Level 77
Out of Character | Basic information
What is your in-game name?: BRUNETTEISAS1AG
What is your in-game name?: BRUNETTEISAS1AG
I currently have some issues with this account, but Mojang has been contacted so there hopefully will not be an issue.
Do you have discord? (If so, what is your username): abi#6636
Do you have a microphone? I do, however, the quality varies.
List your timezone and country: My timezone is BST as I live in England.
How active are you on the server?: I am fairly active on the server. I can go through bouts of inactivity due to school but since I have started my summer break, my activity within the server will increase immensely.
Do you have any previous bans? (If so, link your appeals): I was banned for ERP in early 2020, I did not appeal for it.
Link any past applications below:
Language Applications
French Application [Accepted]
Russian Application [Accepted]
JSL Application [Accepted]
Czech Application [Accepted]
Slovakian Application [Accepted]
Spanish Application [Accepted]
JSL Application [Accepted]
Korean Application [Accepted]
Czech Application [Accepted]
Filipino Application [Accepted]
Slovak Application [Accepted]
Filipino Application [Accepted]
Russian Application [Accepted]
City Related Applications
Shop Application [Revoked]
Police Application [Accepted]
Nurse Application [Accepted]
Psychiatrist Application [Accepted]
Shop Application [Accepted]
Student Related Applications
College Application [Denied]
College Application [Accepted]
College Council Application [Accepted]
College Application [Accepted]
Highschool Council Application [Accepted]
School Faculty Applications
Biology Teacher Application [Accepted]
English Teacher Application [Accepted]
Professor Application [Accepted]
Item Requests
Item Request [Accepted]
Settings Star Removal [Accepted]
Item Request [Accepted]
Inventory Request [Accepted]
Role and Rank Requests
Lore Team Rank Request [Accepted]
Do you have a microphone? I do, however, the quality varies.
List your timezone and country: My timezone is BST as I live in England.
How active are you on the server?: I am fairly active on the server. I can go through bouts of inactivity due to school but since I have started my summer break, my activity within the server will increase immensely.
Do you have any previous bans? (If so, link your appeals): I was banned for ERP in early 2020, I did not appeal for it.
Link any past applications below:
Language Applications
French Application [Accepted]
Russian Application [Accepted]
JSL Application [Accepted]
Czech Application [Accepted]
Slovakian Application [Accepted]
Spanish Application [Accepted]
JSL Application [Accepted]
Korean Application [Accepted]
Czech Application [Accepted]
Filipino Application [Accepted]
Slovak Application [Accepted]
Filipino Application [Accepted]
Russian Application [Accepted]
City Related Applications
Shop Application [Revoked]
Police Application [Accepted]
Nurse Application [Accepted]
Psychiatrist Application [Accepted]
Shop Application [Accepted]
Student Related Applications
College Application [Denied]
College Application [Accepted]
College Council Application [Accepted]
College Application [Accepted]
Highschool Council Application [Accepted]
School Faculty Applications
Biology Teacher Application [Accepted]
English Teacher Application [Accepted]
Professor Application [Accepted]
Item Requests
Item Request [Accepted]
Settings Star Removal [Accepted]
Item Request [Accepted]
Inventory Request [Accepted]
Role and Rank Requests
Lore Team Rank Request [Accepted]
I have a PLETHORA of Role requests, so I have not included them for the sake of the length of the application.
Community Team Applications
Moderator Application [Denied]
Lore Team Application [Accepted]
Event Team Application [Denied]
Event Team Application [Accepted]
Slovak Language Suggestion [Denied/Accepted]
It was denied at the time but Slovak was later added on as a language.
SuicideRP Removal Suggestion [Accepted]
Surname Suggestion [Accepted]
Identity Change Suggestion [Accepted]
Out of Character | Morals & ideas
What position are you applying for?: I am applying for the position of Judge.
What is your motivation for applying?: I have had plenty of roleplay experience within SRP and of course, I have to delve into the new faction that has been released. I especially enjoy roles that revolve around criminology and law. You can see that from my lengthy period of time in the policing faction, when I enjoy a role- I stick with it for months on end. I would like to explore this faction, as it is something that I am passionate about.
Do you have any plans for your spot or character with this role?: I plan to develop my character further in this field of work. To be perfectly honest, as this is a newly released faction, I do not have detailed plans for my character or the role I will hopefully obtain.
Are you aware that if you falsely accuse, imprison, or sentence someone you will lose your role?: I am aware this can happen, however, it will not be an issue in my case.
Do you recognize that you cannot be corrupt in any way? (Being bribed, being biased, etc): I recognise this and this would not happen in any way, shape or form.
Are you aware of the rules each person must follow?: Yes, I am.
Are you familiar with the laws of Karakura?: From my experience in the KPD, I feel like it places me at a good advantage of familiarising myself with the laws of Karakura.
Do you have a good understanding of this position?: I do have a good understanding of this position as one of my parents is a Judge in the British courthouse. I aspired to be in the Law career path until recently, until I realised it was not for me. However, I still enjoy it and was excited when this was implemented.
Summarize what your position does in the town: A Judge plays one of the most important parts of the trial. They need to not be partial toward one side of the argument, staying steady on the path to justice. They need to make notes of the evidence towards the accused, and the accuser. A Judge serves justice, keeping the relevant law and legal matters in mind.
In Character | Questionnaire
Full Name: Nashelle Camelia-Aasira Ruiz
Preferred name & Title: Ms. Nashelle Ruiz
Current age? (25+): 33
Past job experiences?: I worked in the Karakura Police Department for eight years. Throughout my time there, I transferred back and forth from the Detective Division and worked my way up to the rank of Sergeant. As well as this, I experienced being both an Informational and Physical trainer with the cadets. Finally, I also applied and received the role of Chief of Communication.
What plans do you have for the town?: I plan to clean Karakura up. I have seen the brutal killings and just plain uncleanliness within the behaviour of the town. If I successfully complete this job application and interviews, and then have been sworn in; I pledge to be the best form of myself, serving justice to those who need it and those who need to see the error of their ways.
What jobs will you execute with this position?: I shall stick to the facts, finding reasonable evidence that such crime should have possibly occurred. As a Judge, I shall becomes both the trier of fact and the trier of law. This is typical for civil cases, but in criminal cases it may differ. I shall work with those around me, especially lawyers, whether those be appointed to or paid for.
Do you practice any sort of religion?: I am Catholic. My life revolves around the seven sacraments. I am basically required to live similar to a Christian life. This includes praying daily, participating in the sacraments, obeying the moral law, and accept the teachings of Christ and his Church. I also have to observe laws on fasting and abstinence: one full meal on Ash Wednesday and Good Friday; not eating meat on Fridays during Lent.
How did you get into politics?: I was a political major during my final years of College. However, my family and friends disapproved of this as it was described as a flimsy career, with little chance of succession. I have always been a political advocate, whether that being advocating for my rights as a transgender woman, or in general about the unjust in the world.
Do you have a criminal record? If so, list your crimes: I do not have a criminal record as I was a law enforcement officer.
Nationality & Born location: I am Dominican and my place of birth is San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
Fluent languages: (Underline your native): Spanish, Japanese, Japanese Sign Language.