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About Realism and Unrealism ...


Level 38
What's your Minecraft Username?: thechaoscontrol
What's the title of your suggestion?: About Realism and Unrealism ...

What's your suggestion?:
The line established of what should be realistic and what isn't realistic is blurry.

At one end, you're told not to FailRP, which is defined as;

3.2 “FailRP,” the act of failing to roleplay both realistically or properly, is not allowed on the server.

At another end, you have ghosts in the server, unrealistic and strange occurrences that are interesting... But, it'd be even more interesting if some players could do that too.

Of course, this doesn't mean we should be allowed to go to someone and just blast something at them, no, but if there's a way an action is explained and more importantly, consented, then it should be allowed through P2L.

FailRP should be defined as simple misconduct, as the rule itself is even contradicted by rule 5.9

5.9 Do not apply all real life principles to the roleplay universe. Karakura is a fictional island separate from Japan that has traditions and ideals that may differ from present-day, real-life Japan.

Karakura is a fictional place, and SchoolRP is supposed to be all about letting you be yourself, writing a cool story while also making memories with your friends. If some things just happen to bend towards the supernatural, us as players should also be allowed to refer to rule 5.9 so as long as all parties consent to the action that's made.

How will this benefit the server and community?:
This will benefit the community by allowing players to engage with their friends within roleplay in unique ways, ways to make memories on the server through being versatile with one another as long as it's consented.

Let's be honest, SchoolRP is a unique roleplay space in Minecraft with an abundant amount of features could work very very well with anyone's story if someone finds the right group of people to be around, the right props, etc. It practically rules the field of Minecraft Roleplays there are.

If people are allowed to be versatile with one another upon consent, that'd leave room for many people to even share these stories and show how much fun the server's features are, even the new ones.

It'd make it even easier to say SchoolRP is a platform where anyone can enjoy various stories being formed or even adapted as long as it doesn't harm anyone.

This would also make it easy for staff to access misconduct, with two easy questions.

1. Was the action consented? If no,
2. What made the action unachievable?
(This can be answered by screenshots of a roll not being made, a roll that was won, or if there was no consent to the action being made. People will have to have evidence of the consent being made if they want to challenge a claim being made against them for misconduct.)
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Level 21
Although Karakura contains supernatural elements, its regulated amongst players to maintain the integrity of the typical school and city setting. I personally have no quarrels with people roleplaying their own tailored supernatural experiences on SRP in an isolated environment. In fact, this already happens across the server, and I'd argue it's a beneficial experience in the realm of fostering an entertaining and engaging experience amongst friends. The only problems we run into is when that plot points that were accepted as true in that tiny bubble start overlapping with and against the standards of the server overall. But, if you're willing to acknowledge that self-proclaimed supernatural plot points can only exist within your group and not in the broader picture, the issue seamlessly goes away. The players that engage in this already seem to do this very effectively. In this way, the group has their fun, and anyone who doesn't like those supernatural elements doesn't have to engage with them either.

However, these are your characters and realistically, nothing is confining them to only existing in the SchoolRP universe. So, you can always say that the character possesses or experiences supernatural experiences; Though, it needs to be translated to a somewhat realistic representation in SRP. Maybe, for instance, you want your character to be a vampire. Sure, as a character, that may be true: But there's means of translating that to a human and realistic character without taking too much away from those values. Vampires can only enter a home when invited? Maybe, instead, your character just really values only entering a house when clearly welcomed to do so.

In my eyes, this suggestion will probably not get accepted to avoid the complications of any technicalities and whatnot. A rule like this starts to shift the universal rules of SRP in more ways than it seems on paper. And to those that value realism, we also don't want anyone feeling peer pressured into accepting something supernatural as canon.

I don't think this necessarily needs to be a rule set in stone. And I think there's ways of staying true to the character you envisioned. Perhaps, for instance, through other non-SRP mediums? I definitely understand your concerns. Sometimes, supernatural elements are an important value for the characters we envision. Creative freedom is important! I think if players are able to confine instances like this within their group and understand that these supernatural plot points can't be accepted as true to anyone outside that agreed group, then they shouldn't be warned or punished for it.


Level 38
Thread starter
Creative freedom is important! I think if players are able to confine instances like this within their group and understand that these supernatural plot points can't be accepted as true to anyone outside that agreed group, then they shouldn't be warned or punished for it.
I think this is completely realistic too. like many people allegedly have their own supernatural experiences in real life and I feel like its super easy to accept it as what it is, either that there will be people who believe in it, or people who think it isn't real.

I think as long as people in a group of roleplayers (whether they're against each-other inRP or not) are collaborating with each-other and finding a way where all parties could understand a story and the events that lead to it without arguing or insulting it -- people should see it for what it is, just people playing the server and roleplaying, if they don't want to be apart of it, they could do something else in the server through different interactions and pretend it doesn't exist, it shouldn't bother them if they're not there.

Hell, maybe there should be a way to make certain players invisible, that way if people really have a problem, they can turn their visibility off, **of course** this feature
shouldn't work on players with significant roles, teachers, professors, government figures, but should only be allowed on people who you do not plan on interacting with and someone who does not have any Attack Permissions on your character.

**This would also make it really easy to just deal with situations like new players deliberately disrupting roleplay, or players who don't like how someone roleplays so they insult them either through in character means or sometimes out of character.**


Level 14
Ehh, In regards to supernatural occurrences i believe they should be in line with the official lore of the server, so we can't just have random ghosts roaming about.


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
In response to allowing players to consent to all parties having supernatural abilities / lore, this is something that can easily be abused and I do not see being allowed on the server for the general playerbase. Even the staff / event team keep the feature under tight wraps with very strict rules to ensure that the system isn’t abused, and is typically only used during October.


Level 82
On my end, I think that allowing room for the paranormal to occur between normal players is awesome! I don't mean magic, or inhumane strength or something, if anything- I mean actions that indicate the involvement of something /else/ at play. Curses, misfortune, and so on.

Of course, I do not differ from Infi's opinion. This can easily be abused and could turn into OP-roleplay. Though, I think that some means to keep this under tight wraps would be to have some sort of consent, application, or some way for staff to give the green light for such! Perhaps a look into a player's history, applications, reputation and experience alongside assigning one of the staff members from the community team to oversea the actions or /it being made to allow it to be a smoother ride!

Instead of giving groupes of people, it could be a select number who have families, gangs, or some community under their name and would work closely with the community team and SRP staff!

Another way to moderate it would be to have set times, rules, and so on to keep it organized and sensical in the grand scheme of Karakura lore. While I understand how difficult this is, it's simple a suggestion!

It's a hardcapped no for me though in supernatural abilities .. flying, teleportation, possession ..
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Level 38
Thread starter
Ehh, In regards to supernatural occurrences i believe they should be in line with the official lore of the server, so we can't just have random ghosts roaming about.
The question is, why should someone be restricted in such a way when the server is supposed to also be a space for people to bring something new, I am not saying that there should just be random ghosts roaming about.


Level 38
Thread starter
In response to allowing players to consent to all parties having supernatural abilities / lore, this is something that can easily be abused and I do not see being allowed on the server for the general playerbase. Even the staff / event team keep the feature under tight wraps with very strict rules to ensure that the system isn’t abused, and is typically only used during October.

It isn't that easy to abuse.

this doesn't mean we should be allowed to go to someone and just blast something at them,

It's moreso the opposite. If someone doesn't consent to the action that wasn't done to them without any perms or anything to do with their business, its completely up to them to react to it or not. If the action isn't to the person's liking they're allowed to just ignore it completely because that's what many people *already* do with newer players who might not know how to roleplay the way others do.

That goes without saying about any action in the server.


Level 117
I would personally say you're not taking all the context of the rules into account. The FailRP rule is specifically targeted towards people who don't follow other RP rules and who fail to RP properly - less so people who RP without all the realism. I personally don't see it that the two rules are contradictive of each other as they both have different applications

The question is, why should someone be restricted in such a way when the server is supposed to also be a space for people to bring something new, I am not saying that there should just be random ghosts roaming about.

I personally think there are plenty of ways to create an unsettling or borderline inhuman character without using ghosts. As much as I would love to see more ghosts RPed, I think creative freedom isn't a valid enough reason to include them, since there are many other ways to have the same effect without vanishing and teleporting or being undead.

With or without the consent system, it can still be easily abused. If players have free reign to do supernatural things with their characters, this can easily go to far - and if someone doesn't say something about the action it could continue on easily.

In response to allowing players to consent to all parties having supernatural abilities / lore, this is something that can easily be abused and I do not see being allowed on the server for the general playerbase. Even the staff / event team keep the feature under tight wraps with very strict rules to ensure that the system isn’t abused, and is typically only used during October.

Genuinely wondering, if the community and the server weren't in a way that this could be easily abused, would staff be more keen on allowing players to do these things? Or are there are other major factors to worry about besides that.


Level 206
The Occult Clubs Middle Way Approach to Supernatural Roleplay
Schrödingers Haunted Cat
heloooo~ everyone! It's me Erik! The Occult Club Lead!

I appreciate the discussion about REALISM and the use of supernatural elements in SRP - that's actually a topic we often deal with in the Occult Club, so maybe I can chime in here. We always try to balance between maintaining realism/immersion while also allowing for some nifty rp. As the current Occult Club Lead, this is how we approach "spooky action" (outside of October ... and special Storylines) and at the same time respecting the servers rules and making sure that our tiny club roleplay remains interesting and on-theme.

Only Event Team members and Staff can create confirmed paranormal events.
This is a hard rule, and we respect it. True supernatural phenomena are a rare exception in SchoolRP.
However, we in the
Occult Club operate in the grey area of half-supernatural things, meaning everything we do has two possible explanations... one supernatural, one mundane. We treat supernatural occurrences as being in a quantum state of paranormal/mundane quality until proven otherwise. This means... If staff determines something wasn’t actually paranormal, we always have a plausible real-world explanation to fall back on. Any definite supernatural action requires planning and event team / faction collaboration.

This allows us to maintain an most strange/spooky atmosphere without outright breaking realism or forcing supernatural elements onto others. For example...
Objects moving on their own? Could be a poltergeist… or just faulty wiring, loose screws, badly secured inventory, or hidden prank mechanisms.
Voices in the walls? Could be a spirit… or just a student hiding in the vents or the crawlspaces between club rooms or in the ceiling.
Lights flickering? Could be an energy fluctuation due to supernatural interference… or shoddy electrical wiring.
Cold Air in the Middle of the Night? Probably the boiler room powering down again for a hard reset during maintenance hours.
CURSED? Historically, “curses” have often been tied to illness, misfortune, or psychological effects rather than overt supernatural forces. We lean into that.
A "curse" in our Club rp might manifest as sudden sickness, unexplained bad luck, or eerie coincidences rather than blatant yokai phenomena or strict manipulation endowment or other supernatural powers. (Unless of course it is October... things happen in October.)

We focus on
- Sensory manipulation – a character experiencing an unexplained sense of dread, nausea, or a sudden chill.
- Psychological horror – the feeling of being watched, shadows moving in the corner of ones eye, taxidermied birds chirping?
- Environmental oddities – unexplained smells, strange sounds, or tech malfunctions (gas leaks, radio static, clocks stopping, flickering lights).
- Rumors and social phenomena – if enough people believe something is haunted, it might as well be haunted!
(often, it's more the reaction to something haunted than the haunting itself that is the most impactful source of action.)

What we avoid:
- Direct supernatural actions (flying, teleportation, summoning real ghosts or demons) unless staff-approved.
- Anything that forces another player to accept a supernatural explanation.

So to avoid abuse we keep the following in mind... outside of October Spooky Mode:
- Consent is key. We only engage in eerie experiences with those who want to participate.
- CrimeRP restrictions apply. We can’t cause real injuries or environmental damage (so... no dropping heavy chandeliers on peoples heads).
- We never claim something is 100% supernatural. There must always be an alternative explanation.
- We spread rumors, create unsettling atmospheres, and let people interpret things how they wish.
- If someone doesn’t want to engage, they can ignore it. If someone wants to play along, they can experience some spooky action!

That's it - and this has worked pretty well for everyone involved so far. For sceptics - the Occult Club room just remains a very poorly maintained, shoddily rennovated hoard of misfit collectibles and terrible second-rate movie props and half-baked Antiques with questionable origin - and that is good! Because the Occult Club thrives in the grey area where the paranormal and the mundane overlap... With nice and eerie roleplay - all without disrupting realism or server rules.
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Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
Genuinely wondering, if the community and the server weren't in a way that this could be easily abused, would staff be more keen on allowing players to do these things? Or are there are other major factors to worry about besides that.
It’s possible that it could be added but we have to consider the fact that the primary focus of SchoolRP is School. It shouldn’t be drowned out by spirits and supernatural abilities if it were allowed around the clock 24/7


Level 65
Unrealistic behavior like spirits and other things should be allowed, but only with a staff members consent, a good reason behind doing so, and an argument as to how it would improve roleplay and character development.

+1 only if it'd work like how I said.


Level 13
The Occult Clubs Middle Way Approach to Supernatural Roleplay
Schrödingers Haunted Cat
heloooo~ everyone! It's me Erik! The Occult Club Lead!

I appreciate the discussion about REALISM and the use of supernatural elements in SRP - that's actually a topic we often deal with in the Occult Club, so maybe I can chime in here. We always try to balance between maintaining realism/immersion while also allowing for some nifty rp. As the current Occult Club Lead, this is how we approach "spooky action" (outside of October ... and special Storylines) and at the same time respecting the servers rules and making sure that our tiny club roleplay remains interesting and on-theme.

Only Event Team members and Staff can create confirmed paranormal events.
This is a hard rule, and we respect it. True supernatural phenomena are a rare exception in SchoolRP.
However, we in the
Occult Club operate in the grey area of half-supernatural things, meaning everything we do has two possible explanations... one supernatural, one mundane. We treat supernatural occurrences as being in a quantum state of paranormal/mundane quality until proven otherwise. This means... If staff determines something wasn’t actually paranormal, we always have a plausible real-world explanation to fall back on. Any definite supernatural action requires planning and event team / faction collaboration.

This allows us to maintain an most strange/spooky atmosphere without outright breaking realism or forcing supernatural elements onto others. For example...
Objects moving on their own? Could be a poltergeist… or just faulty wiring, loose screws, badly secured inventory, or hidden prank mechanisms.
Voices in the walls? Could be a spirit… or just a student hiding in the vents or the crawlspaces between club rooms or in the ceiling.
Lights flickering? Could be an energy fluctuation due to supernatural interference… or shoddy electrical wiring.
Cold Air in the Middle of the Night? Probably the boiler room powering down again for a hard reset during maintenance hours.
CURSED? Historically, “curses” have often been tied to illness, misfortune, or psychological effects rather than overt supernatural forces. We lean into that.
A "curse" in our Club rp might manifest as sudden sickness, unexplained bad luck, or eerie coincidences rather than blatant yokai phenomena or strict manipulation endowment or other supernatural powers. (Unless of course it is October... things happen in October.)

We focus on
- Sensory manipulation – a character experiencing an unexplained sense of dread, nausea, or a sudden chill.
- Psychological horror – the feeling of being watched, shadows moving in the corner of ones eye, taxidermied birds chirping?
- Environmental oddities – unexplained smells, strange sounds, or tech malfunctions (gas leaks, radio static, clocks stopping, flickering lights).
- Rumors and social phenomena – if enough people believe something is haunted, it might as well be haunted!
(often, it's more the reaction to something haunted than the haunting itself that is the most impactful source of action.)

What we avoid:
- Direct supernatural actions (flying, teleportation, summoning real ghosts or demons) unless staff-approved.
- Anything that forces another player to accept a supernatural explanation.

So to avoid abuse we keep the following in mind... outside of October Spooky Mode:
- Consent is key. We only engage in eerie experiences with those who want to participate.
- CrimeRP restrictions apply. We can’t cause real injuries or environmental damage (so... no dropping heavy chandeliers on peoples heads).
- We never claim something is 100% supernatural. There must always be an alternative explanation.
- We spread rumors, create unsettling atmospheres, and let people interpret things how they wish.
- If someone doesn’t want to engage, they can ignore it. If someone wants to play along, they can experience some spooky action!

View attachment 75984
That's it - and this has worked pretty well for everyone involved so far. For sceptics - the Occult Club room just remains a very poorly maintained, shoddily rennovated hoard of misfit collectibles and terrible second-rate movie props and half-baked Antiques with questionable origin - and that is good! Because the Occult Club thrives in the grey area where the paranormal and the mundane overlap... With nice and eerie roleplay - all without disrupting realism or server rules.
Erik you scare me sometimes

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