instance. Like a giant hole swallowed up everything.

In moments we can fail to register what we should feel, what we should react with. How we should react, why we should have a reaction. It's like our brain can't process the outcome and we become hollow, we forget what we felt, we forget how to feel that way for a while. We talk a thin line between chaos and stability. We hold our umbrellas over our heads to shelter us from the rain of bad thoughts and wait for the wind to blow us away to better places. We wait and wait till we feel something, till we can find a reaction.

As an ending to this, I want you to remember that in times like these, using our connections is what we should do. Reach out to trusted people, seeking comfort and stability. We all have our bad days and having someone there with an accepting smile and comforting hug is really all we need some times to feel better. I that personality, some days, I want to lay down my controller or close my laptop or turn off my phone and just lay in someone's arms, feel the warmth of another person when I know that I feel cold.

Being your best self isn't always being your true self and you should never want to compromise the values you were instilled with.

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