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About the Emergency Faction (DO NOT READ IF YOU CAN'T TAKE CRITICISM)


Level 132
Adding onto many mentions within Ecocide and Aania; KPD do indeed look at everyone who applies, We removed the voting system a while back to force this issue you seem to seek. Loooper himself does most background work with the help of all Higher-Ups. We always tend to accept people with good history and activity within the server, or even people who we do not even know, We are always willing to give chances to people with good history, activity and commitment.

I have been KPD for nearly a year now, I have seen many amazing people join and people who I personally have never even met but who have been more then amazing assets within the KPD now / before. Most of KPD and EMS are friends with each other, either it being before they joined the faction or becoming friends while being in the faction, Being connected and responsive to each other makes the faction strong, That is how its survived for so long without issue.


Level 123
I was literally a nobody when I got accepted into the KPD. No one had heard of me or knew me. Just adding that on now.


Level 77
I was literally a nobody when I got accepted into the KPD. No one had heard of me or knew me. Just adding that on now.
THIS SPEAKS VOLUUUMMMEESS. Literally I didn’t know anyone, and know I have so many best friends that I treasure with all my heart <3


Level 68
Hey, so I used to do apps and imma just pop in for a hot second.

This faction in gernal is very very trust based, when people apply its always better to be a bit known by Loooper himself or the higher-ups. Often times when people who have had a troublesome people joined factions, they ruined some of the reputation, if it was from constant toxicity to failrp.
The faction itself is fairly huge and differs in many ways to things like the shop or school faction. Again, as pointed out before, the key part of the emergency faction, is that you can trust your members to not do whatever their little hearts desires and to follow this servers rather strict rules.
Kinda like the sports teams, you want someone you can rely on who'll keep the teams going, not someone who has a bad reputation with other players and will drive it to the ground.

Always a good way of knowing to apply or not is get to know some officers! Ask about their tasks and so on.


I agree, in most if not all cases, it is better off to gain connections and social status between them. Not only can the Lead, Captain, or whoever is in charge of a faction, group, team, etc get a better impression upon you, it'll let them know if you're "Acceptable". Though I do have to say this, and it has been said before by someone else. You don't NEED to, if you have a clean reputation, and a decent-well written application, then chances are you'll have an equal if not good acceptance rate.


Level 41
Thread starter
I have been KPD for nearly a year now, I have seen many amazing people join and people who I personally have never even met but who have been more then amazing assets within the KPD now / before. Most of KPD and EMS are friends with each other, either it being before they joined the faction or becoming friends while being in the faction, Being connected and responsive to each other makes the faction strong, That is how its survived for so long without issue.

I'm aware that new, never seen before people get accepted normally like any faction but this has been gradually decreasing to the point where you'd expect to see an old resigned member than a new one. I hope you guys use the effort put into an application to cover up for other things like bad history or whatever. A person with bad history can easily improve but again, I never see any of you take into consideration the development process of someone who was not trusted before. It's always "Look he did this bad thing" and never "Look he stopped doing it and is improving.". I rarely see this being applied to applications and you guys just automatically deny an application for the simple reason that they did something wrong like months ago.


Level 41
Thread starter
I was literally a nobody when I got accepted into the KPD. No one had heard of me or knew me. Just adding that on now.

I'm sure everyone who joined at first was the same, but do you see that often these days? Let's take the previous cadet wave as an example; Escuzme, Niko, Pepsae, and Aania. Niko and Aania are resigned KPD. Pepsae had just resigned from the EMS. Any new people? You're gonna say Escuzme, right? Cause he's a football player and is trusted? Yeah true. But you have someone like Mookie who is probably one of the best councillors, holds great positions, is generally a very trustable person. I'd trust him with my life. Yet he gets denied? Am I missing something here? I'm pretty sure Mookie has a very clean history and would be an ideal cadet. Correct me if I'm wrong please.


Level 26
Yeah same i went in blind and without knowing anyone but had a worm welcome and learned a lot from that day on


Level 231
Although I do not agree with all points (emergency being restricted to a singular role) I do believe that
I want to see ONLY the faction leader pick who gets accepted and who doesn't (i.e Loooper). This is the case in every other faction, whether official or not. I am very very aware that not everyone picked is picked in a biased manner and there are always new faces who show up in every wave but I've literally reached a point where I can correctly guess who will get accepted by just seeing WHO applied, not even their application and I magically guess it correctly every time.
Bias plagues SRP, even at its core; Having one singular person to decide who gets in & who doesn't will ease these tensions greatly.


Level 135
After reading the feedback I'm not sure whether you're leaving feedback in regards to disallowing KPD and EMS apply for opposite factions as you say you don't want it, although not even a sentence after you say you're 'All for it' if they can handle it. If the person can handle it there is no problem and as you said it, I'm all for it


Like listed in plenty of the replies, everyones application is taken into consideration and if you joined the server 2 months ago, you're not really known as much as others who have been KPD before and did a good job, its obvious who would get the position. But maybe you were on the server for a while, but you got demoted from either KPD or EMS; You need to realize it genuinely takes something rather large to actually force a demotion from either faction and if you did get demoted most likely your chances are very low.

If someone resigns from the position as KPD or EMS and reapplies, this means they are willing to dedicate time towards either faction and does not in any world mean the position was 'Taken from someone who was completely unready to retake the responsibility again'.

In the end after reviewing the replies etc, I see why people would be upset as you wrote a long application and got denied. You need to look at your history; Were you in KPD and/or EMS before? Did you impress the higher ups and give yourself a good rep? Did you get demoted/resign?​

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