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Accepted AAadhira's Caretaker Application


Level 7


What is your Minecraft username?:

The Minecraft username which I am applying for is AAadhira.

Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):

I have had a single Discord account since December 25, 2020. The user under the name is aaadhira1006.

How old are you? (Optional):

As of the time of writing this application, I am seventeen years of age. However, in August I will be turning eighteen!

What is your time zone?:

Based on my location, I fall under the Mountain Standard Time (MST).

Describe your activity on the server:

As of recently, my activity on SRP has been active since June of 2023. My appearance on this server has been seen as a frequent time to log on and been consistent overtime.

During my early stages within School Roleplay, I have associated myself with a bunch of Gangs within the server, including some such as Man'en and Black Dragons to name two where my role played a bigger part within GangRP. My roleplaying experience has risen to where it is now based due to my questions I have asked to get better at roleplaying, my dedication to persevere, and my understanding towards the genre stapling my main rise of activity within the server.

Alongside that, I have taken part in College Student Council to focus on the SchoolRP aspect of roleplay, including roleplaying assistance towards other students, helping faculty members, and seen as someone people look up to during rough times with the genre. My appearance on Esrah, as a councillor, has appeared really active throughout the day and shows my dedication towards the server as a whole; siding with my playtime listed at the bottom.


*A table of times are provided. TBD is due to finding an out of character job and times will be notified when it happens.*

Characters Used:

Esrah Jin-Ryuk Kyoshiro (Applying For Caretaker)

[Grade 12] Camilia H. Rivera

[Sunday] [Monday] [Tuesday] [Wednesday] [Thursday] [Friday] [Saturday]
Primarily online
between 12:00 to 23:00

Primarily online between 12:00 to 23:00
(However applying for a job oocly where hours are TBD)

Primarily online between 12:00 to 23:00
(However applying for a job oocly where hours are TBD)
Primarily online between 12:00 to 23:00
(However applying for a job oocly where hours are TBD)
Primarily online between 12:00 to 23:00
(However applying for a job oocly where hours are TBD)
Primarily online between 12:00 to 23:00
(However applying for a job oocly where hours are TBD)
Primarily online between 12:00 to 23:00

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

I have had two experiences on SchoolRP where my account has been banned from the platform; both being for a two week ban.

- Erotic Roleplay (ERP): Back in July of 2023, my actions of ERP has provided the depiction of a negative towards those around me and myself; I however learnt from that mistake and decided to distant from the idea of it to better the school roleplaying experience!

- GoreRP: October of 2023, a detailed carving action into another individual was done and posted on a gangrp Discord server in which one felt uncomfortable. My reaction to it was understanding and I personally distanced myself from gore based roleplay to prevent a negative environment towards myself and towards those who I am roleplaying with.


Do you acknowledge that if you are inactive you will be demoted?:

Yes, I do understand that my inactivity without a proper reason to my inactiveness is a proper reason to demote or even remove myself from the faction.

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

I am having my character, Esrah Jin-Ryuk Kyoshiro, apply for the School Employee Role as a School Caretaker for Karakura Highschool and College!

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:

School Caretakers are seen to be vital towards the state of the school while keeping the educational grounds as a safe environment for the students, supplying support to the students and be responsible to assist any outbreaks that does take place within the school. Caretakers are seen to be considerate with their students to ensure that each student is on well behavior while they make sure that the school area is in order for the people within Karakura Highschool and College. Presented are a list of things I would like to provide for a member within the Caretaker faculty position!

Care Towards The Students!

During the school day, I would present myself as an individual where anyone can come towards my presence for assistance in order to determine better outcomes for scenarios for issues involving students; and to propose ideas to better their understanding of situations. Alongside that, I would have my assistance towards those who are newer and unsure of what rules towards the school are and to better the place of comfort for the students who see the school as a safe place. To add on, a Caretaker would allow themselves to relate to the students to understand their point of view, before jumping into conclusions; making sure that the students are well behaved, the school is in a tidy and ideal order, and to make sure that the school is presented as a place of hope for the younger determination among the rest of the students!

Faculty Support!

As a faculty member, it is a Caretaker's job to also assist in anything needed from their collogues. If students are not cooperating and assistance is to be needed, a Caretaker would come over and help understand and deal with the situation alongside their coworkers. Presenting care towards the students with a smile to make them feel safe while presenting the issue at hand for them to solve together. Caretakers would also help with situations involving faculty with other faculty, trying to determine the issue and to offer assistance in both tasks at hand to ease the stress off the other coworkers within the school!

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

As a member of Karakura Highschool and College, originally as a student, my time on the server has provided a widespread of different roleplay based scenarios in which my understanding has settled. Originally a GangRP member for gangs including Man'en, Black Dragons, and a few smaller names, my understanding with DetailRP has improved vastly over the past year of my activity. Alongside that, I have attended servers in which roleplay of different factions have been having practice with their actions and have taken the time to study them to become a better roleplayer in the SchoolRP Minecraft server! Now, serving the role of College Councillor, my roleplaying techniques include formulating my understanding of the other person, presenting my roleplay type, and to collaborate with others to provide a safe and free roleplaying experience within the town of Karakura.

Why do you want to join the School Employee faction?:

Admiring on what I have seen from the Caretakers and what they do for the school, my reason for wanting to join the School Employee faction is primarily for the experience and to allow myself to understand the faction more; to take advice from other faction members to better my understanding of the faction and to overall have a good time! I enjoy helping others out if they ever needed assistance, alongside giving advice towards others to better themselves and to overall improve in their life to submit to success and to create bonds with one another to better their acceptance towards the server and school. I know people usually only join due to an adult tag role, however I am determined to show that I am not applying because of that and wanting to increase my roleplaying knowledge in order to assist others when needed and to better the roleplaying scene with me playing a part to the contribution. I have already felt that enjoyment of assistance as a College Councillor, and I would like to take that understanding of roleplay and use that understanding towards the job as a 'Caretaker' for all the students within Karakura Highschool and College!

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

The items listed above are all applications I have used to apply for a language, appeal bans I had on the server, and applications towards a faction I wanted to partake in!

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

My current role on School Roleplay in the town of Karakura is the role of a College Student Council Member!


/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

As an understanding person patrolling the hallways of Karakura Highschool and College, my character would ask them kindly to keep the attitude to themselves and to not go around harassing people over nonsense. If, for instance they keep it up after three times of asking them to stop, a detention would be distributed appropriately and a note towards the other faculty members would be made to ensure the safety of the students in the school; alongside the generalized respect which should be provided across all division of the school district. The idea is to understand the person's perspective of insults and to de-escalate the scenario to make sure that no harm is done towards the students, faculty, or anyone else within the school!

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:

Seeing the two students physically abusing each other, my character would step in to distant the two individuals in the conflict. In the meantime wait for the two students to calm down by basic relieve methods in order to assure a safer environment. Alongside that, if needed, the appearance in the council room would be recommended to assure the privacy of the two students, and the distant threats that could intervein the conflict between the two. My character would also ask for both sides of the matter, determining who was in the right and who was in the wrong of the fight and its build up in order to keep a fair judgement of the matter. Eventually, if the two make up and not fight anymore then my character would let them go on about with their day; if more troubles occur, a detention slip would be provided to ensure the safety of the other; especially when afterschool hours occur.

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:

My character would approach the person committing towards the negative, dangerous acts and ask them to stop as it would provide a danger towards themselves, and create a negative influence and perspective of the students while they are growing up. If a civil agreement of their act was to be recognized, the day would proceed with the way it was going. However, if the employee were to believe they are not doing anything wrong, or decide to backlash the topic against my character, a discussion would be held by other faculty members about the matter and towards SLT in order to ensure the safety of her co-worders on board and to ensure the safety of the children in the school.

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?

My character would remain civil with the other employees in the breakroom and to listen to her music as she desired to; enjoying the break gifted to her. In the process she would create smaller talks to her employees in order to ensure the safe space of talking towards the rest of her crew. Alongside that, she would ask others about how their day was going and to wish them the best of luck on the next step of their teachings. Once her break is complete, she would place the garbage in the appropriate spots, recyclables in their respective locations, and clean up the glasses and her eating area appropriately for the next person deciding to sit there!

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me As the lady sat the two down for a gentle talk, she would look at both of them with an attentive appreciation for the two, awaiting their words to flood towards her in order for her to deal with the conflict in front of her. "Now why don't you tell me what the issue is? Starting with you." She would say, looking towards [Enter Student's Name Here], her pen pressing onto the paper placed on her desk to understand the student's perspective. Awaiting the student's answer, she would gently write her notes of the student, their reason for why the fight broke out, the reason they reacted, and to understand the student while listening to their reasoning.

/me Pulling the chair back for the student, allowing them to be comfortable around her, she would sit in her own chair typing on the computer a document on what the student could do to advance through their education and to study better lifestyle habits along the way. "So, you told me you struggle with time management?" She would question the individual, allowing the person to answer at an easy pace to assure their answer accurately. The soft clicking of her keyboard would overhaul the silence in the office, giving the student a better time to think and to elaborate their words towards the female.

/me Monitoring the halls, she would see a student smiling and waving at her, locking eyes with the individual, she would smile sweetly at them assuring the safe place for the person to approach them if they needed to. Alongside that, she would gently wave at them allowing a few soft words to escape her mouth; "Hello dear, is there anything I can assist you with?". She would express a nice expression towards the student in her vision, offering the assistance needed for them to understand a scenario, or issue, on their mind.


Full Name (First & Last only):

Esrah Jin-Ryuk Kyoshiro

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss):

I would prefer the title as Miss

Preferred Name:

I would prefer the name given as Miss Jin-Ryuk or Miss Kyoshiro

Age (Minimum is 25):

I am twenty-six years of age.


I am biologically a female and identify as a female as well.

Academic Degree:

I was given my PHD in education during my time within Karakura Highschool and College within my College years.


For major degrees, I was granted my master's degree in educational psychology, and my
master's degree mathematics, chemistry, and literature.


I was granted my degree in Career Development and my degree
in Finances


My Nationality is Korean

Known Languages:

I speak a widespread of languages, including Japanese Sign Language, Korean, and Spanish. Alongside my general Japanese around Karakura!


Younger Ages:

During the younger stages of her life, Esrah would be a smarter student, presenting herself on time towards any classes she attended within her middle school years. She would always come to school ready with a pack of paper and a pen ready at hand in order to take her notes wisely and to increase her education. Growing up, she was always picked on due to her albinism appearances, always being picked on by being called a ghost, phantom, and even a yokai at some points in time. At first not paying any sort of attention to it, Esrah provided herself with a smile and a charm of optimism in order to support the people around her and to make sure that her friends also felt safe within her grasp. When Esrah was thirteen, she had a close friend who presented a wise conversation with her upon the students picking on her:

"They are only picking on you because they think that they cannot be like you, show up with a smile, come to school happy and proud of who you are, it wont take them long to realize that you simply do not care about their negativity. They feed off of it, if you sit down and listen, are you really you?"

As her friend told her this, Esrah would give a simple nod of acknowledgement. Esrah used to be a quiet girl who presented her education higher than simple bullies trying their best to make her life miserable; however she persevered. She would always come home with a smile on her face, assisting her father with anything he needed, assisting her sister with her school work when required, and assisted her brother with anything small he was unable to do on his own. Esrah showed herself as a girl of light, always ear to ear with a smile as her motivation for her actions provided positivity for her state of mind.

High School Era:

The year of twenty-fifteen was a harder year for Esrah as a person, growing up she always felt close to everyone she talked to. She would always have that close friend providing words of encouragement to assist her throughout her rough times and to better herself as a person. Having a hard time during this era was presented after the death of her older brother and the disappearance of her close friend. Lying in devastation, Esrah would appear to present her charm to everyone but herself, often coming to a teary sight when she gave the assistance as all she was thinking of was a flood of motivational words her friend used to tell her:

"Be yourself Ezzy, Be yourself!"

Alongside that, the death of her brother presented a dent within her family cycle. Creating issues within the family including issues between her sister and herself. Feeling isolated she would lock herself into her room as she scrolled through her phone; looking at career ideas in order to better her life for herself. Although she made new friends, gotten close to new relatives, she still felt incomplete. When her chance was given, she decided to sign herself up for Highschool Student Council, allowing her to express herself as another student who is willing to assist anyone who needs it; and to provide a safer location for those her friend and brother never got to have; it was what made her happy. As time went on, years flying passed, Esrah seen a schedule to partake in the College exams during her end within Highschool. Taking the exam, she found out she passed and decided to take that motivation to continue her education and to assist more people as a College Student Council member.

The College Motivation

Time and time went on, Esrah started to become more of herself and expressed great change towards her friends and family. Presenting herself as a safe place for others to speak to if needed shown her efforts of assistance and allowed her to better convey herself if times were to ever get too rough for her. During her college years, she decided to attend classes more frequently, taking the time to get extra assistance to properly gain the confidence to pass her assignments and to elaborate her thinking in order to do what she wanted to do in the future. There was a juggle between careers she desired to do, it was like there was too many choices for her; from a KPD officer, to a Doctor, however she saw one that she felt would fit her dream better than the rest of them: Karakura Highschool and College Caretaker. During that moment, Esrah took the time to study what she needed, passed with honors, and allowed herself to apply towards a Caretaker to assist the students who need assistance and better the school she grew up in during her life.

(The rest of her years are to be determined, and will have more lore built upon if accepted or denied.)

Motivation for Joining KHS (Character perspective):

Growing up, I have been feeling a widespread of understanding when it comes towards the other students around the hallways of the school. As a student council member as well, I allow my understanding and connections to be gifted to the students who are willing to ask for assistance on issues regarding their future or present, and allow them to see me as a safe place for those who need help; with open arms. I adore helping those in need of it, especially those I do not know to give advice out of the kindness and generosity from my heart. I have seen how Caretakers help the students and make sure the school is in a neatly fashion and admire how they are very patient with the students who need more time to communicate in order to help their problems; alongside that, admire the advice that are given to the students from helping them understand what needs to be done in order for them to change, for us to improve, and to better the world for the next generations.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:

I believe that I am a good candite for this position as Karakura Highschool and College Caretaker because of my generic understanding of how one acts and helps the other students. Considering my position on the Student Council team on the College side, and a widely known recognition of help and support towards the students who need assistance and support with their degrees in sports, their understanding of their future career, and their help towards their study habits and time management to better their testing scores and to succeed in their schooling. I am sure my inclusion towards the Karakura Highschool and College Faculty team as a Caretaker would grandly support the school, ensure the students are in check to help them succeed, and set them up for a better future with the techniques they used towards their personal life.


Additional notes about your application:

I wish you all the best with my application, I hope my understanding of the faction allows you, the reader, to accept me into the faction, and to accept me into open arms; allowing my assistance towards the students in Karakura Highschool and College to better their future and to create a closer, safer environment for new and old comers!

Do you have any questions?:

I do not have any questions as of now, I am sure if I am questioning more about the faction, the position, and the role I would play if accepted will be done when the question pop into my head! Thank you again for considering this application!

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Level 202
Senior Admin
Employee Lead
Gang Lead

Thanks for taking the time to apply for the Employee Faction! Please send me a DM on discord for the next steps!

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